The hardest choice (JuicexReader)

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Your things were all packed and in your car as you patiently waited for juice to finally come home. The past year of your relationship had been rocky to say the least, he was hardly home anymore and when he was it was either spent with him being a complete asshole or the two of you fighting.

You tried time and time again to explain how you felt about things, but every time you did you ended up a crying, hyperventilating mess from how mean he was to you. It's gotten to a point now where you dread him even coming home at night and thank god in the morning when you woke up alone.

"Hey babe." Juice called out but his voice trailed off as he saw you leaning against the dining table. "What's up?" He laughed slightly with a smile.

"I'm leaving you." Your voice was void of all emotion and his face dropped.

"What?" He stammered out.
"I'm leaving you," you stood up and walked over to the door. "I'm tired of being treated like a piece of shit by you juice, I'm done." With every word you said, tears escaped and fell into his face.

"You can't leave me!" He practically yelled.

"Why shouldn't I? You're hardly ever here anyway, I understand when it's clubshit juice," you've sighed "but I've checked the clubhouse multiple times and you're never there once club business is done. According to the guys you go "home"." You rolled your eyes trying to stay strong and not break down in front of him. As much as it was killings you to stay, it hurt even more to leave.

"Baby please don't go." He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. "I- I'll change, I'll be home by 8:30 every night" you started shaking your head.

"No." Your facade was beginning to fail as tears started to form in your eyes

"Yes! I swear baby I'll change, please just let me show you!" He started rambling on and on and you couldn't hold back any longer

"I can't!" You yelled unintentionally. "I've asked for this over the past year and you are just now realizing what the hell is happening! Only when I'm leaving, halfway out the door, do you see how you've hurt me.

"Hurt you?" He almost scoffed and it took everything in you not to punch him.

"Yes, hurt me. All I've tried to do is fix us, but you haven't even been here. I can count the amount of times I've seen you in the past six months ok one hand." You pinched the bridge of your nose trying to calm down. "I have tried everything I can to get you to realize what's happening and every time I do, you just call me every name in the book and storm out." Juices face showed guilt, you knew something else was going on with him, but he couldn't be bothered to tell you so you weren't bothered to ask.

"I love you with all my heart, but I can't do this anymore Juan Carlos." You grabbed your purse and flung it over your shoulder before reaching for the doorknob.

"Baby please." Juice begged. "Don't go" but you ignored him. Opening the door and shutting it behind you as you ran to your car.

The tears flowing from your eyes like a waterfall, you love juice with all you had, but for once in your life it was time to think about you and what you needed.

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