Chapter 3

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I wake up early the next morning, ready to get the hell out of this place. I had packed a bag with as much of my clothes that I could fit in it, my cards (of course), and a bundle of cash I stole from both Michele and James when they were too busy to notice.

I quickly get ready to go, faster than I ever have before and stuff my toiletry bag in my main bag as well. I open my window that leads out to the fire escape, letting in the cold New York air. I toss my bag out of the window and hop out after it, closing the window behind me and locking it, shoving the key into my pocket for safe keeping.

I lean over the edge of the fire escape and into the alley. "Hey Bill!" I yell as quietly as I could into the darkness, trying to get his, or anyone's attention.

I wait a couple of seconds for someone to answer. When no one does I sigh and yell again, "Bill!" I then hear grumbling from below me, and the faint sound of my name.

"Oh thank god." I mumble to myself as I start to lift my extremely heavy bag. "Watch out down there!" I yell and wait quickly for a reply before tossing my bag over the railing into the alley. I quickly climb down the fire escape and jump down into the alley, grabbing my bag from Bill, who was wiping some dirt off of it for me.

"Bye Bill!" I say to him, "I'm off to Paris!" I shriek excitedly.

"Have fun." The old man tells me.

"Remember what you say if Michele asks where I am?" I ask.

"I have no idea who you are." He answers correctly.

"Thanks Bill, bye!" I say, running off into the busy early morning New York streets.

I start to walk up the streets, trying the hail a taxi, but failing every time because of all the traffic.

I sigh, as I walk down the poorly lighted streets, pulling my bag behind me.

After walking for a couple blocks a cab honks from besides me, pulling over the side of the street next to me.

"Need a ride?" A familiar voice calls from the cab besides me.

I turn and look at the cab, "Jack?" I call to the guy in the back seat of the cab.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He winks, making me laugh.

"Yes, I would love a ride." I tell him and he gets out, helping put my bag in the back, then getting back in the cab with me.

"Thank god you saw me, Daniel would've had my head if I was late and missed the flight." I joke.

"Actually I don't think he would've cared that much, one less person to have to control." Jack says.

I laugh, "Very true."

The whole car ride to the airport Jack and I either joked about Daniel or just bonded over other things we had in common, like living in Brooklyn.

Once we make out way through security we find the others waiting by our gate. "Hey guys." Jack says as we sit down with them.

"There you guys are!" Daniel says, not sounding too happy with us. "Where have you been? Don't you know we have a flight to catch?"

"Relax dude, our flight doesn't leave for an...hour." Jack says, looking at the watch he swiped from out taxi driver.

"Relax? How can I relax? How can I expect you two to go along with this whole thing if you can't follow simple instructions from me?"

"Danny calm down." Henley says to him, resting her hand on his leg.

Daniel looks down at the hand resting on him, "Ok I'm calm." He says, "Now, let's go over the plan again." He says and starts to go on about how we need to track down this French guy and get him to come to our show since he belongs to the bank we are going to rob.

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