Drabble 7 - Perfect

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He was a lucky man - living the dream life of many; Born to wealthy parents, healthy, smart and dating one of the most beautiful people in the whole country. What for could he even ask? He already had it all, but he was greedy non the less. Having a couple of beautiful boyfriends would be great, everyone would agree on that, but he wasn't such a jerk to cheat on his boyfriend because he seemed not to want a polygamous relationship at least for now, so he considered himself lucky because Shinichi was a pervert. Unlike many others he went out with this one actually tried new things out he wanted to try and would cooperate if there was something Heiji was interested in as long as it fit with the list of things he would do in bed - he did a lot of them.

Now, if only his friends wouldn't behave like he betrayed them when ever he dared to say his boyfriend's name. Apparently he was leaving his clique to be around Shinichi, who had him wicked around his little finger, and him spending so much time with his loved inevitably led to them being low on his priority list even though they were friends since kindergarten. They were good compared to Kazuha when he first announced his new relationship status - though she still hasn't calmed down and was quick to badmouth Shinichi just so she could feel better about herself and her feelings she had for him. Really, how was this the perfect life? He couldn't even spend some time with Shinichi without someone complaining to him - even the police department had chimed into it.

That wasn't going to stop him though. The other detective was a delight to be with and he couldn't exactly bring himself to care of what others thought about him or in this case them.   Shinichi was far too precious to him to give him up because his friends disagreed - basically being jealous. They weren't children anymore and right now he felt like his life was playing house and he was the one who would have to endure all the bullshit.

Next weekend, Shinichi and he were going to go to the Onseen - giving him the perfect opportunity for some alone time, away from pestering idiots, and lots of free time for all of these sexual endeavors. He couldn't await getting rid of one nagging Kazuja and spend time with a naked Shinichi instead - hopefully unloving lots of sex underwater as well. If everything went as planned then they should be relaxed, like that Hawaiian spirit everyone talked about, and ready for action and taking on all those dumb rules their friends imposed on them; They would practically scream if they even so much as held hands in their proximity.  The struggles of a 17 year old with douche friends - it was clear he needed new ones, send as these have gotten it over their head.

At least he still had Shinichi and a couple of sane people in his life. It was pathetic that one of them was the fricking Kaito Kid, an old scientist that blew things far too often and a karate champion with anger issues; No matter how much Shinichi assured him he wouldn't be ever relaxed around her even if that made for awkward double dates with her clumsy boyfriend - luckily after a few of them went horribly wrong he was stopped being pressured into it and double dates were no more. Now, if only he was able to run away from it all and escape with Shinichi then he would be truly happy.

But for now, he could entertain himself with other thoughts. For example, not long ago he and Shinichi roleplayed with Shinichi starring as a young third being caught on one of his crimes - or technically She was caught seeing as the other detective was indeed in women's robes and played the woman then - he made for an believable, beautiful woman by the way. If he hadn't known better he might have thought that it was an actual woman if not for the fact that he was sleeping with him so here was no way out of knowing his gender - he rather enjoyed seeing Shinichi's erection outlined when he was wearing his usual pants. Or how it showed his ass of perfectly making every curve visible - fitting like a snakes skin - skirts were overrated he concluded whenever he visited tht one particular scene with Shinichi still fully clothed bent over the desk. If Yusaku Kudo knew through what everything his desk had gone then he certainly would burn it down - though he had his own, albeit funny, suspicion that he already knew, because according to his Shinichi his father was all knowing. He remembered the adorable face of the other when he retold him a story from his childhood which involved Yusaku knowing the impossible.

There were so.mamy things that two of them had gone through and to think that they haven't even known each other two years ago! Unthinkable. Who knew where he would be now without his little Shin-chan? Life certainly wouldn't be as wonderful without him; Sure, he wouldn't have to argue with his friends but he would never love someone like that. He couldn't even begun to think about it, what if Shinichi ended up with someone else? That Kaito guy he was interested in before the two of them were dating, just barely knowing each other?

Something clearly wing his but yet so out of reach! If they two of them ever broke up, which statistically speaking was very likely going to happen (just not now), or if something had happened to the other he wouldn't be able to deal. If their relationship doesn't end in a breakup then the only other thing that will end it was death and that might even be worse. On one hand hehiped to e the first one to die because then he will not have to deal with all the Pain he to Shinichi's passing, but then Shinichi himself would go through that and therefore him dying first would inflict pain, heartbreak and emotional distress to his beloved which wasn't an option. Some thing's were just straight out cursed because they had to be.

This wasn't easy on him, but he also realised that he was overthinking, again, because they were only 18 for fucks sake. They wouldn't even experience any of that in years to come - if no surprised and accidents occured.

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