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Individual Chapter

(A/N: This takes place during The Great Game, after the little girl screams when Sherlock tires to talk to her)

Did you mean to scare that child?

Don't let Moriarty get to your head John.. You know it wasn't me.

Why did she scream then?

Are you accusing me?

No, no, of course not, Sherlock. I'm just... Confused, is all.

It'll all clear up soon, I promise.

What if it doesn't, Sherlock? What if they accuse you of something?

Keep your faith in me, that's all that matters. I'm innocent, you know that.

I really really hope you're right. I'll see you later, Sherlock. I have some business at St. Bart's.

The game is on, John. The game is on.

Do you guys have any suggestions for future chapters? Something you want me to write about? Leave it in the comments and when I write, I will tag you :D

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