Imagine convincing juice to help you hide a body.

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You stared at the body laying on the floor in front of you, debating on what exactly to do with him. Juice would be here soon, but your old man happy wouldn't be home for a few more days. You definitely couldn't leave the body until then, you sighed heavily trying to heave the 200+ pound man into your kitchen where you had laid multiple tarps down. Once you had successfully moved him to the middle of the tarps you grabbed the axe happy kept in the garage and lit a cigarette as you looked over the body carefully trying to figure out which body part you were going to chop off first.

"What the hell Y/N!" Juice yelled as he walked into the kitchen. "How did you, what the. What did you do" he sighed in frustration and squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"He broke in while I was in the shower, he tried to attack me as I came out of the bedroom, obviously I won." You smiled" Now are you gonna help me hide him or not?" You arched an eyebrow still smiling mischievously at him but he kept his hard expression.

"No! I'm not going to be an accessory to murder!." He yelled

"It wasn't murder! It was self defense juice, if I hadn't fought him off and killed him I would have been the one who was dead, and what would you have said to happy then? What would your excuse have been for you not being here when you said you would? Hm? All the blame would have landed on you for not being here. So either you help me hide this bitch or I give happy a call and let him come home and take care of it." He stared at you shocked, knowing you were right he called tig to come with the van. 

It took a little more convincing for juice to hold the arm you were about to cut off but eventually he agreed and you quickly cut clean through. The rest of the limbs went just as smoothly

"What the hell is going on here baby girl?" Tig looked shocked to see you almost covered in blood from the limbs being cut off.

"Well you see what had happened was.." Tig held up his hand and cut you off,

"I don't even want to hear it, I'm an innocent party in this. Now go get cleaned up juice and I can take it from here." Tig kissed the top of your head, the only place that didn't have blood on it, as you passed by him smiling.

You had taken your time getting cleaned up and redressed but when you finished you quickly made your way back out to the kitchen to start on dinner, only to stop dead in your tracks as you came face to face with your old man and Chibs.

"Hey baby, what are you doing home so early." You went to sit in his lap at the table and give him a kiss but his hard expression kept you locked in your place.

"Why don't you explain to me what happened today, explain why when I came home there was a chopped up body in my kitchen." You weren't sure what to do, you had thought about calling him but you knew how he would react and you didn't want to get in trouble.

"He attacked me, so I uhm, so I took care of him." You were fidgeting in your spot.

"And where was juice?" His voice still full of anger.

"He was running late." You shrugged. "I was in the shower and heard a thump in the hallway, I thought it was juice but it was that asshat." You sighed looking down at the floor or anywhere other than haps eyes. "This isn't juices fault, don't hurt him" happy stood up and walked over to you, putting two fingers under your chin and forcing you to look at him.

"I'm so proud of you little girl." Your face contorted to confusion.

"You were just mad at me, I- I. Just. What?" Happy smirked as you stuttered and kissed you gently.

"I'm mad you didn't call me to help you." He leaned in and whispered. "You know how hot I find you when your dismembering a body." He joked making chibs gag and you laugh. A large smile plastered on your face.

"I love you daddy." You joked back, he hated you calling him that.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I love you too princess." He kissed your cheek gently before wrapping you in a hug.

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