Chapter 11

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The Horsemen arrive at their apartment in New York, the apartment each of the magicians were lead to over a year ago, that was once empty but now was filled with information and instructions The Eye was providing for them. The Horsemen frantically ran around the apartment trying to get everything together for their final act knowing the FBI wasn't far from finding them.

"The firewall's down." Henley says, looking at the laptop at the desk we had set up. "- Do they know about this?"

"They who?" Daniel asks, helping the other burn all the papers of instructions they have received over the year.

"'They,' 'them,' whoever we're working for." Henley says, getting up from the computer to start gathering the tools they needed into duffel bags.

"Who are we working for?" I ask our 'leader'.

"And are we prepared to go to jail for them?" Henley asks him as well.

"-Stop being paranoid." He tells us.

"It really does happen." Merritt says.

"Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us." Atlas gripes at us.

"Guys, I don't know if can do this, all right." Jack speaks up, sounding paranoid. He did have the most difficult task of all after all. "I don't want to go to jail, you know?"

"Then don't screw up." Daniel tells him, "You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. Now might be a good time to start acting like one. Stick to the plan. Stay here and burn it all." He tells him, handing him the rest of the papers as I hear tires screeching from outside.

I set down the bag I was packing and go over to the window while the guys continue to argue. I slowly peer through the curtains down to the New York streets to see Dylan Rhodes and a ton of other FBI guys ready to search the building, looking for us.

"You can do whatever you want when this is over, Merritt. But until then, you stick to the plan." Daniel is yelling at Merritt when I look away from the window.

"Hey, guys. Uh... They're here." I tell them, stopping all the fighting.

"Okay. Let's do it." Merritt laughs, grabbing his designated bag and going to the front door of the apartment followed by the other Horsemen as Jack continued to burn the papers, just as planned. 

"Be careful." I tell Jack before following the others out into the hallway and over to the garbage shoot where we had planned our quick escape.

"Ladies first." Merritt says, opening the door, and motioning to Henley and I. 

"Oh how kind of you." Henley sarcastically says to him, throwing her bag down the shoot and climbing in after it, landing on the mattresses we had set up when we first arrived to New York. The rest of us follow her down then split up to begin working on our final act.

I go with Merritt and help him attach the 'look alike' car to the front of an old bus we were able to clean up and start up again. "The dead guy in there?" Merritt asks, opening the front door of the car to find the cadaver Jack had stolen from the morgue to use in our trick.  

"What are you doing?" I ask Merritt, as I watch him reach over the dead body. 

"Putting his seat belt on, we need this to be realistic." He tells me, buckling the body up.

I roll my eyes and open the duffel bag grabbing disguises for Merritt and I to wear so the FBI wouldn't recognize us and ruin our performance tonight. "Here." I say, throwing a hat and a fake mustache  to Merritt, "put this on." I tell him as I put on a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap before getting onto the bus. 

I sit in the seat directly behind the driver seat and watch as Merritt gets on the bus wearing his disguise. I laugh, "Who knew Merritt McKinney would look good with a mustache." I joke, touching the fake hair on his face.

"Stop it." Merritt says, swatting my hand away from him then beginning to drive down the streets of New York.

"We're coming to you live above the FDR, where NYPD and federal agents, as you now see, are engaged in a high-speed pursuit, following a black sedan." The girl on the radio says, just as we turn onto the bridge Jack should be zooming onto any second now. "We're now trying to get you a better shot. It looks like they're turning onto the 59th Street Bridge." I turn back to see Jack racing down the road, the FBI not far behind him.

"Here he comes." I tell Merritt as Jack drives past the bus. "Good. Just stay with him."  I say as Merritt pulls out behind Jack, blocking the FBI's view from the car as we release the look alike car onto the street just as Jack pulls off of the bride. 

"Ha-ha!" Merritt laughs as he swerves out of the way of the look alike car that starts flipping down the bridge and skids to a stop, bursting in flames. 

"Oh, shit!" I say as I watch the car burn, high-fiving Merritt.  "What the--" I mumble as I notice Dylan running out of his car and towards the burning vehicle. "What is he doing?" I as Merritt, who looks back at him in the mirror as Dylan starts trying to pull "Jack" out of the burning car and is only stopped when other agents pull him away seconds before the car exploded

Was he trying to save him?


I wanted to keep this part going but I honesty didn't know what else to say so I'm ending it here.

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