Please Dont Go

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You and kozik had been together for about 5 years now and had gotten together about a year after he patched over to the main charter. Jax, your brother, didn't like the idea of you and kozik being together but he eventually came around once he saw your mood change from down and out to happy and upbeat almost all the time.

"Baby." Koziks voice pulled you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah babe?" You called back throwing your black samcro t shirt on and walking back out of the closet.

"We gotta go." You nodded grabbing your purse/backpack and followed him out of the house and out the door.

Once at the clubhouse you went straight for the office and put your things down, you had take over for Gemma, your mother a year ago when she started seeing Nero and she started helping him at diosa. But this morning, for some reason, she decided that a huge breakfast was needed to "bring everyone back together again." And you didn't see the need for it. Everything was fine, she was the one who abandoned the club if anything. You sighed to yourself before walking back over and into the clubhouse and took your respective seat next to koz. Jax was already droning on and on about something and you couldn't be bothered to listen, your mood today was rather awful.

"Y/N?" Jax called out and your attention snapped to him.

"Yeah?" You said trying not to look like a deer caught in head lights.

"Just wanted to make sure you were listening." He smirked knowing that you hadn't been.

"Well, I have a question to ask you Y/N." kozik kissed your cheek lightly and you thought nothing of it. Before you could even respond to him he was down on one knee holding out a ring and asking you to marry him. You gasped, you heard multiple others from the other old ladies who had been waiting for this as much as you had.

"Yes." You whispered taking the ring and putting it on before jumping up to hug him. "1000 times yes."

"Finally!" Happy yelled laughing with everyone else, and you couldn't help but giggle with them. Happy, your best friend had told you for a couple years now that he should have asked you already and how "this isn't how you keep a woman." You chuckled at the memory as everyone congratulated you over and over while you tried to eat your breakfast. The guys had business to take care of today so you would be stuck with happy and another good friend Denny one of the newer prospects, in the garage.


"Y/N, church now." Jax barged into the clubhouse with chibs and tig carrying kozik behind him.
"What happened." You snapped.

"No time to explain, we need your help."

"Call Tara tell her to bring more supplies for whatever happened, happy grab my bag from the room quick." You rushed into chapel and noticed that kozik leg was missing from his knee down. "Oh baby." You kissed his cheek and he lightly smiled through the pain.
"Y/N." Happy threw your bag to you and you caught it quickly getting to work. It wasn't a clean cut so regardless of what happened you couldn't reattach his leg.
"What the hell happened out there." You snapped at Jax again.

"A mine field, he got out of the way enough not to be blown to bits." Your heart sunk.

"Get Tara here as fast as possible I'm gonna need some help with this."

"I'm already here" she stated rushing in with more supplies then she could honestly handle if she wasn't rushing. "I only got a few details, let me look." She sighed "fuck."
"Yeah. Kozy baby, this is blunt but do you want your knee or no." He shook his head no. "Okay." You kissed his cheek again before grabbing the bone saw, that part of his leg had already started to die or was to messed up from the explosion to even bother to fix.  "Please tell me you brought some morphine or something to ease his pain."
"Way ahead of you." She stuck him with some morphine and you didn't have time to wait for it to kick in, you picked up a scalpel and quickly cut just above his knee until you saw bone. you grabbed the saw and looked into his eyes for a good minute.
"I'm so sorry." You whispered as you turned the bone saw on and got to work. His screams pierced right through you but you tried to keep working the best you could.
"Fuck baby." He cried out.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry." you were crying now too, you couldn't help it.
"Y/N , he's bleeding way to much, I don't know how we're gonna get ahead of it to stop it." Tara's voice was frantic.
"Just keep suction and pressure there."
"That's not going to work!" She yelled.
"Well it's the best shot we fucking have here!" You snapped. "It's not like I can rush him to the damn OR!"
"You're right, I'm sorry." You grabbed a clamp and tried your best to get ahold of what was bleeding, but nothing was working.
"Son of a bitch." You sighed as you slammed the clamp down onto the table.
"Is he going to make it." You tried your best to hold the tears back as you responded to happy.
"No, and even if I can get him to the hospital they won't be able to do anything either. The main artery in his leg is shredded somehow from the blast. There's nothing anyone can do." You let myself go as you walked back over to kozik who was half out of it from the morphine.
"Baby." He smiled.
"Kozy." You smiled wiping tears from my eyes. "Help me get him down please." You grabbed his upper body while happy grabbed his legs and you sat with him on the floor with your arms wrapped around him tightly. "I'm so sorry baby." You kissed his cheek and let the tears fall again
"It's not your fault I'm stupid baby." His voice was weak and his skin was pale compared to his normal tan skin. You looked him over, your eyes landing on the pool of blood infront of the two of you.

"Y/N" happy tried to pull him from your arms
"Don't you dare" You snapped at him as he slowly began to fade infront of me. "Kozy stay with me. Please kozy please don't leave me here." You cried into him as he weakly took a breath.
"I love you Y/N." And with that he was gone.
"Kozy" You shook him. "KOZY!" You yelled holding onto him tightly.
"Y/N, he's gone, that's not kozik anymore." Happy's rough voice pulling your attention to him.
"No he can't be gone." You looked at him with pleading eyes and tears running down your face.
"I'm sorry." He grabbed kozik and took him from you, laying him infront of Jax and chibs, before coming back to you.
"He can't be gone." Happy pulled you into his lap and You cried into his shoulder.
"Shhhhhh, it's gonna be okay." You couldn't say anything, You felt like your heart had been ripped from your chest, and you cried, you've cried like you never have before because the man of your dreams the love of your life was torn away from you. The wounds hurt and bled like kozik did, but yours were invisible, no one could save you or help you.

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