Tell me when the good times start

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(This got very dark, and it was not my intention to have that happen, but I like it non the less so here ya go! :D Enjoy!)

You want to be happy for him, you wanted to smile and cheer for him, but you couldn't find the strength. You couldn't find the strength to watch your ex old man get engaged to someone other than you, yet here you are, watching him get down on one knee in front of the wrong woman. Your heart sank and broke into a million and one different pieces all over again and everyone was just watching it all unfold.

Jaxson, your older brother hurried to get you out of the bar and outside where it would only be the two of you, but you stood your ground.

"I love you more than anything or anyone," here it comes, you thought. "I will do anything and everything in my power to protect you." Those were the same words juice had said to you on your 6 year anniversary, that's right 6 years, and it wasn't long after that that he had broken your heart in two.

"Y/N please" Jax begged you to come outside but you didn't even acknowledge him. "Happy." Jax yelled for your best friend over the ruckus the rest of the members were making and happy rushed over to see what his prez wanted. "Take Y/N outside, sit with her for a few minutes." Jax pleaded with his eyes and happy instantly realized why he needed to take you. Before you had even realized what had happened, Happy had you thrown over his shoulder as he carried you outside.

"Let go!" You yelled kicking and grunting as you tried repeatedly to get out of his grasp. "Just" you started crying and your voice betrayed you and cracked with each word. "Please let me go." Happy placed you back on your feet but immediately enveloped you in his arms pulling you close to him as you cried. The pain, the actual physical pain you felt the first time juice had broken your heart was back again, tormenting you and wanting to push you over an edge you were already so close too.

"It's going to be okay." You scoffed at happys words and got out of his arms.

"It's not going to be okay hap! Don't you get that? Juice," you sighed heavily, your breath still shaky from you crying "juice is the only man I have ever loved, you just. YOU DONT JUST GET OVER THAT." You were yelling now, your rage taking over as you paced back and forth in front of happy.

"Y/N" he said cautiously

"He has no right, NO GOD DAMN RIGHT TO DO THIS HERE!" Happy was slowly backing away from you, for once in his life actually afraid for his own safety. But that was his biggest mistake, baking away from you, you had taken the opportunity to run back inside and threw the crowd and now stood in front of juice and his new whore. Happy was now behind you, a tight grip on your arm.

"Y/N, you don't want to do this." Happy whispered, but somehow it only egged you on more.

"What do you want, bitch" you scoffed at this girls voice, and the fact that she didn't know to treat you with any type of respect around the clubhouse.

"I want your head." You chuckled darkly and now all the guys had a hold you, except for juice was stood in front of his now fiancé. "And I know exactly where to put it too." You ripped yourself from the guys grasp, your strength in the moment was nothing short of super human and charged. You knocked juice out of the way and into the way, successfully knocking him out leaving nothing in between you and her. You smiled darkly and you saw the color rush out of her face.

"What's the matter love?" You stepped closer. "Kat got your tongue?" You chuckled as her face twisted into one of horror, you had known her older sister Kat and just threw that in her face that Kay was dead. Of course she died 5 years ago, and Julie, that was her name, had blamed it all on you just out of spite.

"Y/N stop!" You looked back to jax and smiled lightly sending a chill down his spine, he realized you had finally snapped, your psyche broke, you were lost in your emotions and the issues from your child hood, the ones you had work so hard to over came, came out. "Grab her!" Before anyone could move you lunged at Julie grabbing her by the next and dragged her to the kitchen. It felt like time had slowled down, and everyone but you and Julie were stuck in slow motion. You grabbed a large knife off the counter your mother had been using earlier in the day and twirled it in your hand as you smiled down at her. You had to give her credit, she had a lot of fight in her, but you straddled her and pinned her arms down successfully.

"I've always like you, ya know?" She didn't respond. "You were like the little sister I never had, I was hoping one day, you would realize what I was doing.

"Wha- what do you mean?" Her voice was only a whisper as I smelled the fear radiating off her.

"I had to get rid of her so you and I could be together. She was always in the way!" You screamed angry "but she's gone now" your voice was cheerful now and the smile that soread across your face was that of pure happiness. "You've always been the best little sister" and with that, you slit her throat enjoying the warmth of the blood that splattered over your face.

"Y/N" jax's voice pulled you out of your moment of ecstasy making you growl. You turned to face him, smiling, the knife still in hand. "Put the knife down" your smile faded as the words left his mouth.

"Why would I do that?" You asked in a frighteningly calm manner that had the guys, who were now standing behind jax, shitting themselves. "I have no reason to stay here, the voices are gone jax, they left the moment she did." You pointed to Julie, all the years of torment you had endured over your life with them, the arguments in your head, they could never agree on one this. But her, Julie, they wanted her, they all did, and you did too. "I can be free" without warning you lifted the knife to your neck and slit your own throat and smiled as you fell to the floor, motionless, breathless, lifeless.

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