Thirteen. "Ka Me Ha Me..."

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Vegeta's POV
I dodged a punch from Bojack, then I spun kicked his face. Bojack roared and punched my face, I growled then I slammed my knuckles deep into his stomach.
Then we both threw attacks rapidly, our attacks matching each time. He's obviously holding some more power back, but when Gohan transforms he will have to go all out.
I roared and kicked his face, Bojack grabbed my foot then he slammed me against a building! I growled and blasted at him, he dodged the blast then with his hand still on my foot he threw me at the ground!
I hit the ground face first, then I quickly got up seeing Bojack flying down at me.
I moved out of the way from where he is going to land, Bojack then landed on the ground hard making cracks appear on the ground.
"Your pretty strong, Saiyan." Bojack said.
"Right back at ya." I replied.
Then Bojack lunged at me, he punched my face making me spit out blood.
I roared and punched him in the face repeatedly. Bojack kicked me, I punched him, he punched me back, then I kicked him in the stomach.
We both kept hitting each other back and forth, then suddenly Bojack's power rose! I knew he was holding back, he lunged at me and punched my stomach making me coughed up blood!
Then Bojack kicked my face, sending me high into the sky, he then appeared above me. Bojack then slammed his knuckles deep into my face.
"C-c-c-c-combo!" Bojack said as he punched my face which made me crash into the ground again.
I groaned in pain as I stood back up, suddenly Bojack appeared in front of me. A big grin on his face, he then kicked me in the chest sending me crashing into a building.
I crashed through several more buildings and then I found myself on the ground. My spandex and armor ripped. Blood pouring out of my mouth, I got up again.
Bojack laughed and punched me in the stomach multiple times. I roared and flung my fist at Bojack, he caught my fist easily then with my fist still in his grip he crushed my hand!
I screamed in pain as I heard the bones in my hand break, Bojack laughed then he punched my face.
His punch sent me sliding on the ground, I got up and then Bojack walked towards me.
"Your tired aren't you, Saiyan?" Bojack asked.
"I'm not just any ordinary Saiyan, I'm the..." I sucked up a big breath of air and then "PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS!!!!" I then lunged at him.
Bojack laughed, but then his laughter died down when my fist came into contact with his face. My punch sent him flying, I held my right arm that has my broken hand.
"Huff...huff...huff...I'm exhausted, I can't win this fight." I said.
I could hear Bojack's screams as he flew towards me, he pulled back his fist. Then he slammed it into my face, I then lost consciousness when he landed that blow.
Gohan's POV
"Vegeta!" I yelled when I saw Bojack land a killer blow on his face.
I'm currently fighting Bido and Zangya, while Trunks is fighting Bujin. Piccolo can't fight because he's still injured after trying to take on Bojack.
With the distraction of looking at Vegeta in worry, Bido punched my stomach and then Zangya kicked my face.
I growled and punched Bido then I sent my knuckles deep into his stomach. He coughed up blood and went crashing into a building.
Then I lunged at Zangya, she put her hands up and then weird purple strings appeared. They wrapped around me and I tried to get them off.
When I did could instantly feel pain, I yelled in pain as the strings tightened.
"These are Ki Strings, the more you struggle the more ki they suck out from you until your dead." Zangya explained.
Then suddenly a green clenched fist rammed into her face, she went crashing into a building.
"Piccolo!" I said with smile.
"Go help Vegeta, Trunks and I can handle these two." Piccolo said.
"Yes sir." I said and then I watched as Piccolo charged at Bido.
I then turned around and flew towards Vegeta. When I arrived I saw Vegeta on the ground, his armor cracked, the spandex ripped, blood pouring from several places on his body, and his golden hair has turned black.
I flew down towards him and helped him up. He's unconscious, but then his eyes slowly opened and he looked around confused. Then he remembered where he is at.
"Leave me alone, I'm the Prince of all Saiyans. I don't need help." Vegeta said.
"Don't say that, you can't even stand on your own." I said.
"Oh well if it isn't the boy I am going to marry." Bojack chuckled from behind us.
"I'm not marrying you, I don't love you." I growled.
"Gohan run, I'll keep him busy. Long enough for you to get away." Vegeta said through breaths.
"No, I'll kill Bojack." I said and laid Vegeta gently on the ground.
"Gohan you can't take him on your own—" I then hit him in the back of his neck making him fall asleep.
I turned to Bojack and got into my fighting position.
"Heh, I'm not into domestic violence but if it's the only way to make you realize your my love then so be it." Bojack said.
