chapter 5~ charm to my heart

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Months still passed without word, from Edward; it was nearing my seventh birthday, and I had voiced to my parents that, all I wanted was, for Edward to come home—even it was just for the day—of course they made no promises, but said they would try their best.

Everyday leading up to my birthday, both my parents sat me down, explaining to me, that Edward, may not come home; for me not to get my hopes up. I told them every time, I understood; I would try and not get too excited for something that may never happen. On the night before my birthday; Alice was buzzing about the house, getting it ready for my party. I don't know why she even bothered; I had no real friends—but I did appreciate it all the same—pink and white crepe paper was hung all down the stair banisters and streamers hung from the tall ceilings. Balloons filled the entire dining room, I wasn't allowed in there until the next morning; Alice had plans for that room.

Esme was off in the newest addition to the house; it was top secret and I was banned from that room too—mostly for my safety. I wondered why, she had suddenly decided to attach a room to the bottom level of our home; my wonders were put to rest the next morning.

I was practically vibrating with excitement, when my father told me I wasn't allowed to see what my birthday present was, until I was clothed, fed breakfast and blind folded. French toast, lightly dusted with confectioners' sugar and dolloped with whipping cream, and cut up strawberries; waited for my ravenous appetite.

Rosalie put me in a pretty royal blue party dress; curling my hair into perfectly coiled ringlets and a few pretty barrettes, she and Emmett had gotten me for my birthday. I was so excited, when Emmett came barrelling into his and Rosie's room, to announce the arrival or my aunt and uncles from Denali.

My auntie Carmen and uncle Eleazar were married, like my parents. My Aunt Irena had her boyfriend Laurent, and my Aunt Katie, had her boyfriend Garrett; while my auntie Tanya, was like Edward, alone. Both of my aunts eventually married, and both had beautiful weddings—I was a flower girl at both weddings.

I was so excited to see all of them, we didn't see them very often, but Aunt Carmen, always talked with over the phone; her native language was Spanish, so she was a great teacher—alongside Jasper—I burst out of their bedroom, practically flying down the stairs, only to be caught by my Uncle Eleazar; I squealed in surprise.

"I found the birthday girl!" He laughed, trapping me in his arms, I didn't have a prayer of squirming an inch away from him. "How is my favorite niece?" He asked kissing my cheek.

"I'm a big girl today!" I told him proudly "I turn seven today, Uncle!"

"Seven!" A voice echoed behind me "What a big, girl you are getting to be!" I very nearly gave myself whip lash, turning to my head, to hear the familiar voice.

"Uncle Garrett!" I screeched throwing myself at him, when Eleazar put me on my feet. Scooping me up in his arms, he darted into the dining room, supporting my head and neck with his free hand—never did I understand the reasoning behind that until I was older—when we came to a sudden fluid stop, my eyes adjusted to see all of my aunts and uncles piled in amongst the balloons.

I screeched completely jovial, bouncing in his arms, with a wide smile on my face; Garrett placed me on my feet and I ran though the balloon covered dining room floor to each aunt or uncle, popping balloons with each step. Laurent even went as far, as having me chase him around the room, tossing balloons behind him, to slow me down; so I decided to crawl under the dining room table and catch him around the legs.

Lifting the leg, I was now dangling from, he laughed. "The birthday girl caught me!" I nodded in agreement, giggling every time; he tried to shake me off his leg, the room burst into a chorus of laughter as I struggled to stay attached to Laurent's legs, laughing until I had tears in my eyes.

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