Chibs: imagine #1

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You were currently sitting across from your old man in the diner just outside of town as he patiently, well not so patiently waited for you to answer him. He had "caught you" with your ex but didn't stick around after walking in to see why he was there. You and your ex weren't doing anything at all besides sitting on the couch talking about his mom whom you still visit once a year.

"Are you gonna tell me why that dick was in my house sitting on my couch!" His voice was raised and you held up your hand as you shook your head. Everyone in the diner was already looking at the pair of you because of chibs cut, but now they didn't dare look a way, every eye and ear were fix on the two of you.

"If you must cause a scene we should actually fist fight and give these people a show with their dinner." You tried to crack a joke, while it was an awful one, your old man normally laughed at them regardless because he loved your awful attempt at jokes.

"Just answer the question Y/N" he narrowed his eyes at you trying to intimidate you and it was working. You weren't really afraid of your old man but the fact that he was giving you that look meant he would kill you if you gave him the answer he assumed it would be.

"Well if you must know, he stopped by to tell me about his mother." You sighed leaning back into the booth never once breaking eye contact with him.

"Bull shit!" He slammed his hand down on the table.

"It's fucking true!" You were yelling now, not caring about everyone still looking at you and getting a sneak peak into your life with the jealous old man. "His mother just got diagnosed with cancer and is laid up in the damn hospital! He stopped by to see if I would run up to St Thomas and see her! If you think I would bring that man into your house after all that shit he did and do what you think I did you are absolutely insane!" You were growling with anger as you grabbed your purse and walked out the door leaving chibs with a shocked expression and a pang of guilt in his chest. The two of you had been together for five years now and he knew you were still close with your ex's mother, hell she was practically your mother, she took you in when your family had all but abandoned you.

You rushed out to your car fuming mad and slammed the door before speeding off to the hospital, you didn't even think about how mamma (that's what you liked to call her) would look or even feel up to a visitor today. Your ex had told you that she didn't know she was sick until she collapsed one day, he rushed her to the hospital and found out that she had stage four lymphoma and probably wouldn't make it another 6 months. That was 5 months ago, he had waited so long to tell you because he knew how chibs would feel but he couldn't put it off any longer despite your old man.

You slowly made your way up to mamma's room with Tara by your side holding your hand, you were shaking like a leaf and didn't know if you could walk in there.

"Go on." Tara coaxed you as she lightly pushed you into the room.

"Mamma." You breathed out not able to trust your actual voice. She had tubes coming from everywhere but she still smiled at you and reached for your hand.

"My beautiful Y/N." You both had tears in your eyes and were to distracted to notice Tara and now chibs was standing in the doorway. "I'm so sorry I didn't call you Y/N, I didn't want to be a burden." You scoffed as you let some of the tears spill over.

"You could never and will never ever be a burden to me mamma." You kissed her cheek and hugged her lightly not wanting to snag any tubes or wires.

"I'm sorry Y/N" Tara spoke up making you face her with a death stare. "Visiting hours are over.." Tara's voice trailed off but you didn't fight her on it, you didn't need to cause a scene here as well.

"Okay." You nodded to Tara just noticing chibs standing behind her. "I'll see you tomorrow mamma, I love you."

"I love you too baby, have a drink for me tonight." You smiled wide and kissed her cheek again before walking out of the room and into chibs arms. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you in closely.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry for doubting you." His voice was laced with guilt but you didn't want to give up that easy. You didn't comment but continued walking down the hall when alarms started going off and nurses and doctors ran past you. At first you didn't pay it to much mind until you realized they were rushing into and out of mammas room. You ran back there as fast as you could only to be held back by chibs as you tried to get into the room. You yelled kicked and hit chibs trying to get out of his grip and over to mamma as they tried CPR but it wasn't working. And then all of a sudden the flat line sound faded out along with everything else as time seemed to slow down. You stopped kicking and screaming as tears rolled down your cheeks waiting for anything to happen or someone to do something, but you were only pulled back into reality when the doctor called time of death.

Chibs finally let his hold on you loosen but you took the opportunity and ran, you ran the short distance to the clubhouse grabbing a bottle of jack and a bottle of captain before heading up and onto the roof. You received many looks from the guys but happy was the most concerned. He had known you longer than anyone else and knew you wouldn't be like this unless something major had happened. So against his better judgement he started following you up and onto the roof.

~Happy's POV ~

I started to follow Y/N up the ladder but chibs yelling stopped me.

"Where is she, where is Y/N." He yelled at no one in particular.

"She went onto the roof." I simply stated before starting to head back up the ladder.

"I'll go." He tried to push me off but I held my ground.

"If she wanted you around she wouldn't have ran here and up on the roof, she would have stayed with you. Let me just check on her see if she really doesn't want ya before we go pissing her off more." Chibs only nodded his head as he ran his hand threw his hair. "Y/N?" I called out as I shut the small door.

"What." She spat taking a sip of jack as she played music on her phone.

"What happened." I sat down next to her but didn't touch her.

"Nothing." She snapped again.

"It ain't nothin baby girl you and I both know that." I nudged her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she spoke.

"I went to see mamma today. Rick he stopped by told me that she was in the hospital with stage four lymphoma. They didn't want to tell me yet, I don't know why, but he said she wasn't sick until the day she was." I nodded knowing she was talking about the day she had collapsed. "Chibs walked into the house and took one look at Rick and left, he thought I slept with him." We both shook our heads at that. "Anyway, I met him at the dinner just outside of town before I went to the hospital. Went off on him and told him why Rick was there and then I left and went to the hospital. I was there for maybe ten minutes then had to leave because of fucking visiting hours." She hugged heavily. "I wasn't even halfway down the hall when she died." Y/N wiped a tear from her eyes and looked up to me. "Is chibs here?" I nodded.

"Ill go get him." She smiled lightly before turning back to the now dark sky.

~Y/N Pov(I guess??)~

You chugged the rest of the jack as chibs climbed onto the roof, neither of you said a word but you would rather it be like that than him say some stupid sentimental bullshit to try and make you feel better. Chibs sat down next to you pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you pulling you closer.

"I'm sorry love." He whispered into your ear.

"I'm sorry too." You shrugged knowing that you shouldn't have yelled at the diner earlier but you were to pissed off to care at the time.

"I love you" he turned you to face him and kissed you hard and you happily returned it.

"I love you more fillip." You smiled as you laid your head on his shoulder as you both enjoyed the silence before the club party tonight.

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