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"She'd only given in because she was lonely?" John, that's not a very nice thing to say about Molly.

Well, I don't mean it in a bad way, I was talking about that one time she dated Jim Moriarty?

Yes, I know what you're talking about but don't you think you could rephrase it? Something like that could hurt her feelings, you know how emotional she is.

Yes, yes of course, I'll go do that right now. I wouldn't want to hurt her.


How does this sound? "Moriarty tricked our friend into thinking he was the right match for her, only to manipulate her later".

Makes her sound vulnerable.

"Moriarty made our friend believe that he was just another guy even though he was a criminal mastermind".

Makes her sound like she's had millions of guys.

Why don't you come up with one then, eh?! If you're so demanding!

"Molly was unaware of Jim Moriarty's malicious intents, but as soon as she had realized her mistake, she broke off all contact entirely. She cut off a way for him to get to Sherlock and I". How does that sound?

Actually. That sounds brilliant. Thanks Sherlock. You should help me cowrite my blog sometimes.

Don't think much of it. And no. No to the blog offer. I have cases to solve.

But.. Thank you for offering.

Would you want to lead a blog, like John does? Document your daily life?
-I had one back in like middle school, but I stopped writing on it because there was nothing exciting to write about and I wasn't getting any audience XD.

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