Drabble 11 Proposal

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Lying to his detective boyfriend was a bad idea, probably one of the worst he had on his life; you don't lie to someone that solves murders and shit for fun - Heiji knew that and he knew that very well too, he was a detective himself after all. He was arguably one of the best in whole Japan, but so was Shinichi (and Shinichi was even regarded higher up on that list than Heiji himself, though that was a low ego blow for Heiji and he did not understand why people would think that, at all) and making things up to him while it was clear that Shinichi already had suspicions towards his activities was absolutely idiotic. It wasn't that he had a secret mistress or something, so in that regard he was still relatively safe if he could claim so, but he was shopping around for an engagement ring for Shinichi and lying to him was necessary for that, but at the same time incredibly dumb - Shinichi hated being lied to, it would probably, very likely cause a fight I'd he didn't play his cards right ( and there wasn't even much playroom as to what was acceptable to do and what not, there weren't many ways how to handle the situation for him to get his desired result, or even just the next best result) which could be fatal for him if he didn't do a good job at it - Shinichi could say no if he was full of anger and behaving like a douche, like he already had to in order to get out of the house and have free time for the purpose of planning the best way to propose he could pull off, wasn't exactly something that would get him far in that whole fiance thing.

Doing what he did was distinctly dangerous and reeking of dumbness. But then again, even the smartest people on Earth made many, many mistakes so he wouldn't be the first one that didn't really show his intelligence outside of his chosen field of study (dead bodies, crime) or simply chose to not bother behaving according to what his brain thought was going to be good - what was going to get him somewhere and in this case, that what would get him married to his lover. He wasn't about to regret his decision just because he felt guilty - he would do that when Shinichi or if Shinichi rejected him. He really hoped that Shinichi would never do that, mostly because he had no idea what to do if that case scenario happened except being absolutely heartbroken; he really didn't know what would happen. Would they still be a couple ? Could they even continue being a couple after that disasterous falling out? It was clear that after he proposed to Shinichi, and depending on how Shinichi reacts and what answer he gives at the end of the day, things will change either for the better or for the worst. He was now afraid of what would happen if it was the worst, which he apparently hasn't thought enough in the past months since he got the idea of making things even more serious between them. If they continue dating each other after they broke up then that would leave a huge mark in their relationship and lots of things would definitely change - and that was what he was scared of. He couldn't lose Shinichi, he didn't want for things between them to change that drastically for the worst, or changing fir the worst at all, and even though he had many rings in front of him to choose to give Shinichi, he wasn't sure if he wanted to pick up one at all anymore. He was short from backing out, but he wasn't a dick to the guy he loved for a month just so that he could go empty handed home. He picked up one that seemed to fit his loved the most; slim, elegant and without much adu (especially considering that the ring had to not be obstructive in any way or the detective wouldn't be able to wear it due to work - which okay, he could still wear a ring, it wasn't as if it was forbidden, but it had the potential to make some situations harder to bear; for example it could be proven an instruction when escaping or leave evidence Beijing if it was too big. Aside from that Shinichi wasn't into bling bling anyways), but yet it was made so that it looked luxurious - Shinichi's friends or the media wouldn't let him ever live down giving Shinichi just some ring that one could buy for 10 bucks or so. Especially not Sonoko or Yukiko, he wouldn't doubt that she would see it as a personal offence if he chose an engagement ring that didn't scream beautiful and expensive - for whatever reason. Shinichi should better love it, if he said yes that is, because he did have to spend a lot of money for a ring of all things. They could be monetarily valuable, this one obviously was or else he wouldn't be paying nearly as much as he did for it, but had nothing really to them. They were just an accessory in the first place and the symbolic it supposedly held, many and many years ago, he nor Shinichi cared about.


When he presented the ring to Shinichi, many months later after he was forgiven from being a douche during his planning, he got an answer. It wasn't a nice answer he had hoped for, but it wasn't a no either. While Shinichi didn't exactly specify as to what it was, it was clear as day that the answer was somewhere in between maybe and later, but Heiji was just happy that it wasn't a no se je didn't really care. He already had the ring, he already knew that Shinichi was enough in live with him to consider such a thing and first and foremost the wedding was just the cherry on top of their relationship. Shinichi claimed that he wanted to spend his life with Heiji, which Heiji was also all too keen on, obviously, so in a way they were already married. They lived together for years, they had amazing, mind blowing sex even before they went on their first date - which made for a very interesting story to be told - and they basically were already married. Shinichi was the one to point that out for him, and he was right more or less. While marriage is supposed to be for life, it really isn't - it's much more like a relationship that is harder to get out, bit marriages break apart many ways and many of them also. While there were technically some benefits to marriage, they weren't going to exactly use them anyways - Shinichi was all too eager to point that out, too. These days, Shinichi seemed to point out so many things that would make Heiji not want to marry him - for whatever strange reason - (and Heiji couldn't exactly wrap HHS head around that, because duh) but that reminded him also just how much he wasn't dating a girl. The detective was quite girly, if Heiji was allowed to say so, but when he did things like that it really emphasizes that he was SO male. Which okay, could be a bad ponut to make, but Shinichi certainly didn't behave like an average girl in most situations and this was definitely one of them. The only thing that made Shinichi girly in Heiji's opinion was that he looked feminine, had a kink of wearing cute clothes and didn't exactly bother to appear masculine, also the fact that Heiji could not for the life of him try to make him top and insisted for Heiji to let him vum only from anal without being touched - but he was a top at heart. Oh, he didn't know if he would be able to stay in a commited relationship with Shinichi if he suddenly turned and his mind became that of Kazuha or some other chick he didn't like; he was gay, okay, and therefore he did want to date a guy even if the said guy was cute. He was allowed to find people attractive without defending his position, okay?

But fact was that he and Shinichi aren't going to get married, at least not yet and Heiji actually didn't mind it after he came to the realisation that he already was married but just without the right paperwork. He could be an idiot too.


Heiji was a persistent idiot to say the minimum. Even though he was fine with living life as they did, he still wanted to make Shinichi officially his - more than everyone knowing he was his boyfriend that was. He tried again for the second time years later, which got him an annoyed reaction but also a yes. It was a win win for him.

Detective Conan Heiji X Shinichi DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now