Drabble 4

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Shinichi had a particularly miserable day - two bad cases, one a messy murder and the second a kidnapping resolution in the death of a little girl.

Why did that matter? Well, at a moment of lunacy he scratched someone's brand new Lamborghini with his car keys, which left deep grooves. While he has damaged the car - he could also easily pay for the damage - the problem was rather whose car that was.

Bingo! The car belongs to none other than Heiji and their relations were already complicated enough - he couldn't need a car damage added to it.

While they weren't on bad terms, their relationship has changed a lot since the Conan days - they were friends with benefits, lovers, then friends with benefits again, and then back to just friends. Their dynamic has drastically changed and he did not know how he would approach to Heiji, or Heiji's reaction to the car.

Sure, he could just leave and pretend that this included has never happened, but that wasn't exactly a good thing according to his morals. So while he waited for Heiji, he prepared himself for a long - probably fierce - talk.

However anything he got was a hug from behind, Heiji's strong arms around him and resting on his waist he had a very clear idea of the punishment Heiji had for him.

And let's just say he is more than blithe to oblige to his Masters orders.

Detective Conan Heiji X Shinichi DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now