Chapter 12

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Merritt and I go to meet Henley and Atlas at the meeting point to hide from the FBI. I suggested we went to the apartment I was living at with my foster mom a year ago, since I had recently discovered she went to jail for packaging and distributing drug with her boyfriend James so the apartment was empty and close by. 

Merritt and I arrive to the apartment and go through the front door to find Henley and Atlas already inside. "Wow, this place is just as I remember it." I say bilaterally as we walk into the apartment and I drop my bag onto the dusty floor.

"Disgusting?" Henley asks from the couch on the other side of the room. 

"Yup." I say sitting besides her, "home sweet home." I say sarcastically. 

"So did everything go as planned?" Daniel asks, looking from Merritt to myself. 

"Yup the boyfrineo is deado" Merritt tells him, going over to play with the old TV as I roll my eyes, annoyed with his consonant boyfriend comments.

"It was kind of weird though." I admit.

"How so?" Daniel asks, sounding worried as he sits down on the table that was in front of Henley and I. 

"Well, the car wrecked as we planned but then it also caught on fire, and Dylan ran towards the car and tried to save him."

"Do you think he noticed it wasn't Jack?" Henley asks me. 

"No I don't think so." I shake my head. "But he generality seemed upset that Jack died." 

"Probably because he wasn't to get information out of him." Daniel huffs, getting up from the table. 

"No, I don't think that's it." I mumble as Merritt was able to get the TV to turn on and he switches it to the news where a lady was talking about us.

 "Today, the unfolding story of a popular and controversial group of magicians, who have been fast capturing the public's imagination, took a dark turn when a police action that began in Chinatown developed into a dramatic, high-speed chase across the 59th Street Bridge, which caused a fatal collision that took the life of Jack Wilder, one of the so-called Five Horsemen. The whereabouts of the other four Horsemen remain unknown at this time." 

"Just on schedule." Daniel says, grabbing the video camera we got out of one of the bags, setting it up onto the table so we can tell the world where our final show was going to be. 

The Three Horsemen sit on the black couch as Atlas finishes setting up the camera and presses record before joining the other three on the couch, squeezing together and putting their sad faces on as they mourn the death of their friend and partner, Jack Wilder

"More than anything in his life, Jack wanted to be the most famous magician who ever lived." Daniel starts off, "And I can't say he achieved it, but I do hope wherever he is, it is full of magic."

"But the point is..." I cough, letting my emotions take over, "Sorry."

"The point of why we are here is to say that we are not... We cannot quit now." Daniel finishes for me, just like we had rehearsed. 

"We've started something bigger than all of us. We have to finish it." Merritt says.

"Remember the name Jack Wilder when you see us live, 5 Pointz, Queens, 7:00. Tonight." Henley says.

"See you there." I finish with a wink as Daniel gets up to shut off the camera. 

"Ok, the FBI should be on route and following the dummy safe now. I'll get this uploaded then we should have time to get over to 5 Pointz for the show." He tells us as he begins to move the video to the computer so he can upload it.

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