He then leaped at me.
Bojack swung his fist at me, I ducked barely dodging the punch then he suddenly grabbed my face and slammed me against the ground.
Bojack then raised me up by my hair and kicked me in the side. I went tumbling on the ground, I got up and lunged at Bojack.
I kicked his face repeatedly and then I punched his stomach. I looked up at Bojack, but then I saw he wasn't affected by my attacks.
"The other Saiyan I was fighting before is stronger than you my love. Now let's stop so you can marry me." Bojack said.
"No!!" I yelled and slammed my foot against his face.
Bojack sighed and then he punched my face, I went crashing through buildings.
The buildings collapsed as I crashed through them, this town was already destroyed its going to be worse now.
I got up and then Bojack came at me, he punched me repeatedly in the face. Then he spun, landing a roundhouse kick on my face.
I slammed against a wall, I slid down the wall and then I got back up.
"Over here my love." Bojack said and then he uppercutted me sending me into the night sky.
Bojack then flew after me and wrapped his huge muscular arms around me. He then started crushing me.
"Aah!!" I yelled in pain.
He kept crushing me, I continued screaming in pain.
"Gohan!!" Trunks yelled and started flying towards me.
Suddenly Bujin appeared in front of him and shot the ki strings at Trunks.
Trunks yelled in pain as the ki strings sucked out his energy, then he passed out. I saw Piccolo punch Bujin, but then Zangya kicked his stomach.
"Piccolo...Trunks...Vegeta...I'm sorry." I whispered and then I could feel myself dying.
Suddenly I saw...
"Dad?" I whispered weakly.
"Leave my son alone!" Dad yelled.
He flew at Bojack and punched his face, Bojack went crashing into several buildings. Dad then grabbed me and held me bridal style, he floated down to the ground.
"Gohan you gotta channel your anger, like when you fought Cell. You can do it son, I know you can." Dad said and then he set me down on my feet.
Dad patted my head and then he disappeared.
"Dad..." I said.
I then clenched my fist. Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo, Trunks, Vegeta. They're all unconscious, It's only me.
Bojack stood up and then he looked around.
"Was that Goku!?" Bojack asked.
He then walked towards me, he growled and slapped my face. I went sliding on the ground.
"I don't care if your beautiful anymore, I am going to kill you—"
Suddenly one of those spacepods came out of nowhere and hit Bojack in the face. Bojack stumbled while the spacepod crashed into a pole, the door opened and I saw Hercule nearly unconscious inside the spacepod.
"Hercule, you really are the Earth's savior." I said and then I clenched my fists.
I then roared as I turned my anger into energy, then I felt it. Super Saiyan Two.
"What? How did you do that, you just increased your power!" Bojack said.
"Bojack I'm going to kill you." I said.
"Bujin, Bido, Zangya!! Use your ki strings on him!!" Bojack ordered.
The three then flew towards us and put their hands out, then the strings wrapped around me. But I walked through them like I couldn't feel them, the thing is I could but I could barley feel them.
Bido and Bujin roared then they lunged at me. I spun around and kicked Bido in the side, but then my leg went through his side slicing him in half.
Bujin then blasted at me, I dodged the blast and flew at him. I then punched his face, knocking his head old his body. Zangya looked at me nervously.
"Bojack I'm scared." Zangya said.
"Then die!!" Bojack yelled and blasted Zangya.
She screamed and then the blast turned her into ashes. I growled and clenched my fists.
"You killed your own friend, you deserve to die." I said and then I lunged at Bojack.
He stared at me in fear, Bojack growled.
"If you think you can win your wrong—" I cut him off by punching him in the stomach. Then my fist went through his stomach, coming out his back.
Bojack coughed up blood, he backed away from me.
Holding his hands to the hole on his stomach to stop the bleeding. Bojack then growled and outstretched his arms widely, blasts forming in his hands.
"You won't win, any last words?" Bojack asked.
"Yeah, I actually do have a few. Ka Me Ha Me..." I said and started forming Dad's signature move.
"DIE!!!" Bojack yelled and blasted at me.
"HA!!!" I yelled and blasted at him.
Our blast collided, then we both zoomed through our blasts and punched each other. My fist went through his face, then Bojack stood still and suddenly he fell down dead.
I then felt exhausted, my hair went down and turned black. I fell on my knees.
"Dad I did it, thank you for encouraging me dad." I said and then I fell on my face.
"And thank you Hercule, for coming at the right time." I said right before I blacked out seeing darkness.

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