Imagine your old man chibs finding you dead.

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Your old man had been away on a month long run and was returning today, you couldn't have been more excited.

"You'll meet me at the clubhouse right Y/N?" He asked you over the phone, they were at there last pit stop and maybe an hour or so away from charming.

"Of course, you'll see me standing there as soon as you pull in." You couldn't help the smile that was plastered on your face, it had been stuck there all day but you didn't care.

"I love you Y/N I'll see you soon." You heard the other men's engines turn over stirring the butterflies up in your stomach.

"I love you too chibby." He hated the nickname but never told you to stop calling him that so it stuck after your first date over five years ago.


You grabbed your purse and headed for the door, keys in hand when the door was kicked in.

"Get down on the floor." A man a very tall man with a mask over his face yelled at you, you obeyed not having any form of defense at the ready. "I hear your old man is coming home soon." You gulped at the amusement in his voice but never broke eye contact with him, you watched his every move and saw two figures push passed him and into your home. One of the other men yelled to the one standing in front of you and you took the chance and reached into your purse for your pistol. "Oh no you don't bitch." One of them punched you stopping you from grabbing it and pulled you across the floor into the kitchen.

"What do you want?" Your voice betrayed you and it came out shaky and weak instead of sting and steady like you had intended.

"Oh don't worry this will all be over soon." The man that had kicked the door removed his mask showing you his face, never a good sign, you knew they were planning on killing you.

~Chibs Pov.

As we pulled into the clubhouse I looked over the small crowd of old lady’s with a smile only to see Y/N not there.

"Gemma." I yelled as soon as I got off my bike. "Where's Y/N?" She shrugged.

"I'm not sure baby, she hasn’t been here." My heart sunk and I hopped right back onto my bike and sped out as my brothers yelled from behind me. Everything inside me told me she was in trouble, and I couldn't shake it the closer  I got to the house.

~Y/N Pov.

You slumped over from the pain of all the stab wounds, nothing to bad yet, just enough to make you bleed, but you wish they would just end it already. You knew the game they were playing, but you knew nothing not an ounce of club business and Chibs liked it that way.

"Just finish her already." One of them grumbled as he stepped forward pushing the other two out of the way. He pulled you up by your hair and stabbed you repeatedly in the stomach as you stated back into his eyes as blood trickled out of your mouth, even more coming up now and you started coughing and chocking on it. "There." He dropped you and said something else inaudible, and like that they were gone, vanished. You had no idea if you had blacked out long enough for them to leave or if your mind was playing tricks on you. You pushed yourself up, as best you could with the cuts and wounds all over your body, and stumbled over into the living room. You had been shoot for the front door but your vision was so off you ended up there. You stumbled and fell to the floor as the front door opened and a frantic Chibs was yelling your name. You could hardly hear him but he was there, the same goofy smile plastered on your face as you took your last breath listening to your husbands voice saying your name one last time.

"Y/N!"He yelled as he looked over the house, your keys and purse still lay infront of the door and the blood that had splattered the kitchen in plain view as he looked up. "No" He gasped out as Jax and tig walked up behind I him. "Y/N!"He yelled again more frantic this time as he made his way further into the house, seeing the blood trail you had left behind on your little journey, he followed it. Tears already spilling from his beautiful eyes as he slowly walked into the living room. "No!" He screamed when he saw your lifeless body, just laying there, smile and all as he ran to you. Clutching you in his arms as tig and Jax followed, both now crying just as much as you were like there little sister. "Y/N"Chibs whispered your name over and over as if you could hear him as tig tried pulling him off you.

"Come on man." Tigs voice cracked as he looked over you trying not to fully think about it but the tears still spilled out of them.

"I love you so much Y/N" Chibs cried as he let you go and stood up slamming his fist into the wall next to your wedding picture before Jax pulled him into a hug as they both cried.

Forever isn’t always forever in this life.

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