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You had just put your son down in his crib as he finally, after what felt like century's, fell asleep. You sighed in relief when the door to his room shut softly, you made your way into the kitchen and decided to start on dinner for you and your old man chibs.

After 6 years your routine set itself in place and with the new addition to your family 6 months ago the only thing that really changed was not working anymore. Chibs had wanted you to be a stay at home mom and he made sure that happened no matter what. You hated it, you had always been one to work but chibs insisted. And after a night of arguing you conceded. So here you were, making dinner and patiently waiting for him to come home.

You were busy chopping up some onion when you heard a thump in the living room, with no one else in the house besides you, your son, and your pitbul rocky, who was currently in your sons room. You stiffened. Grabbing the knife tighter in your hand you slowly and quietly made your way over to the wall that separated he two rooms and peaked around the corner.

Your blood ran cold as the rather large man stood up, obviously from climbing through your window. You weighed your options, you could run to your sons room where rocky was, but you couldn't, You would be leading him straight to your son. You could call your husband but he could easily hear you, the same went for calling the cops. You mentally sighed as you knew even if you could get ahold of anyone, you wouldn't last long in a fight against him. You slowly pulled the phone from your pocket and dialed 911 as you hid and watched the man walk down the hallway completely oblivious to the activity in the kitchen.

"911 what's your emergency"

~Chibs POV~

Jax, happy and I were currently talking to hale who had been here to ask about a disappearance of one of the town members daughters. While we took care of the man, who took her, hale didn't know that.
(I don't know much dispatch lingo so if it's wrong, forgive me)

"Dispatch all units to a break in at 1145 princess anne drive. Caller specified a large male of unknown decent in her home. Ambulance 6 needed as well" my heart dropped as the call come over the radio.

"Y/N" hale immediately hopped into his car and jax, happy and I sped out of the lot on our bikes.

~Reader POV~

You had placed the phone down on the kitchen table, still on the line with the dispatcher who had requested to stay on and watched as the man reached for your sons door.

"Don't!" You yelled out hiding the knife behind your back as he snapped to face you. He was Mayan from what you could see if his tattoo and while you wanted to run and scream, you'd be damned if he laid a finger on your baby. By now rocky was going crazy at the smell of a stranger outside the door. The man backed off the door slightly, keeping eye contact with you before charging at you. His hunting knife in full view, you charged at him and ducked under his arm when he reached you, slicing the back of his calf when you turned around. He reached out to grab you but you slipped out of his grasp easily but couldn't miss his knife as it skimmed across your cheek. It was only a surface cut but it was enough for your anger to peak through. You lashed back at him giving him a match surface cut to yours.

"Bitch" he whisper yelled. "You'll pay for that." He growled. You got up and ran for your room where you kept your gun, but was soon pulled to the floor in the hallway. The man turned you over onto your back and put the knife to your throat. "I'm going to enjoy this." He smirked as you looked over to see your sons door. You reached for the door handle, the man to stupid to realize what you were doing, but pain radiated from your chest. You looked back to him cutting into your chest, not enough to kill you, but enough to scar. You cried out from the pain making rocky bark again from the sound of his mom (yes my dogs are my children and I am their mother.) in pain. You groaned reaching for the handle again, tears steamed down your cheek as he continued his assault now making cuts into other places on your torso. You finally reached the handle and opened the door, rocky jumped out and latched onto the mans arm making him drop his knife. You grabbed it and threw them behind you as you heard the sirens coming down the street.

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