chapter 10 ~ Rosalie

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Rosalie; who I called 'Rosie' most of the time, was a huge help to me thought my childhood; we had formed a deeper bond with one another over the years, and it continues to grow stronger, each and every day.

Rosie started taking me to the Spa when I was seven; getting my finger nails painted bright vibrant colours, my toes always painted the same colour to match. Sometimes, I would get my hair done, in new fun ways; never daring to cut my long brown hair that I have—always—kept at waist length, only needing a trim to rid the split ends from my hair. Esme wouldn't allow me to dye my hair, until I was older; but I never ever did dye it. I loved my natural colour too much; I could not bear the thought of covering it up with a cheap dye job.

When I turned sixteen, I was allowed to get fake nails applied; so many different colours, to choose from, I had a new colour every three months, sometimes, I would get little rhinestones or painted on art decals or stickers, covered by a special lacquer, so they didn't peel off.

Soon after that, I was able to do more personal things...such as waxing and threading; let's just was totally worth the pain.

Rosie also helped me study music when I was growing up; singing lessons and piano lessons were something I asked both my parents for. Both my parents and all of my siblings, continuously encouraged my craving for knowledge in every subject I desired to study and learn from; music was no different—twice a week, after being home schooled by Esme and all of my given homework was completed; a private tutor would come to the house for both singing and piano lessons—until I hit high school. I only had singing lessons twice a week after that.

Rosie helped me with difficult pieces; when I was having, a hard time learning. She was also a teacher with great patients and guided me in the right directions of learning to play the piano.

I must admit, it saddened me to play my beautiful baby grand; when the teacher, I really wanted, was nowhere in sight; I asked my father many times, to call Edward and have him help me, but he told me that Edward wanted to be left alone, and to not go behind his or my mother's back to call and pester him. That hurt to hear; but the pain in my father's eyes when he would tell me, not to call...was much greater than my own, so I stopped asking.

When it was time for my special time of the month Rosalie, was the one home; when I started screaming bloody murder. She explained to me that it was perfectly natural for this to occur—I didn't believe her, and demanded to see Carlisle and he explained the same thing to me—Rosie was the one who went with me to the store to buy everything that I needed. And also helped me learn new things along the way; I was never one to shy away from sensitive subjects, so she explained most of what, was going on with my body at the time.

Rosalie was my female emotional rock—my father has always, and will forever be my rock, for everything else in my life.

Rosie taught me a lot about cars, while I was growing up; by the time I was twelve, I knew how to change a tire, check and change an oil tank, and change a car battery—my mother worried about the acid flakes getting on my skin—Rosie taught me never to touch the flakes with my hands. I was to use a grease rag or sweep it off with a little brush. I wasn't much into fixing car all that much, but was happy to work with her when she would ask for my help; when I asked her why she liked fixing cars, she told me, it was soothing activity for her.

When I was sixteen, Rosie was the first person to teach me how to drive, never getting impatient with me, when I would struggle at times and helped me study for my driver's exam for two weeks. I aced my test, with flying colours; she was so proud of me. When we went to pick out my first car; she, Emmett, my father and Jasper came with me. I was so excited.

I had looked at hundreds of cars, every make, model and colour; but still couldn't find the right car for me. That was until I saw the twenty thirteen Mercedes Benz SLS AMG Coupe in Metallic red. I fell in love with it instantly; telling my father, this was the car I wanted.

With its sleek black leather interior, precision handling, quiet engine and drove at over three hundred miles an hour; I was in heaven; the best part was that I got to drive it home, with Rosie in the car with me.

The next day, my parents told me that as much as I loved my new car; I would also need a less conspicuous car for driving around town. I nearly died of a heart attack when, I finally realized I was getting two cars in two days; I squealed in joy and leapt into my father's arms peppering his face in kisses, while both my momma and my father laughed. I may not like fixing cars; but I loved driving them.

That afternoon Rosie, my father and I, went in search for my second less conspicuous car. I automatically knew what car I wanted; I wanted a Volvo. I loved Edward's and wanted one of my own; I chose the Volvo S60, in the same red colour with black interior. This car didn't go as fast as my other car; but it was mine all the same. With, in seat heating, all-wheel drive and packed with air bags for my protection and a wicked sound system, with a built in MP3 player dock...I could not have been happier—I drove home in this car with Rosie too.

Rosie and I didn't do a whole lot of shopping together—that was reserved with Alice—but when we did, she was more than happy to go anywhere I wanted to go. Shopping wasn't a strict time schedule like it was with Alice; we took our time, in each shop and critiqued each other's outfits until we were satisfied with our options and opinions.

It turned out that Rosie and I had the same guilty pleasure; bras, panties, negligee items...I loved them all. The other must have item's that we both shared were; skirts—the shorter, the better—high heels (in every colour and pattern known to man,) purses and last but not least accessories. Between the both of us alone, we could accumulate ten thousand dollars in accessories alone, and neither of my parents complained or made judgments.

Rosie was the sister I never knew I needed. Rosie has always and forever will be my sister of emotions and matters of the heart.

A/N: So here is Rosalie...I know it isn't that great of a chapter, but Rosalie is so hard to do when she is hardly mentioned in any of the books or movies. So please don't kill me or hate me if you are a Rosalie fan. I'm sorry; I couldn't do her more justice.

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