Trust Me

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Individual Chapter 

A/N: Important question at the very end, please read :D

"What do you think would have happened if Moriarty had won?" Sherlock asked suddenly, making John stop typing on his laptop. He closed the laptop with his index finger, setting it aside onto the coffee table in between the two armchairs. 

"What do you mean? On the roof? Why are you even thinking about that, it's been almost three and a half years now?" John inquired.

"Just thinking about it. Bored" Sherlock sighed, sinking further into his armchair and burrowing his legs into his chest.

"Well," John sat up and lifted his eyebrows, "I suppose you wouldn't really be here then".

"Don't be dull. That's obvious" Sherlock scoffed in response.

Used to the occasional Sherlockian outbursts, John calmly retorted with a, "Then what do you want to know?" 

"Would it have changed anything?" Sherlock tried to make his question clearer.

"You were gone for two years. It did change everything. For me, for Lestrade, hell even for England" John objected.

"Yes, the cases wouldn't be solved without me, but we still have Scotland Yard and their mediocre ability to find criminals" Sherlock noted, steepling his hands under his chin.

John sighed, "Sherlock, what are you getting at? We all know quite well that you adore this so-called job and that you're the only one even capable of doing this type of work".

"I'm saying, that even if I had truly plummeted to my death that day, it wouldn't have made a big imprint in the big scheme of things" Sherlock proposed.

"You're wrong"

Sherlock glanced up at John, confusion written all over his face, his eyebrows knitted together, mouth hanging agape a little bit, and his eyes wider than usual.

"I'm never wrong"

"That's also wrong" John corrected, "You're rarely wrong".

John continued talking, not letting Sherlock interfere, "Your death might not have stopped the functioning of a whole world or a whole country, but it certainly would have affected those close to you. It would have affected me, Molly, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, and even your brother. Sometimes, Sherlock, you need to think about the ones who love you and not just about yourself. You obviously matter to us, and you saw what happened when we thought that you were gone. I was a complete and utter mess, I really didn't think I was going to pull through, Sherlock".

"Outside of those close to me, though, nobody really cares about a crummy detective who's cooped up in a flat with his significant other, an ex-wife of a drug dealer for a landlady, a gun, and an inadequate amount of morphine injections" Sherlock explained.

John's heart skipped a beat at the term of endearment Sherlock used towards him, as the Detective wasn't one for acknowledging their steadfast relationship.

"Why are you putting yourself down, Sherlock?" John prodded.

"I'm proving a point"

"Believe it or not but everybody is waiting around for you to save them. And you're the only one capable of doing it quickly and with no mistakes. I assure you, Sherlock, the world needs you" John gulped at the end of the sentences, leaning forward a little bit to get closer to Sherlock.

Sherlock looked down at the ground and paused, wringing his hands together.

"I know," he said.


"I know"

John was puzzled.

"You know what?" John asked.

"That the world needs me"

Suddenly, Sherlock was up on his feet and leaping to the wall where a map of London was pinned, surrounded by various pictures of individuals that John had no idea about.

"Sherlock... Was that all for reassurement?"

"Yes" was the simple answer he received.

John sighed, mentally kicking himself for not realizing it was one of Sherlock's boredom episodes. 

"Thank you, though. I'm flattered that you think so highly of me. I couldn't imagine my life without you either" Sherlock said quietly, almost as if hoping that John wouldn't hear his sentimentality.

John heard him.


That picture might be a bit large, sorry

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That picture might be a bit large, sorry. Wanted to try something new today. 

Here's mine: Molly Hooper plants a bomb in your bedroom with a crop in her hands.

P.S: I had this thought, let me know if you would be interested in this. I would write a chapter from Sherlock's point of view (prob like a day when he's bored and he hacks into someone's account of Wattpad and posts a chapter) & then you guys would ask him questions (comment on that chapter) and I would answer them as him? Do you know what I mean? Let me know if you would be interested in that.

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