Chapter 4

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*One Year Later*

A few days after our performance Arthur Tressler had called us, very impressed with the show and the fact I was able to slip him our card. He agreed to be our sponsor and named us "The Five Horseman", a name that quickly became popular around the world after almost a year's worth of performances, all sponsored by Arthur and his company. Over the year, the people who could once call themselves strangers became a family.

Merritt kept his word and taught me all about mentalism, which was surprisingly easier than I thought, and Jack and I have been attempting to teach him slight of the hand stuff, and failing, but Merritt hasn't wanted to give up yet.

Henley and I have became known to the world the Horseman Duo, we were rarely without the other one, on and off the stage. Daniel, who now we all call by his last name, Atlas, just because it annoys the crap out of him, took a lot of convincing to allow Henley and I to do an act together at each of our performances.

When Henley and I weren't attached to each other, she was usually with Atlas, doing god knows what, and I was usually with Jack, walking the streets of Paris, trying not to get noticed by fans, all while practicing our skills with random street performances that Atlas wasn't too pleased to find out we were doing.

Tonight was our last night in Paris before our US shows began, starting in Las Vegas, just like we have been planning for a year.

Jack, Merritt, Henley, and I all sit on the floor in Henley and my room playing a board game as we wait for Atlas to come get us to start the big part of our plan. To rob a bank. Earlier in the week we had begun tracking down Etienne Forcier, the French guy we were instructed a year ago to find and bring to our show.

We have sent him a few tickets in the mail, saying they were a prize, and we gathered all the information we needed from him through "random run ins" on the street to set everything up.

I'm in the middle of my turn when Atlas comes into the room, "Ok people, tonight's the night!" He says interrupting the game, "Is everyone ready?" He asks us. "Good, let's go." He says, before giving any of us time to respond.

That's when it all began.

Henley and I went to the truck loading zone, where the truck was being loaded with the money to take to the bank, to distract the guards while the boys were picking up the flash paper we were using to replace the real money.

Dressed in what Merritt likes to call our "hooker dresses" we go up to the guards just as the money is being loaded in the truck, pretending to be lost foreigners, and luckily for us, they bought it.

Thanks to our hooker dresses, the guards left the truck to help us back to down, allowing the boys to break into it and take the money and leave behind the flash paper, a ticket to our show, and the card we had Etienne Forcier sign after Merritt hypnotized him earlier that week. Just like we planned. 


"Merritt McKinney. Daniel Atlas. Stephanie Crowley. Henley Reeves. Jack Wilder." The announcer calls out for the final time of the night, right before our grand finale, "Arthur Tressler and the MGM Grand proudly presents, The Five Horsemen." The crowed erupts in cheers as the 5 friends run back out on the Las Vegas stage, eager to preform the trick they had spent so much time on.

"Thank you!" Atlas calls out to the crowed as we walk further out on the stage. "Tonight we would like to try something that will, well, set us a bit apart." He explains.

"For our final trick," Jack begins, "we're gonna do something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage."

"Or any stage for that matter." I jump in.

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