Chapter 10

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I wake up the next morning with Jack's arm wrapped around me. I try to slip away from his grasp, desperately needing to pee, but Jack groans and pulls me closer to him. "Jack." I laugh as I try to pull his arm from me. "Let me go." The magician shakes his head and pouts, not letting me go. "I have to go to the bathroom." I tell him, finally escaping his grasp and getting out of bed.

Jack groans as I get out of the bed, obviously tired from the long night. There is a knock on our motel door and the control freak calls into our room, "Ok time to get up! We need to get back on the road!" He yells at us through the wooden door.

"Oh come on Danny Boy, let the happy couple sleep in a little." Merritt jokes to a very annoyed sounding Atlas.

"Now." He yells into the room, sounding very much like a parent.

I laugh as I clean myself up, "You were right." Jack says, "They are going to be very annoying."

"You've known me for over a year now, Wilder. You should know by now I know everything." I say leaning against the doorway that leads to the bathroom.

"Don't push it Crowley." Jack smirks, tossing me my skinny jeans I was wearing yesterday.

I slip them on as Jack gets out of bed and sneaks past me, going into the bathroom, splashing water on his face, and attempting to style his adorable bed head.

I grab my bag off the floor and swing it over my shoulder and hand Jack his that lied on the ground next to mine. Jack opens the room door and we walk out into the hallway where the other three Horseman were waiting for us. Completely ignoring Daniel's yelling I link arms with Henley and walk off, leaving him to yell at Jack for our "unprofessionalness."

"So?" Henley says as we walk.

"So..?" I repeat, not sure what she expected me to tell her.

"Are you two dating now?" She asks me excitedly.

"What? No."

"Why not? After last night--"

"Henley, nothing happened." I tell her. Henley pulls her arm from mine and stops in her tracks. I turn and look at her. "What?" I shrug.

"Why would you lie to me? I thought we were best friends." She says to me.

I laugh, "I'm not lying to you. We just kissed that's all." I tell her.

Henley huffs, "Well that's anti-climatic." She says linking her arm with mine again, "Just like you were since nothing happened."


"Sorry, couldn't pass up the opportunity." She laughs.

"You have been hanging out with Merritt way too much."

"I can't believe you just went there."

"Sorry, couldn't pass up the opportunity." I mock, Henley and I laughing as we go out to the cars.

I begin to put my bag in the car I had rode in last night with Jack when the boys join us outside. "Nope." Atlas says, taking my bag out of the car and putting it into the other one. "No more distractions we need to focus on the show tonight. "

I roll my eyes, "Yes mom." I say, climbing into the backseat of the second car as the other Horsemen laugh at my comment towards the control freak. I wait in the backseat for Henley and Atlas to get in the car so we can arrive in New York just in time for our final act.



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