°19- Kidnapped?°

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2 months later/August

Kian and I have been talking a lot more since the day of... You know. He's been really protective of what I do lately. He calls me every morning and I just miss the sound of his voice. I miss him in general. I've been getting out of bed more and being social too. Kian just makes me a whole better person.

Kian ❤ :

Hey baby . Wyd ?

Me :

Eating (:

Kian ❤ :

I wish I could eat rn but I can't . ):

Me :

Turn tht frown, upside down!

Kian ❤ :


Me :

Lmao 😆 why can't u eat ?

Kian ❤ :

I'm on the road .


To where .

Kian ❤ :

U ask to many questions .

Me :

Just tryna be updated jeez . lol

Kian ❤ :

Guess wht 😏

Me :

Whet .

Kian ❤ :

Your bday is in tomorrow!

Me :

Don't remind me ... I don't want a bday party wit out u here ):

Kian ❤:


Me :

Hey, your bday is close too.

Kian ❤ :

August 24th and Semptember 2nd is not that close .

Me :

W.e 😆 I gtg .

Kian ❤ :

Aw 😞 me too. Ily

Me :


I start to wash my dish and make my up the stairs to Jay's room. I haven't said a word to him all day and I'm baby sitting so I wanna take him out. I walk in and he's playing with his hot wheels which He has more than 300 of.

"Sissy!" He yells running up to hug me.

"Hey." I smile.

"Wanna play cars?" He asked with the biggest smile I can imagine.

"Umm.. I'm okay." I chuckle. "I wanna take you out to places."

"Really?" He jumps.

"Yea. So let's get you dressed." I look into his closet.

I pick out a superman shirt and black jeans with his red vans. He looked so cute. I then start to change into a blue shirt with black pants with my red vans because who doesnt like matching with someone?

He sits in the back seat as I buckle myself into the drivers. I then make my way to Bush gardens.

We start to go to see the animals. He loved them and since he was to little to go on rides, this was perfect for him. I bought him ice cream and we watched shows. I brung him to sesame street to go on the little kid rides and he loved it. The time was already 8:30 which meant we had to leave.

"Did you have fun?" I asked him as I got inside the car.

"Yea!" He said excitedly. "I'm hungry."

"Alright we can go to Apple Bees if you want?" I asked.

"Okay." He replied.


We arrived and got our seats. Jay ordered sprite for a drink and I got strawberry lemonade. He also ordered ribs from the kids menu with a side of fries. I got ribs but it was on the adult menu. We got our food 30 minutes later and started eating. He talked about school and friends to me. He even talked about Kian for awhile saying how he really liked him

I looked at the time again to read 12:47. Jay looked so tired but I could tell he had a nice time. We arrived at home and he was sleeping. I grabbed him from the car and carried him up to his room peacfully placing him on his bed.

I walked in my room closing the door and instantly, someone wrapped their hand around my mouth. I started panicing because I forgot to switch the lights on and it was late at night.

"Did you miss me?" The mystery voice said.

I couldn't recognize it. It wasn't a voice I could really remember. I start to grab the hand and try my hardest to take it off.

"Imma let go and don't scream or run... Turn around to see who I am." The deep weirdly voice said.

I nodded my head quickly and the hand pulled away walking away from me. I took a quick breath and turned around slowly. My eyes water and I break down into a million of tears.

"Kian!" I call his name.

I run up to him, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. I drown his shirt in tears as my head was placed on the crook of his neck.

I pull myself away and smash my lips into his making him kiss me back. I break the kiss, getting off of him and hugging him one last time.

"I missed you so so so much, you don't even know..." I say into his chest.

"That's why I'm staying." He whispers.

I pause for a moment and look up to him.

"Y-Your staying here? In Florida?!" I could barley say.

He nodded his head with a smile. I cry more joyful tears and hug him again. His hug was tight and warm.

"Where will you live?" I asked.

"I'll be working. But for now I'm staying with my grandma." He explained wipping my tears.

"I'm just glad your here..." I sigh.


He decided to sleep here one night and then go to his grandma's house. We had a lot of catching up to do so we just talked in the dark in bed.

"Good night, Beautiful." He kisses my forehead as my eyes close.


Sorry for short chapter.... Like really short. I'm at a beach house and am always at the beach so yea... 🌴 I'll update a better chapter soon 💕


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