"I got this"

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You had been cleaning the clubhouse all day while your old man opie and the rest of the guys were out on a run. They were due back any minutes so you decided to clean and waste some time before they got here. You lazily walked outside into the crips almost winter air zipping your hoodie up before lighting a cigarette.

Sure enough not even five minutes have past when you start to hear the familiar rumble of Harley's announcing the guys arrival. What you weren't expecting were the cops to be right behind them. County, town, state and the Feds were all there.

"What's going on." You asked ope as he kissed you on the cheek.

"There here for me." Your head snapped around to face opie.

"For what." He hung his head low, not in shame but it was like he knew what you were ready to do, being jax's sister, your temper was already at a peak high.

"A murder, baby." Ope whispered to you releasing the hold on your arm the second he felt the heat surge through your body.

"Mrs. Winston, or teller." The only female cop started walking over to you. "I think we should go sit down." She pointed over to the picnik table but your eyes were drilling holes in the back of hales head and your feet were firmly planted in the ground.

"I'm not going anywhere." You spat out, the anger was radiating off you.

"Mam your husband is about to go to jail, please sit down before you bite the head off of every other cop here and get yourself arrested." She snapped back at you, shocking you for a moment as she matched your tone.

"They are putting the wrong person in handcuffs." You weren't sure what you were doing or why you were saying it, but none of the guys would be going to jail today.

"What do you mean?" Opie and the female officer asked simultaneously.

"I committed the murder, none of them were involved." You hadn't realized that everyone around you had grown silent and had heard your 'confession.'

"You what?" The officer asked.

"I committed the murder, it was me." You shrugged it off and lit up another cigarette to calm your nerves down.

"Baby what are you doing?" You didn't answer your old man.

"Y/N, don't do this." Jax called out while he walked over to you. "Don't be ridiculous."

"I've got this" you looked up at your older brother and opie who were now infront of you side by side. You turned around swiftly as one of the cops tried to put you in handcuffs and punched him, you knocked him out and now every cop was surrounding, some had guns raised others, like hale and Unser were trying to talk you out of it.

"This is crazy Y/N, just stop it." Unser tried reasoning with you but you weren't having it. You turned to another cop who didn't have a gun pointed at you and punched them as well before three others grabbed your arms putting you in handcuffs.


It's been about a year sense you were arrested, you hadn't seen any of the guys besides tig and happy and every time you would ask about your old man or brother they would change the subject. Over the months there you had caused multiple fights with the other female inmates out of pure boredom, but today, today you were getting out.

"Let's go teller" the guard snapped at you as he unlocked your cell door, you patiently waited as he handcuffed you and the dragged you down the hallway.

"This isn't the right way." You said out loud noticing that instead of heading to the front of the jail where release was, you were heading deeper in and closer to the men's side of the prison. "Where are you taking me" you demanded from the guard but he only kept walking never saying a word. He opened a door to what looked like the men's showers and you saw about 5 other guards there as well.

"This is just an unlucky day for you teller" the head guard snickered. "Put her in." The guard who had walked you here undid your handcuffs before pushing you into another room and locking the door. The room was dark at first, the only light coming from a window to a different room.

"What's going on?" You heard your brothers voice and looked back to the window to see him, chibs and opie standing there. The lights turned on around you to reveal 5 burly men who didn't look very happy to see you. "Y/N!" Jax shouted once he saw you going opie and chibs attention.

The men started to circle you, various weapons in there hands. You looked between your brother and your old man and smiled. 

" I got this." you said before turning to face the many people who for some reason wanted you dead, you fought as best and as hard as you could but the men were to strong for you. You were never meant to win this fight, one of them hit the back of your head sending you to your knees. 

"Y/N!" Jax yelled as the same man hit the back of your head again, this time killing you instantly, you wish it could have been different, but you knew that it would have been one of them that ended up dead instead of you and you didn't want that. 

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