Chapter 9

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"Where were you two?" Atlas asks Jack and I once we get to the meeting point as Henley puts the last of our bags into the cars.

"We got side tracked." Jack tells him, taking keys for one of the two cars.

"Did anyone see you?" Henley asks, coming up beside me.

"I don't think so." I tell her, glancing behind me quickly to double check.

"Ok good, let's go." Atlas says, grabbing the other set of keys and getting into the driver's seat of one of the two cars, Henley getting into the same car quickly after him. I look at Henley through the car window and she motions me to go to the other car, where Jack was already getting into the driver seat of the other car. I smile at Henley, before getting into the passenger seat to the car Jack was driving.

"Hey." He says to me as I buckle my seat belt.

"Hi." I say back at him, smiling.

"Listen, about the alley-" Jack starts to explain himself when the backdoor to the car is opened and Merritt climbs inside the car.

"Hola amigos." He says as he closes the car door, "Who's ready to party?"

I sigh and lean my head against the car window, annoyed with Merritt's presence, just wanting to be alone with Jack for the drive. "Uh, Merritt. Buddy." Jack says, turning back to look at Merritt in the back seat. "You mind?"

"Oh were you two? Were you trying to have a moment?" Merritt asks. When neither Jack or I answer he starts to laugh, "Oh you were weren't you? Ok, I'll be in the other car." He finishes, leaving the back seat to ride with Henley and Daniel, which I know they won't be excited about that.

"Start driving before he comes back." I tell Jack, who laughs and starts to drive.

"You know, Danny Boy is just going to make us take him once he gets tired of listening to him talk." Jack says, referring to Merritt.

"Yeah I know, but I say we at least of a couple of hours without the crazy guy." I look at Jack, who is smiling in amusement from my comment, not taking his eyes off the road. Staring at Jack's smile made me smile as butterflies flew around in my stomach.

"You like what you see?" Jack asks me, making me realize I was staring for too long and causing my checks to turn a slight shade of red. Jack quickly glances at me, making my blushing even worse as we make quick eye contact, his eyes completely mesmerizing even for just the second I got to stare into them.

"You wish." I huff, obviously lying about how attractive I found him as I slip off my shoes and throw me feet up on the dash, one of them hitting the windshield, making me wince in pain.

"Smooth." Jack laughs.

"Oh yeah, ha ha very funny." I say sarcastically, leaning back in my seat, not helping myself as I glance over at Jack again. We suddenly fall silent, the only noise coming from the other cars driving on the road with us as I watch Jack drive.

I watch as Jack opens his mouth as if he wanted to say something, then closing it again for the 5th time. "What?" I finally ask him, wanting to know what he has to say.

Jack sighs, "Just, about that kiss..." He says, my heart sinking, thinking he is going to tell me it was a mistake. "Just-" He hesitates. "I really like you Steph, it's just we only have one show left and who knows what's going to happen after that. Or if it will even work." He says, constantly glancing at me as he talks. "I don't want to say that kiss was a mistake, because it wasn't. It was the opposite of a mistake actually, it was amazing. I just don't want us to give into each other if we are only to end up in jail or dead or something."

"That makes sense." I mumble hesitantly as the car comes to a stop at a red light, Jack turning to face me. "I mean, it was just one kiss, it's not like it meant anything." I tell Jack, disappointment covering his face.

"Nothing?" He smirks, as if he got an idea. "Well what if it was two kisses?" He asks, kissing me for the second time that night, obviously not truly wanting anything he had said to me.

"Well now it's a little something." I say shrugging as we pull away from each other. Jack laughs and cuffs my face with his hands, kissing me again. Neither of us wanting this moment to end. The car behind us honks, making Jack and I jump away from each other, now noticing the green light and continuing the drive.

I look back at the car, only to find it belonged to the other Horsemen. My face turns red in embarrassment as Atlas looks at us disappointed and annoyed, Henley smiles, and Merritt just gives us a cheesy thumbs up.

"They are going to be annoying." I say, turning back around as my phone beeps. I glance at my phone and read the text from Merritt.

Use protection!

I huff and throw up the finger for him to see. "Wow someone it feisty." Jack laughs. "What'd they say?" I hold out my phone got Jack to glance at, who laughs as he reads Merritt's text.

"Oh Merritt." He says. "Of course we are going to use protection." I gasp and smack Jack's arm. "Ow! I'm kidding! Calm down Steph! It was only three kisses. It meant absolutely nothing right?" He says, still trying to deny our pull for each other.

"Yup. Absolutely nothing."


The Horsemen decide to stop at a motel halfway between New Orleans and New York so they could rest. 

"So, I was only able to get two rooms." Atlas is saying coming up to the other Horsemen holding two room keys. "I was thinking we split girls and boys?" I can feel Jack stare at me as the others talk about the room situation.

I glance over at Jack, locking eyes with him instantly. He smirks at me and raises a brow, as if asking me to room with him. I shrug and swing my bag over my shoulder as the others continue to argue. I watch as Jack swiftly snatches one of the two room keys from Daniel's hand and the two of us rush off before the others have a chance to protest.

We find our room and Jack unlocks us and we go inside. Jack closes the door behind me and pushes me against the wall, kissing me instantly. I wrap my arms around Jack's neck as his hands trail down my body, lifting me up, and placing my legs around his waist.

He carries me over to the bed and lays me down and climbs on top of me, not once breaking our kiss. I run my hands over his chest as Jack runs this fingers through my hair, then plays with the hem of my shirt.  We break the kiss, only to tear the clothes of each other to begin a long awaited night.



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