Fifteen. Dr. Shiro

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Gohan's POV
Dr. Shiro walked towards me with a clipboard in his hand, he adjusted his glasses and then he set the clipboard down on his lap.
He pulled out a hammer.
"Tell me if you feel this." Dr. Shiro said and hit the hammer against my knee.
"I felt it." I said.
"Good that means your legs aren't paralyzed anymore. Did you drink the medicine the nurse gave you?" Dr. Shiro asked.
"Oh I forgot to. Let me go get it—"
Dr. Shiro then cupped my face with his hands, I instantly blushed. He then rubbed my lips, making me blush more.
"Dr. Shiro?" I asked confused.
"I couldn't help but notice that you have some of that fudge on your lips. Allow me to lick it off." Dr. Shiro said and started leaning in.
"Dr. Shiro?"
Then his stopped a few inches away from my face. Suddenly he backed up from my face and started laughing.
"Oh you totally thought I was going to kiss you!!" Dr. Shiro laughed.
"Shut up, Dr. Shiro." I said.
"Pleas call me Shiro, you look very lovely in those bandages." Dr. Shir— I mean Shiro said.
" could anyone look lovely in these bandages?" I asked.
"I don't know you ask me?" Shiro replied.
"So are you done checking up on me?" I asked.
"I think I'll stay a bit longer." Shiro said.
Please no, this guy gives me the creeps.
I then noticed Shiro staring at my bare chest, I blushed and covered myself with the blanket on the bed.
"Give me some privacy!" I yelled.
Shiro then pinched my cheeks.
"Your so cute when your mad." Shiro said making me get flustered again.
"Whenever your out of the hospital let's get to know each other better. You know go on a date." Shiro suggested.
"Oh um...ok that would be nice." I said giving him a smile.
I accepted his offer because I like making new friends
Shiro then pulled out a needle, I instantly jumped off the bed and ran to the wall trying to get far from him.
"No! I hate shots!" I said in fear.
"Calm down Mr. Gohan, you won't feel it." Shiro said.
"That's what doctors always say but I always feel it!" I replied.
Shiro then suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of me. Is he even human!? Shiro grabbed my arm and poked the needle into my skin.
I then tried to pull my arm away, but he didn't let go. How strong is he, I don't think he's human. Shiro let go of my arm, then he brushed my bangs aside, and kissed my forehead. I blushed and felt Shiro slightly touch my crotch.
Shiro clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.
"Too bad we're in a hospital. Or else we would be able to do anything we wanted." Shiro said.
"Um...Shiro your getting too close." I cleared my throat.
Shiro smirked and backed away, he then pulled his clipboard out. Shiro asked a few questions, jotting down my answers.
"So I estimate that you'll be leaving the hospital in about five more days." Shiro said as he finished writing on the clipboard.
"Really? I hope the days go by faster." I said.
"Me too, so that we can go on that date I asked you on." Shiro replied.
"D-date!?" I asked confused.
"Yes, don't you remember I asked you out on a date?"
"Oh yeah, but I thought you meant you j-j-just wanted to hang out with m-m-me." I stuttered.
"Are you saying you don't want to go anymore?" Shiro asked.
"No of course not! That would be rude, but—"
"Just be quiet, you are so adorable Mr. Gohan." Shiro said.
"Shiro stop, please it's making me uncomfortable." I said.
"Okay Mr. Gohan, but one last question. Why was there a little small hairy stub at your butt?" Shiro asked.
My tail is growing back! I need to cut it again.
"Oh that's just a hereditary trait." I said.
I hope that didn't sound as lame as I think it did. Shiro looked at me suspiciously then he wrote down my answer, Shiro stood up.
"I'll be seeing tomorrow Mr. Gohan, make sure to drink your medicine tomorrow when Nurse Wendy comes. Have a good day!" Shiro waved and then he walked out of my room, shutting the door.
I sighed and walked over to my bed, then I slipped into the covers. Soon my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep.
Vegeta's POV
Who was that man!? I swear I've seen him before, Shiro and that voice are so familiar! But where have I seen him before!?
I punched the bathroom wall in frustration. Right now I'm in a stall of the Hospital's restroom. I sighed and then I felt that Gohan was alone in his room now, I'll go back to him.
I got up and walked towards Gohan's room. I opened it and saw Gohan asleep, damn I should have come sooner before he fell asleep.
I then stared at him, the sun shining on his face, those perfect heart shaped lips, that beautiful face and body, my Gohan is so perfect.
"Gohan I think I'm falling for you."

Hey guys!
Did you like the chapter, hope so. Anyways I want to know what is your favorite Anime/Manga? That's all my lovely readers, see you in the next update!
BTW sorry this chapter was short than the others!

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