Chapter 6

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The Five Horseman sit on the Arthur's plane on the way to New Orleans for their second act. Arthur surprisingly wasn't mad at the Horseman for their arrest, he was actually happy, because from it the Horsemen gained more fame and him more money.

"Two days ago, no one heard of these guys, but tonight's show sold out in 35 seconds." Conan O'Brien is saying to Arthur, who he was currently on a Skype interview with for his show, "I think these guys have cracked the secret to show business. Give your audience $3 million. Puts 'em in a good mood, doesn't it?"

"Best finale ever." Arthur laughs.

As the interview continues, Merritt, Henley, and I move to the back of the jet so we can talk without being a distraction. "Allow me to make plain of what we've both been thinking." Merritt says, looking from Henley to me.

"And what's that?" Henley asks him.

"Well, obviously, you have feelings of affection for Daniel." Merritt tells her, making me laugh and Henley turn as red as her hair. "Unrequited and misguided, owing to his lack of emotional availability. Consequently, you're very tightly...How should I put it?" He asks looking at me.

"Um...Corked?" I say, making Merritt and myself laugh.

"Oh, I am?" Henley says.

"Now, recognizing that you have physical needs not being met, and strictly in the vein of helping a sister out, I invite you to think of me as your own personal corkscrew." Merritt tells her.

"Wow. Thanks." Henley says, rolling her eyes. "Let me mull over that offer of cheap and meaningless sex."

"Cheap and meaningless, maybe, but, uh, not time-consuming." Merritt says, winking at her.

"Well what about Stephanie?" Henley asks, motioning to me.

"What about her?" Merritt asks.

"Yeah, what about her?" I ask, looking at Henley with the "stop talking" look.

"Well she obviously has feelings for Jack." She says, whispering his name since he was just on the other side of the wall, but could still probably hear every word we were saying.

"Hmm interesting." Merritt says, "I haven't thought about that but now that you mention it, they have been spending a lot of time together. Good job Henley, seems like I taught you well."

"Guys, we are just friends." I protest, "I spend as much time with him as I do with you guys."

Henley and Merritt look at each other, obviously not believing me. "Maybe we should just make it a threesome?" Merritt suggests. "Kill two lonely birds with one stone."

"You're literally disgusting." I say, laughing along with Henley.

"Hey, guys." Atlas says, walking into the back of the jet followed by Jack, interrupting our laughter, "We got a show to prepare for."

"Oh! Do we now?" Merritt cheers, standing up and walking closer to him.

"No, no, no, don't do that. You're not doing that thing to me. No." Atlas says, walking away from the back of the plane, the four other Horsemen following.

"What thing? I'm just looking at you." Merritt asks him, although he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"No, you're not. I've been watching you for a year. I know all of your little tricks."

"That what they are to you? Tricks?" Merritt asks, sounding a little offended.

"Yes, it's gimmicks. It's Barnum statements. It's reading the eyes. Body language."

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