Four. The Reunion

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I groaned in pain when I sat up from my bed, my back and butt hurt. Vegeta was too rough on me, I got off of my bed and walked to my clothes.
I never put clothes back on when I got home yesterday, I grabbed some boxers and then my fighting gi.
Knock knock!
I turned around and saw mom standing at my doorway. She smiled at me and started walking towards me.
"Gohan you can't wear that." mom said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Bulma invited everyone to Capsule Corp for a reunion party to celebrate you killing Cell." Mom explained.
I frowned, I threw my gi off and then grabbed my white long sleeved with my black pants. Once I had that on I turned to mom and then she nodded with a big smile on her face.
"Yes. Those are nice clothes." Mom complimented.
"Thanks. When are we going?" I asked.
"Right now, I was gonna ask you if you could fly us over there." Mom said.
I walked towards her and picked her up with ease, then I opened my window wide.
"Hold on mom." I said and then I blasted off into the sky.
I landed on the ground with mom still in my arms. Everybody was already here, mom went ahead and started walking towards Bulma to talk. Then I spotted android 18! What she doing here!?
I turned into a Super Saiyan and lunged at her, suddenly I felt a arm grab my ankle stopping me. I turned around and saw Piccolo holding me.
"She's Krillin's date. So calm down." Piccolo explained.
"Oh okay." I replied and then let my hair turn black as I relaxed.
Piccolo then started sniffing the air and frowned.
"You smell different Gohan." Piccolo said.
"How?" I asked.
"You used to smell like you, but now you kinda smell like a more masculine person." Piccolo explained.
Then I realized he could smell Vegeta's scent on me! I smiled widely and sweat dropped while rubbing the back of my head.
"Oh I'm sure it's just puberty." I said sheepishly.
"Hmm. Right." Piccolo said suspiciously.
I sighed in relief and then I felt a hand smack me on the back. I turned around and saw Yamcha there with a big smile on his face.
"There's the world's savior." Yamcha said.
"Oh, hey Yamcha." I greeted.
Yamcha then cupped my face and smirked down at me. I blushed as he started moving his lips towards mine! I felt my face heat up as his hand groped my butt, then Yamcha stopped his lips from mine just inches away.
"Let's go somewhere private." Yamcha whispered.
Before I could protest he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the party.
When we were in Capsule Corp Yamcha led me into a room. I looked around the room, then I felt Yamcha rub my butt, I gasped and spun around ready to kill him when suddenly he started kissing me.
My eyes widened as he tried to insert his tongue into my mouth. I tried to push him off since I'm stronger, but his finger slid into my pants and started fingering me. It was very distracting so I couldn't focus.
Then he stuck his fingers really deep inside of me, which I wish he hadn't because I moaned out loud. Yamcha pulled away from the kiss and smirked, suddenly a flash of blue appeared and so did a fist slamming into Yamcha's face!
Yamcha went crashing into the wall. I looked at my savior and saw Vegeta standing there, he looked angry. Vegeta walked to Yamcha, grabbed his shirt and then punched his face repeatedly.
"Vegeta stop. Your gonna kill him." I said.
Vegeta stopped and then he tossed Yamcha aside. Yamcha looked badly injured, I pulled out my Senzu Bean pouch to feed him one. When he swallowed it and healed up I sighed.
Vegeta growled at Yamcha and I watched as Yamcha ran away. Vegeta crossed his arms and then he walked towards me.
"You okay?" Vegeta asked.
"Yeah thanks." I answered.
"Why didn't you just push him off?"
"He me and it distracted me." I replied.
"What!? He dares to touch your precious hole." Vegeta growled and clenched his fists.
"Calm down Vegeta, besides why do you care so much? We're friends not lovers." I said.
"Oh um...well. Anyways, wanna have our second session right now?" Vegeta asked trying to change the topic.
"Nah, let's wait until tomorrow. Piccolo's ears can hear everything in the Universe so not here, let's wait to do it at the forest." I said.
"Okay but we can't keep doing this in the forest." Vegeta replied.
"I know, so wanna go back to the party?" I asked.
"Yeah let's go." Vegeta said but before we did Vegeta grabbed me and lowered my shirt down so he could see my neck.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Checking for the bite mark, if it's still there were meant to be mates, but if it's now then we are not meant to be together." Vegeta explained.
He sighed in relief since he didn't find the bite mark, I also was sort of relieved but also disappointed. So close my prince, so close!
We then started walking back to the party.
"Gohan there you are!" Krillin yelled with a smile.
I smiled and ran towards him, we hugged then he looked me up and down.
"I can sense you've been training." Krillin said.
"Yup, Vegeta and I are training very hard to achieve new strengths." I replied.
"I wish I was a Saiyan, by this point I would be unstoppable. Considering how many times a bad guy had beat me to a pulp." Krillin said.
Then Android 18 walked over to us and started talking to Krilin. I walked away from the two and looked for someone to talk to.
Not Yamcha.
Not Tien, his third eye give me the chills.
Piccolo, maybe. Except he might keep asking about my new scent.
Bulma and mom, no I don't feel comfortable around Bulma since Vegeta and I had relations.
Grandpa, definitely not.
Trunks...yeah I'll hang out with him.
I started walking towards him, he is currently swimming in his pool. I stopped at the pool and smiled at him while waving.
"Hey Gohan." Trunks said when he noticed me.
"Hey Trunks. Having fun in there?" I asked.
"Yep, wanna come in?"
"Sure." I then started to undress myself.
While I did I could feel Trunk's eyes on me while I changed. I was soon just in my boxers, I squatted and then I leapt into the pool.
Trunks laughed as I splashed water on him, I also laughed.
"Gohan can I tell you something that struck me when dad told me what happened after Cell killed me?" Trunks asked.
"Sure." I replied.
"Well the Gohan in my time had lost his left arm. When they told me Cell destroyed your left arm it made me think how similar that was to my time. Since Cell is both androids, it's kinda like the two androids destroyed your arm like in my time. Another thing is that the Gohan in my time had the same haircut as you do right now. I just thought it was weird, I was feeling some deja vu." Trunks explained.
"Really? Hmm, I guess that is pretty weird." I said.
Suddenly Trunks started swimming towards me. He pushed me against the wall and started panting hard into my ear.
He pressed his body against mine, I could feel his erection against my thy.
"In my time Gohan and I had a gay relationship. I miss Gohan and now I want you." Trunks said as he started to lick my neck.
First Yamcha now Trunks!?
Trunks then stared me deeply in my eyes as he connected our lips together.

Hey guys, I was bored at my hotel so I updated. :) Hope you guys like it.

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