Tradition: 3

228 17 10

Multi-Part Chapter: Part 3

As John headed off to sleep, Sherlock's mother pulled her son aside.

"Sherlock, how have you been, dear?" Sherlock's mom asked, cautiously.

Sherlock stopped, dead in his tracks, and turned around to face his mother.

"What do you mean? I'm fine. Working. Living. Surviving" Sherlock frowned. Small talk wasn't really his thing.

"I don't mean that. I mean what's the deal with you and... you know... other people in your life?" Mrs. Holmes twiddled her thumbs.

"Mother, you know I don't do small talk, what's your point?" Sherlock scoffed.

"It seems to me, that for once in his life, Sherlock Bloody Holmes has missed something important" Sherlock's mother stared her son in the eyes, not even blinking.

Sherlock blinked five times, trying to decipher what she meant.

"I'm... not following" he spat out.

"The elephant in the room, Sherlock, the elephant in the room" said Mrs. Holmes, then turned on her heels and climbed the stairs up to the bedroom, that she was sharing with her husband, for the night.

Sherlock in turn scuttled to his bedroom, even though he didn't get much sleep that night, because his mothers words kept echoing in his head.

What's something that you're excited for?
-I'm excited for Season 4!! I'm also excited for Christmas, and I'm going to Universal Studios Hollywood on Monday!

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