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Multi-Part Chapter: Part 1

Sherlock? I have a bit of a problem here.

What is it?

For the past month someone, I had presumed the woman in the office next to mine, has been leaving me a cookie a day. I never ate them, seeing as I didn't know where they were coming from. But today, after I came back from my lunch break (thanks for the sandwich, by the way, it was a nice surprise), I discovered a cookie with another object and a note. A note which rather bothered me and sent chills up my spine.

What did the note say?

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John Watson,

Did you miss me?



Yeah, oh.

What was the object?

A knife.


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Oh. That's the same knife he used to carve the letters into my apple, when he met me at the flat after his trial.

You seem undisturbed by the news that our old friend is alive.

If I made it out, he could have as well. I put nothing behind Moriarty. 

So, why would he be coming to me?

I don't know. I don't like not knowing.

Stay safe, finish work & call me if something weird happens.

Okay. The new patient soon, I'll try to stay calm.

We'll figure this out tonight.

Who is your favorite female character from anywhere?
-I think my OG favorite female character is Hermoine Granger from the Harry Potter series. I love so many, though (Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Black Widow, Emma Swan, Rapunzel, and literally any character played by Maggie Smith).

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