Chapter 26

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Sly woke up early the next morning in the backseat of a car next to a very nude Carmelita.
He used his strong arms to hug around her body, then buried his head in her hair.
Sly did not regret having sex with her one bit. She was his, and he was hers, nothing could change that.
After a few minutes, Carmelita began to wake up. She turned around and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
"Good morning."
Sly said, smiling.
She answered.
They stayed in each others arms for a few minutes, before Sly said,
"I guess we should be getting inside, so we can get ready for work."
She nodded in agreement as she tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness wiped across her.
She managed to sit up with a groan, when she squeezed her eyes shut and held her head.
"Are you alright?"
Sly asked, overwhelmed with concern.
She nodded, which she quickly regretted, because the movement made her nauseous.
She quickly opened the door, then threw up.
Even though Sly was confused about this whole situation, he lifted up her hair away from her face.
When Carmelita was finished, Sly gave her a worried look.
"That's settled, we're staying home today."
She looked up at him with caring eyes.
"Are you sure?"
He nodded, then said,
"I'll call Barkley and tell him."
He rummaged around in the pile of clothing until he found his pants.
He stuck his hand in the front pocket, and felt a little box. He always kept that in his pocket, you never know when the right time would be.
He looked in the other pocket, and pulled out his phone.
While Sly explained Carmelita's sickness to Barkley, she put on her clothes, feeling a little shaky.
When Sly was done with his phone call, he also pulled on his clothes.
"What time is it, Sly?"
Carmelita asked.
He pulled out his phone, then said,
"It's five-thirty AM."
She nodded, as they got out of the car.
Sly and Carmelita started to walk towards the building, when Carmelita stopped him.
"What is it?"
Sly asked, curiously.
"I need to tell you something."
She looked to the ground and closed her eyes. How would he react? Would he be mad, or happy? She pushed those questions aside, and gathered enough courage to tell him.
She took a deep breath then exhaled it.
"I'm- I'm pregnant."
She whispered, barely audible.
Sly looked at her blankly. Did he not hear her?
He continued to stare at her in a daze, with his mouth parted slightly.
He blinked several times, processing what she had just told him.
He thought about that nights a few weeks ago, when they got drunk.
After a moment, his face grew into a huge smile. He let out an excited laugh, then looked into Carmelita's eyes.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded, now smiling herself.
He let out another excited yell, before picking Carmelita up by her waist and spinning her.
"Sly, put me down!" She laughed.
He sat her down, feeling a little embarrassed and foolish, for totally forgetting about her nausea.
"Oh, sorry."
He said, looking down at her stomach.
He looked back into her eyes and smiled even bigger.
"We're going to have a baby!"
He yelled, before he pulled her into a kiss.
When they released from their grip, Sly zoned out, looking off into space.
"I'm going to be a father."
He chocked out, thinking of his own dad. He would be so proud of him right now. He knew that his father would love bouncing a grandson or granddaughter on his knee, if he was still here.
Sly pushed his mind away from his sad past, and focused on the now.
He grabbed Carmelita and held him tight to his chest.
"Carmelita, I love you so much. Thank you for coming into my life."
She nodded, and said,
"Thank you too, Sly. I love you."
Sly let go of Carmelita, then put his hand in his pocket. This was something Carmelita saw him do a lot, just fiddling with something in there. She never asked what it was, though.
He stepped away from her, then looked into her eyes.
"Carm, I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and today, I think is the perfect time."
He lifted the small black box out of his pocket, then got on one knee.
Carmelita instantly gasped, knowing what he was doing.
"Carmelita Montoya Fox, you are my life. I fell in love with you many years ago, but haven't been able to express it until recently. Our first kiss was meant to be a diversion, but it turned out to be something great. It showed me what being in love is. What I'm asking is, will you marry me?"
Tears swelled up in Carmelita's eyes. She covered her hand over her mouth, as she squealed,
Sly smiled as he stood up and walked to her. She stood there speechless as he slipped the engagement ring on her finger.
She jumped up and hugged his neck, squealing with delight.
After they released from their embrace, Carmelita looked into Sly's eyes.
"Sly, this truly the happiest day of my life."
He gave her a caring smile, as he said,
"Me too."
After a few more yells and squeals of excitement, Sly and Carmelita decided to go back inside. As they walked hand in hand, Carmelita said,
"Lets keep the news to ourselves for a bit, right now is about Bentley and Penelope."
Sly nodded, as they walked in the door.
Bentley was with Penelope under the blanket, with one hand using his head as a support. He was talking to her, and she was happily talking back.
Penelope looked up and smiled.
"Sly! Carmelita!"
They shared her smiles as they walked up to her.
They each gave her a hug, then sat on the floor.
"Bentley told me all what happened, and I just want to thank you guys for helping out."
They smiled at her, then Carmelita said,
"We all love you, Penelope. We're so happy that you're back."
Penelope nodded shyly, still grinning.
After a while of talking, she wanted to stand up.
Sly and Carmelita helped her up, and her feet held steady as she stood upright.
Sly put Bentley back in his wheelchair, as Carmelita and Penelope started to slowly walk, arm in arm.
They continued to walk, until Penelope could do it without any help, which took about twenty minutes. Then, The Guru walked out of Murray's room.
He went up to Sly and said something in his Australian language. Sly smiled, then said,
"Thank you, Guru. We can never thank you enough for the things you've done."
He nodded politely, before Carmelita walked up to Sly. He wrapped his arm around her, then said,
"The Guru said that he healed Murray's legs, and once the pain is gone, he'll be walking."
Carmelita smiled, then replied,
"That's great. I'm so glad that life is going well right now."
He smiled, then looked down at her.
"Me too."

