Part 10

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Lara's boutique:
Hande came to lara's boutique to collect the dresses that she had ordered. lara had successfully taken forward toulin's boutique and hande maintained her loyalty with the boutique.
"hi lara" lara was at the working table, completing a design.
"hi hande, how are you? I was waiting for you. Your dress is ready"
"I am good."
Cansu had forgotten her keys, so she dropped at lara's boutique to get the key. "lara" cansu said and recognized immediately hande.
"hande! what a surprise!. How are you?"
"I am good cansu, how are you?"
"I am good too"
"how's your hotel doing?"
"good. Especially after feriha relented to renew the contract of night', I am really happy"
Lara left to get hande's dress and mumbled in her breath emir and feriha club' and gave a sardonic smile.
"feriha agreed? Are you sure?"
"yes, we finished the formality yesterday."
"So that means they are back together" hande deduced
"I feel so. Though they have'nt told me anything. But I've spotted them together and Emir probably has shifted to aksoy apartment.
"that's interesting" hande's face lit up." I need to see somebody then"
Lara came with the dress, " hande your dress"
"I'll come again for that, I need to go now. see you"
"okay bye" "what happened to her she left so hurriedly?" asked lara to cansu
"I told her about emir and feriha"
"oh! Now I know!"
Emir at hotel:
Emir was planning the day and at the top of his list was ece. He was sure it was right thing to part with ece, after the recent happenings. It would complicate and now he wanted to live peacefully with feriha.
Emir called ece
"hi ece"
"yes emir"
"can you come to club today. I have something important to talk to you"
"okay, I'll be there in sometime" She answered.
Ece kept the phone down and wondered about the meeting. Emir's voice did not give away much though. After yavuz's rejection , she wanted to stay by emir's side. If working together works, then let it be that way, but it was a bit surprising the way he moved out of the house. That day he was a different man, he was very distant, she couldn't recognize him. may be he has patched up with feriha, but I might've heard by now that they are together anyways lets see and try to retain the job for now' thought she.
Emir called his accounts manager "we have to settle Ms. Ece's accounts today, work it out and keep it ready"
"yes Mr.Emir"
Mehmet came and spoke to emir "we are starting back again. Its good, congratulations"
"thanks" emir nodded, patted his back and left.
Mehmet then went to feriha's room, he knocked at the door levent opened the door.
"Where is she?" asked Mehmet rudely
"Who are you talking about?"
"you know"
"she is your sister Mehmet"
"I know" he looked at him angrily
"she does not stay here anymore"
"then where is she?" he asked a bit softly
"you can find out yourself in the reception"
Mehmet had a surprised look on his face.
He went back to the door of night'
Ece came to the club, Mehmet greeted her good morning'
Ece went past him hurriedly without acknowledging him.
Mehmet mumbed'weird'
Ece saw emir sitting on the bar stool and talking to one of the employee. She went to him "hi emir"
Emir turned on hearing her greet, "hi ece"
"so it looks like we are restarting"
"yes ece, nights' is restarting from today" and he looked around the club
"good .so tell me how are we starting?"
"ece, nights' is restarting, but after a lot of contemplation I believe, we should part ways"
"so this is the condition on which your ex-wife has relented to reopen night'" taunting emir
"ece!" emir said angrily to shut her up
"I understand , your work comes first" with mellowed down voice
"ece, you can settle your accounts with the manager" and emir got up to leave
"emir, after so much this is all I get, I have also worked hard for this and you"
"ece, I have not forgotten anything" and he left, emir signalled the accounts manager to go to ece and settle her accounts with night'
Ece after settling her accounts, came out of the club and said to Mehmet " your sister is way too clever than she looks. How many men she has in her pocket"
"ece, mind your tongue"
"ask your sister" and she left angrily.
