Chapter 14

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They woke up an hour later with the gang back. Penelope looked at Sly and said,
"Hey, Sly!"
"Hey." He answered.
"Didn't you go to work today?"
Penelope asked.
"Inspector Barkley told me that I could have the week off to look after Carm."
"Oh, okay."
Carmelita woke up and yawned tiredly. Sly looked at her and said,
"Do you want to stay up here or do you want to go down there and rest?"
"I'll rest." Sly smiled at her as he picked her up and carried her down stairs. When he went back upstairs, everyone told each other what they did, then Sly said he needed to rest too, because he was still tired. He went down to the basement to see if Carmelita was asleep. He peered into her room to find her awake, reading a book.
"Hey, Carm," Sly said, walking towards her.
"Hey, Sly." She said. He walked to her bed and slipped under the covers.
"What are you doing, Sly?" Carmelita asked, laughing.
"Resting," He said, putting his head on her lap. Carmelita chuckled as she continued reading her book, petting his hair. After a while they both fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Rita is in her room. She pulled out a communication device from her purse and said, "When can I be rid of that annoying Sly and his gang?" Then a strange voice replied,
"Patience, dear Vanessa. You'll be rid of them soon enough and then we'll be rich! Wait for the right moment when their all in the same room. Then plant the bomb and run. Got it?"
"Got it, Preston. Over and out." She put the device back in her purse and walked back out to the living room.
"Oh, Rita!" Bentley called.
"Can you please tell Sly and Carmelita that lunch is ready?"
"Sure," She replied.
'This is the perfect time,' She thought. Rita walked down to the basement and knocked on the door, waking them up.
"Come in," Carmelita said, tiredly.
"Bentley says it's time to eat, dear."
"Okay," She said. Rita closed the door leaving them there. Sly woke up with a stretch before he picked up Carmelita. When they were upstairs, Sly put Carmelita down gently on the couch. Sly sat next to Murray and Bentley as they started to eat.
"I'll be right back, I need to get something from outside." Rita said, walking away. Nobody noticed that she slipped a time bomb under the sofa as she walked away. It was going to blow up in sixty seconds! They happily went back to eating their sandwiches, until Bentley suddenly froze. Penelope noticed and said,
"Are you al-"
"Shhh," Bentley broke in.
"I hear ticking, and not just normal ticking, the frequencies add it up to be bomb ticking! We need to get out of here!" Murray jumped up and grabbed Bentley and Carmelita and dashed out the door. Sly took Penelope's hand and sprinted outside. They made it just in time to witness their hideout be destroyed. They all stood there in shock as they watched the hideout burn and crackle.
"Where's mom?" Sly said suddenly, in fear that she was near the house when it blew up.
"I don't know, Sly," Penelope said,
"Maybe-" Her mouth flung open as she saw the sight in front of her.
"What?" Sly asked impatiently. Then Sly and the gang saw what she was looking at. It was Rita holding a machine gun with a grin on her face.
"What's that for?" Murray asked. She chuckled harshly before she said,
"What do you think?" She aimed the gun at Murray and shot him in the leg.
"Oww!" Murray yelped, dropping Carmelita in Sly's arms.
"If the bomb didn't work, this will!" She shot the gun in the air, grinning evilly at the Cooper Gang.
"Who's next?" She laughed.
"M-mom?" Sly stammered.
"Ugh! Stop calling me that! I'm not your mother! I was sent to kill you and your pathetic little gang. And my name is Vanessa. Not Rita!"
"But you look exactly like her!" She chuckled as she said,
"Plastic surgery. A lot was put into this job, Sly. But since you and your little friends won't corporate, I'll just have to do it the hard way." She snapped her fingers and many guards ran towards her.
"Get them!" She screeched. The guards each grabbed a member and put a gun to their neck.

She grinned evilly before she said,
"I'll let you guys do your work." She walked away laughing. Sly looked at his friends, they all had a scared look on their faces, knowing that they were about to be killed. In desperation, Sly kicked he guard in front of him to the ground. That made the guard holding him let go for a second. Sly then punched both of the guards knocking them out. Then the rest of the guards tried shooting Sly, but they missed horribly.
"Nice shot, bitch!" Sly yelled at one of them. After he knocked out all the guards, Sly told Penelope to look at Murray's leg that was still bleeding. Then Sly went to see if Carmelita was okay. He hugged her for a minute before saying,
"How could I be so dumb? How could I have thought that she was still alive?" Carmelita just hugged him tighter, because she didn't have anything to say. Their hug broke when they heard Vanessa sigh.
"Idiots!" She groaned. Sly stood up and asked,
"Why are you trying to kill us, Vanessa?" She chuckled before she replied,
"So I can be rich, of course! Remember the Cooper Vault? And all that money? I know that I just can't simply take your cane away because I saw what happened to that Doctor M. So we have to kill you first. My husband and I have been planning this for years. And now since the bomb doesn't work, and the guards didn't work, then I'll just to use plan number three." She snapped her fingers and the two guards standing next to her ran to the Cooper Gang. One guard grabbed Sly and held him tight while the other one grabbed Carmelita and Penelope and ran to Vanessa's car with protesting yells from Sly and Bentley.

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