chapter 11~ best friends nd more

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My popularity at school, quickly sky rocketed over night; I was Bella Cullen-the normal Cullen. I did tend to notice that my friends acted very differently around both Alice and Jasper at school, all of my friends flat out tried to avoid both of them; when I mentioned it to Alice, she told me I was looking into things too much and to not to worry.

I did just that. I ignored the situation until about six months in; on a rare sunny day, Alice and Jasper both claimed they were not going to school. I didn't think anything of it at first; until China, had told me, it was apparently the 'normal Cullen' thing to do.

"What are you doing here Bella?" China asked, shocked as I hopped out my mother's car. Poor thing looked like she was going to die of shock.

"It is Thursday," I laughed as she approached me, throwing her arms around my neck, squealing happily. "I mean if you really don't want me here; I can always get my mom to..." I made the act of getting out my cell, to make it look, like I was going to call my mom; when China, ripped my phone from my hand.

"No!" She shrieked; numerous students looked at us, like we had lost our minds-well China, mostly-"You can't go home now! Jillian is braving coming to school after the whole 'Dylan cheated on me; my life is over' fiasco. And if you love I know you do; you would not let me endure that alone. Only someone cruel would do such a horrible thing to me." China was in full out freak out mode; her worrisome nature didn't exactly help matters, when our friends were freaking out or having a bad day or going through a break up could count on China to freak out, right along with you.

I grabbed her in a tight hug, hoping to calm her down, China was one the verge of hyperventilating; I tried to calm her down as best I could, before Jillian got to school-which was pointless, China would just start up all over again, when Jillian got here.

Oscar and Curtis found us quickly, trying desperately to help me with China; when a loud shriek came from behind us. I turned to find a sobbing Jillian, her arms stretched out, looking for someone to hug; coming out of nowhere Chris ran to Jillian and wrapped her up in his arms; hugging her tiny sobbing frame, in a gigantic bear hug.

One down; one to go...that was if China could ever pull herself together-with any hope, I will be able to make it through this one day. Aka...I am so doomed!

Thankfully China calmed down, and Jillian stopped freaking out; the girl goes through emotions like, water changes directions in a river bed. Jillian is super intense, you just have to find a way to tame each of her emotions as they come to the surface; thank god, I have a lot of patience, or I would have killed someone by now-and if you think, I am joking...Ha!

The morning went by quickly; lunch wasn't as uneventful as the morning has been.

" did your morning go, Bella?" Chris asked, glancing at China, then Jillian; how conspicuous of him, I could see the teasing light in his eyes. Humour dancing in his deep sea green eyes; I couldn't help but giggle.

"I feel like I should get an 'I survived another drama filled high school episode' t-shirt or something." I laughed.

Chris burst out laughing, along with the rest of the table; it felt good to laugh, after such a hectic and semi stressful morning. Cheating boyfriends, a best friend melt down, a whirl wind of a pop quiz Thursday morning; high school was either going to eat me alive, or at least try and take me down kicking and screaming.

"I will take an extra-large in blue, with black lettering please." Chris snickered at me, smiling widely at me; of course Chris would find a way to mock me on such an epic day, like today.

"Are you mocking me?" I said teasingly outraged, unable to keep a smile off my face. "I wonder if I should take offence to that. What do you think Oscar?"

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