Mehmet wondered whats going on? Oh god"
While ece left the club, hande was walking towards the club. She saw her and said" oh! Ms. Ece" she quickly glanced at her ring finger" sans engagement ring. It looks like your hairstyle couldn't save the ring on your hand" hande said with a sarcastic smile on her face
She got a bit closer and said" I told you, their patience won't last long." Ece gave a disgruntled look
"Ece games don't help" hande said looking sharply in her eyes." I don't pity you though" hande left , ece looked back at her and said angrily "we will see"
Ece was at the reception, she enquired about feriha "ma'am feriha
Ma'am is in the accounts section downstairs"
Ece went to accounts section of the hotel, looking for feriha's cabin, ece knocked and entered the cabin
"you are very smart feriha"
"what are you doing here ece? I don't think we have anything to talk"
"yes, you talk through emir with me. Let me tell you the game has not ended yet. Remember my words"
"ece please leave my cabin"
Ece left the room angrily and banged the door, the vibrations of which could be felt by feriha.
Lunch time riza house:
Zehra served lunch on the table zehra, riza and omer ate the lunch quietly. After finishing lunch riza praised zehra for the good lunch
"god bless your hands, zehra"
"thank you riza"
Omer got up from the table and went into their bedroom
Zehra gave riza napkin to dry his hands infront of the bathroom when riza while patting dry his hands said slowly to zehra "call your daughter zehra"and he left quietly without looking into zehra's eyes. Zehra also avoided his eyes and hid her smile. She hurriedly went to the kitchen and she broke into a wide smile, her daughter may finally find way to home.
Emir around lunch time went downstairs looking for feriha. He found her in the cabin lost in thoughts.
"what are you thinking?" he went towards her, she got up too and they hugged each other
"don't hide anything feriha, I can see something is troubling you" he ran his hand on her face and moved his thumb over her forehead smoothening the worry lines on her forehead.
"there is nothing to worry . what happened with ece"
"I've settled all her accounts and the chapter is closed"
"I don't know how much is that chapter closed that girl worries me, her ways are quite difficult to discern." Said feriha quite absorbed in her worries
"what do you want to say" emir asked her a bit concerned, when feriha's phone rang, she came out of her reverie and looked at phone "mom" she exclaimed
Emir asked her to pick up
"hello feriha"
"hello mom"
"feriha your father has asked you to come home" zehra said excitedly
Feriha broke into wide smile
"I'll come" feriha couldn't believe
"emir did you hear dad has called me home" she hugged him tightly "everything will be fine now I know" emir told her reassuringly. He kissed her hair. "let's go" he held her hand and stopped to kiss her.
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Online smriti.verma
Joined: 05 June 2009
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Posted: 23 April 2016 at 5:17am | IP Logged  Report  Quote
On the way to etleir in the car:
Feriha was lost in her thoughts. Emir kept glancing at her from corner of his eyes.
"feriha" she tapped out of her reverie "yes"
You are alright"
She nodded yes "just a bit anxious"
Emir pulled the car in the car park of the apartment turned to her and said" I don't know much how you feel but I know this is important for you and I respect that emotion you have"
She kept looking ahead and said "emir my relation with my dad is a bit different. His belief and my belief differ a lot. I don't know how much we understand each other, but he is my father and I love him. His presence in my life is important"
Emir touched her hand and patted it lightly "come, let's go"
They went till the staircase, and then feriha looked at the staircase spiralling down and then looked back at emir. Emir kept his hand on her back and said" I am upstairs. I'll wait till you call me"
Feriha descended down and emir went upstairs. Feriha knocked the door." I am coming" called zehra from inside
Zehra opened the door and feriha stepped in. "he is inside. I'll call him" she went in the bedroom, and sat next to riza. She said softly" riza she has come, be patient with her "and she got up. Riza raised his hand and said "don't worry"
Riza got out of the bedroom and zehra followed behind him
Feriha kept looking at her father's face. Zehra signalled her to come forward and kiss his hand.
Feriha followed the cue and went to reach his hand, when riza asked her to sit on the sofa.
Feriha looked at her mom and zehra blinked her eyes to remain quiet.
Feriha sat on one sofa and riza and zehra on the other sofa.
