Thirty. 2nd Month

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Gohan's POV
It's been a month since I told mom about being pregnant. She eventually accepted it, but she still hates me for what I did to Hercule and Videl.
She said she wanted me to marry Videl so that we could be rich, but I want to marry someone out of love. Hercule came the day after I knocked him out to say that he's going to evict us out of our house. It still hasn't happened but when it does I won't let them take my home away from mom and me.
"Gohan, dinner is ready." mom called from the kitchen.
I got up and rubbed my tummy, it has gotten a little bigger. I walked into the kitchen and sat down, mom also sat down then handed me a plate of eggs with bacon. I then thanked her for the food and started eating.
Knock knock!
I stopped eating and got up to get to the door, I opened the door seeing a man in a black tuxedo standing there with a briefcase in his hand.
"Hello is this where Son Gohan lives?" He asked.
"Yes sir." I replied.
"Here you go." The man handed me a paper with a lot of words.
"What is this?" I asked.
"A lawsuit, Hercule Satan wants to sew you."
I clenched my fists and growled.
"You will be expected to be at court this Monday at—"
I slammed my fist into his face not holding back, his head splattered and his body went flying into the air.
"He can't tell Hercule anything now, and I'm not going to court." I said.
I walked back to the kitchen and started eating again, with this baby I can eat as much as dad used to.
Mom ate slowly while I ate like Dad. Mom is about 6 months pregnant. I hope Dad gets too see when my new brother comes.
I laid in bed, and then I realized I just killed an innocent man doing his job. Dad would be ashamed, I groaned and ran my hand through my hair.
"I'm sorry dad." I said.
I wish Dad was here, he would be able to handle all of this better than how I did. Maybe I should go visit Vegeta, I smiled and hopped out my window then I started flying to Vegeta's Gravity Chamber.
I knocked on the door of the Gravity Chamber, it soon opened and I saw Vegeta standing in just his spandex pants with some stubble on his face.
"Your growing out your beard?" I asked.
"You should shave it, it looks weird." I said.
Vegeta frowned and then he looked at my stomach, his eyes widened and he fell on his knees in front of me.
"Your p-p-preg-pregnant?" Vegeta asked.
"Yes Vegeta! You were right." I answered cheerfully.
"How come your barley telling me after a month?" Vegeta asked with a frown.
"Oh um, Mom wouldn't let me leave the house. This time I snuck out though." I answered and then I got on my knees in front of Vegeta.
"Your not upset are you?" I asked.
"" Vegeta said making it sound more like a question then a statement.
"You are aren't you!?" I growled.
"Of course not??"
"Argh!!! I HATE YOU!!" I then flung my fist at him.
Vegeta caught my punch with his hand and then he pulled me towards his body. Vegeta wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply.
Our lips moved in sync slowly and softy, our kiss full of love, then Vegeta pulled me inside the Chamber.
Vegeta grabbed my tail and slalom stroked it while he squeezed my butt. I gasped and he quickly threw his tongue at mine, our tongues battled it out then Vegeta pushed me against the wall.
He threw my shirt off and pulled away from the kiss, Vegeta then bent his head to start licking my nipples. I moaned as he licked one nipple while he squeezed the other, then Vegeta pushed me onto the floor and yanked off my pants.
He threw them aside and did the same with my underwear. Vegeta smirked and rolled me over onto my stomach, then I felt his tongue slid in and out of my butt.
I moaned as his tongue made magic inside of me, but then K remembered I'm pregnant. This can't go further. I stood up and pulled my underwear back on, Vegeta frowned.
"What are you doing?" Vegeta asked.
"I'm pregnant, remember?" I asked.
"Oh yeah. Heh, sorry bout that I was just getting excited." Vegeta said with a cheeky smile.
"So if it's a boy what do you wanna name him?" I asked.
"Vegeta." He replied.
"And if it's a girl?"
"I want it to be a boy but if it were a girl then I'd leave that up to you." Vegeta said.
"If it's a girl I wanna name her after my dad, I'll name her Goku Jr." I replied.
"Meh. I don't like that name."
"Well I do, so that's that."
Vegeta then grabbed my hand and made me look at him. Vegeta smiled and then he kissed my forehead.
"Wanna say hi to Trunks? His first birthday is coming up." Vegeta said.
"Yeah sure." I replied and walked over to Trunks.
He was playing with action figures of Onepunch-Man and Genos.
"Hey Trunks." I greeted.
He looked up at me and then turned back to his toys. I frowned and then I grabbed the toy of Genos, Trunks then lunged at me.
He tackled me down, walking around in a Gravity Chamber sure has made him faster. Trunks grabbed the toy and continued playing with them.
He ignored me.
He ignored me again.
He looked at me with a annoyed look.
"Hey." I waved when I had his attention.
"Gaga." Trunks said and waved back.
Then he kept playing with his toys, I walked back to Vegeta and he wrapped an arm around my waist.
"When will you be coming to visit again?" Vegeta asked.
"I'll visit each month so that mom doesn't know." I replied.
"Okay Gohan." Vegeta kissed my forehead again and led me to the door.
I quickly kissed his lips and flew into air.
"BYE VEGETA!!" I yelled as I flew.
I kept flying until I got home. I flew through my window and then the sun went down, the moon went up.
It's just a crescent moon so I won't turn into a Oozaru, I got in bed and pulled the blanket over me.









Hey guys!
Did you all like the chapter? Hope you did, also question of the day is....Who would win in a fight, Hit the Assassin or Golden Frieza?
Anyways vote, comment, and have fun at school!!!
P.S. I love P.E.

Friends with Benefits ( Dragonball Z Fanfiction Gohan x Vegeta Mpreg )Where stories live. Discover now