Day 3

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     "Lea, wake up."
     "Let me stay in dream land."
     "Lea, it's time to go to school"
     "Ok great, but sleep comes first"
      I heard footsteps and I decided to let sleep engulf me. That voice was really weird though... wait.
     I opened my eyes and shot straight up just to be greeted with a cold splash of water.
     "What the hell!"
     I wiped the water out of my eyes to look at my next murder victim and my eyes widened in shock.
     "Levi what the hell are you doing in my room! Get out!"
     "Good Morning to you too. And quit yelling my ears are bleeding."
     "MOM, WHY IS LEVI IN MY ROOM?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
    "I let him in honey. He said he was giving you a ride to school and well you running late and I need to get to work so I let him wake you up." My mom replied with sheepishly.
     I rolled my eyes. WAIT DID SHE SAY I WAS RUNNING LATE!? My eyes shot to my clock on my nightstand. It was frickin 7:30. HOLY CRAP. I jumped out of bed. Then I remembered Levi was still in my room.
     "Why didn't you wake me up sooner? Go wait down stairs. I'm going to get ready."
     With that I went into my bathroom and I heard my bedroom door close.
     I threw on some random shit. Combed my hair and ran out the door.
    "Bye Mom, bye Cal."
     I hopped into Levi's Mercedes and I was quite disappointed he didn't bring his convertible. I liked that car. I looked at the clock at it was 7:40. I TOOK TO MUCH TIME.
     "Levi, step on it." I said in a dangerously calm voice.
     "Yes ma'am"
     There was so much traffic it was like everyone was late today. Of all days. As we pulled into a parking spot he bell rang.
    "No. There goes my perfect attendance..." I put my face in my hands.
     Everything was falling apart.
     "We can still make it. Ms. Valencia doesn't take roll till after the pledge. If you run you can make it."
     "What about you?"
     "I'll be fine just go!"
     I jumped out of Levi's car and sprinted to my classroom ninja style. Upon arriving they just finished the pledge and I took my seat next to Connor.
    "You're late today. What happened?"
    "I over slept. My alarm didn't go off." I said with a slight frown.
     "I'm glad you made it" he said with a smile that made his dimples appear.
    Since I ran so much without breakfast or any energy at all I was sweating like crazy. I didn't want pit stains so I took off my jacket which turns out was the jacket I spilled ketchup on last week. I had forgotten to wash it. When my jacket was fully off someone wolf whistled. I turned around to see everyone starting at me. I looked and Connor and he was wide eyed staring at my chest.
    A look of disgusted crossed my face and then I looked down.
    My black bra was over my green shirt. I was backwards. I was so shocked to move. Some people took out their phones to take a picture. I felt utterly embarrassed but I couldn't move my body.
    All of a sudden the door opened and Levi strolled in and the first thing he saw was me. His eyes enlarged and he slowly walked toward me. Ms. Valencia stood behind her desk silently with a raised eyebrow like she was watching a soap opera. He took of he hoodie which pulled his shirt up a bit revealing his chiseled body. I heard some sighs from the class. Most likely the girls who fawn over him.
    He handed me his hoodie and I quickly put it on. He nonchalantly sat at his desk like nothing happened.
    I looked down at my lap blushing.
     Ms. Valencia cleared her throat and started to teach. I couldn't focus today after what happened. I am never gonna ignore my alarm every again. 
    The whole day I didn't take off his hoodie. It smelled so good. It was intoxicating. Some girls looked at me. They probably got sent a video of my in my bra shirt outfit. News also must have spread that Levi and I were a thing. Girls glared at me and my "fanboys" stayed away. Connor became very distant after the whole fiasco. Ever since Levi came into my life weird things have been happening. Can the world be anymore cruel?
Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone for a long long time. School got really busy and I lost the drive to keep writing. I've been recently inspired though so I'm back. Please continue to read and share and comment! I'm determined to finish this book. I hope you like the rest.
Bye for now.

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