Riza said" feriha , I forgave for your acts in the past even if they were against what I believed. You betrayed my trust many times as a daughter. You lied, you ran away, you secretly married, and now you left your husband behind and went with another man. Any explanation that you give me will not absolve you of your acts. But yes this is also true that you are my daughter and somewhere in what you did I am responsible"
Riza stopped her in between
"it is difficult for us to understand each other. But that does not mean that you can't live under this roof" and he extended his hand for her to kiss. Feriha happily kissed his hand and her mom's hand.
"I can stay here?" she asked again hesitatingly
Riza nodded "yes"
Feriha went to her room; zehra entered the room as well behind her. They hugged each other. Feriha closed her eyes to feel her mom. She felt as if her mother's protective wings were back again on her and tears rolled down relieving her of all the pain she faced in all these years alone.
Zehra tightened her grip on her and wiped her tears" don't cry my life. Don't cry" then she caressed her back and said rest a little while and went outside closing the door behind.
Feriha sat on her bed, how much she missed this room, and then suddenly it struck her to call emir.
Emir was waiting impatiently on the chair in the apartment. He kept glancing at the phone and kept rolling it between his fingertips. All sorts of thoughts were coming to his mind, once he thought of calling or buzzing from the apartment but then he calmed himself down it was better to wait.
Feriha messaged emir"everything is fine. I'll be staying here. You can go to hotel. I will try to call you in the night"
Emir read the message and relaxed a bit and left the apartment for hotel.
Mehmet saw today feriha leaving with emir out of hotel
In the night, feriha was waiting for emir. She would peep out of the window every time a car parked outside. Then her phone rang, she whispered "yes emir"
"Are you sleeping?"
"No I was waiting for you"
"Can you come out, is it possible?" she opened the door and looked around "okay. I am coming"
Feriha sneaked out of the house, kept the door ajar, checked for the key below the basket and then closed the door behind her and left.
She hurriedly went upstairs; emir was waiting near the stairs. He smiled at her and she was delighted to see him. They hugged each other, and then emir said "let's go to the park and talk"
At the park bench:
They sat next to each other on the bench "I was a bit worried"
"There wasn't anything to worry"
"How was he?"
"It is not that, that we've traversed the bridge built between us. He is yet not ready to walk that road. It will take some time for us to talk. But for now I am back in the house. The time will heal us. His wounds are still fresh"
He wrapped his hand around her shoulder and she leaned her head on him "when it is dad it is difficult" she said
"you know how much I've been betrayed by my dad still when he says son I want to talk to you I can't say no. I listen to him. It's very complicated for me"
They were quite then, holding and giving strength to each other. Feriha then saw a familiar figure coming; it was Mehmet she exclaimed "Mehmet" emir turned and saw Mehmet coming.
"Feriha you go"
Feriha left and reached the apartment door before Mehmet
Mehmet saw her and said sarcastically "so you are back, where are you staying this time"
"Mehmet" she said "ask me what you want to ask?"
"You are biggest puzzle to me. When you came you were with teacher, hand in hand and now I see you with emir"
I am here in the house with mom and dad"
"What? How did they let you in?"
"That's my house as well, they are my mom and dad and you are my brother don't forget that"
"It's you who forgot all this while running with teacher"
"I did not run away with him. He was leaving and I was going too it just happened that we left together"
"And you stayed with him for 3 years leaving your husband behind, you divorced him. But why will you think all this. You do what you like. you then appear after 3 years send the teacher to pacify us before coming, but let me tell you, your games work with mom and dad not me"
"Send teacher! I did not send him"
"You don't know what your partner does?"
"He is not my partner. He never was, he was always a friend"
"Then what were you doing in his room? If he was your friend did he not care to tell you that by running away you committing a mistake? He was justifying your acts!" Mehmet eyes were red with anger and voice loud
Emir was watching them from a distance, sensing trouble he walked up to them
"Mehmet' emir said
emir you keep out of all this" said Mehmet " you can let go of what she has done, but I cannot" he asked her" did you once think of dad"
"Mehmet control! Go inside"
Feriha went in but Mehmet stayed out.

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