~ A Few Days Later ~

Sly and Murray stood at the alter giving reassuring looks to Bentley. He was quite nervous, but wasn't thinking of second thoughts.
Bentley and Penelope are getting married in a small church, with The Guru, and Dimitri for the crowd. The Panda King was also there, but as the priest.
They all stood there in anticipation, as they awaited the bride.
Sly and Murray were Bentley's best men, and Carmelita was Penelope's maiden of honor.
Their thoughts were interrupted by the familiar tune; Here Comes the Bride.
The door opened, and they turned to look at Penelope, and she was beautiful.
Her dress was fitted perfectly at the top, which fell into soft ruffles that moves as gracefully as she does. There was a black and white bow at the waist, and elegant laced sleeves.
Bentley smiled at his bride-to-be, transfixed on her beauty. He never thought he would see the day, when he could stand on an alter, awaiting on a woman that truly loved him.
She smiled back, obviously excited.
She began to slow-walk towards the alter, by herself, without a father walking arm in arm with her. She didn't know her parents, for she ran away when she was a child.
When she reached the alter, she looked into Bentley's eyes, and he looked into her's.
The Panda King began to speak, but Bentley and Penelope didn't listen. They stayed transfixed, lost in each other's gaze.
They snapped out of their trance, when they heard the most familiar part of the speech.
"Do you, Penelope, take this man to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?"
The Panda King said, with his deep, smooth voice.
She smiled, as her eyes began to tear up.
"I do."
Bentley smiled back, as the Panda King said,
"And do you, Bentley, take this woman to have and to hold, as long as you both shall live?"
He looked into her eyes, as a tear slipped down her face.
"I do."
"Then you may kiss the bride."
Penelope bent down slightly, as Bentley grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss.
Everyone started to clap, happy for the newly-weds.
They went down the aisle, hand in hand, smiling at everyone.
They went outside, as everyone chased them with bags of rice in their hands.
Penelope squealed, as some rice hit her back.
"Come on, Penelope!"
Bentley called, pointing to the limo that was waiting for them.
They quickly darted into the safety of the vehicle, before they could be attacked anymore.

As the car disappeared into the distance, Sly hugged Carmelita.
"I feel bad that they're not having a reception."
Carmelita said.
"Yeah, but Bentley would feel bad, knowing that he couldn't dance with his new wife. But they'll have a good time on their honeymoon."
Sly said softly.
They stayed in thought for a moment, until Carmelita looked up at Sly.
"I just thought of something else."
"With Bentley being disabled, how would they be able to have children?"
Sly looked to the ground. He would feel horrible if he wasn't able to have kids. Luckily, him and Carmelita can, and are expecting a baby.
He looked back up at Carmelita and responded,
"He told me that they wanted to adopt."
She nodded, then her eyes grew wide.
"They could adopt Cassandra."
Sly smiled, then said,
"Good idea. I'll tell them about it when they return."
She nodded, then rested her head on Sly's shoulder.
They stayed that way, until Sly interrupted her thoughts.
"When do you want to get married, Carm?"
She smiled at the thought, then said,
"After the baby is born."
He nodded, then let her return with her thoughts.
His own thoughts included his baby, and his fiancé, which he smiled every time he thought about.
He knew was going to have an amazing life.
Or is he?

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is the end of my book! Don't worry, there is going to be an epilogue to this (so you can know what happens a few months from now), and I'm writing a sequel. I know that it sounded like I threw a bunch of random stuff in this book, but I planned every detail right from the beginning. I already planned for everything in the sequel as well, and I can't wait to start writing it. If you got confused on something in my book, feel free to ask, and I'll explain it. I hope you enjoyed this book, and I hope you enjoy the next one. Thanks for reading!
(Ps: book two will be written a little differently, because I'll be writing it in people's POV's.)

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