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~ Seven Months Later ~

Bentley and Penelope had just gained legal ownership to their new daughter, Cassandra, and they love her like she is their own. She is about to turn twelve, and when she does, they are going to spoil her rotten. She still has her special talent, but it's starting to fade away, due to the advanced treatment Bentley has been giving her. She wanted to be a normal kid, so Bentley decided to help.
Cassandra has her robot leg, which Bentley and Penelope modified to work as good as a normal leg.
Bentley and Penelope were also thinking about adopting a baby boy, so Cassandra could have a chance to be a big sister, and for her parents to have a chance raising a baby.
Bentley and Penelope have a large lab on the outskirts of Paris, which also makes a nice home for their family.
Sly and Carmelita live in a medium house, a few minutes away from Bentley's and Penelope's.
Cassandra loves Sly and Carmelita, and calls them her Aunt and Uncle. It's nice they get to see her a lot.
Murray is also Cassandra's Uncle, they get along perfectly, and love to wrestle with each other(Murray is very gentle, of course).
Murray lives in an apartment room, with a job as a wrestler, and a race-car driver.
He hasn't found the right person for him yet, mostly because he's sexually confused. One day he would be eyeing a girl on TV, and the next would be flirting with a guy at the gym.
One day, he'll surprise us all.
Carmelita is seven months pregnant, and is very irritable and grumpy, which earned her a new nickname from Sly; Grumpy Fox. He gets a punch in the arm every time he calls her that, but it's worth it.
So far, the only cravings she has is extremely spicy foods.
Carmelita has been exceptionally jumpy, she says that it's because of her pregnancy, but deep inside she knows it's not. It's a feeling that someone is watching her. But every time she looks out the window, no one is there, so she just blows it off. She never told Sly about these feelings.

One day, still on her seventh month, Sly went to work, leaving Carmelita home by herself. She didn't want Sly to leave, for she had been very jumpy that day, but let him anyway. That whole day, she was pacing the floor, waiting for his return. She suddenly stopped walking, for she felt something cold and metallic touch the side of her neck. Her heart stopped, as she quickly turned, to find nothing but the sound of metal falling on the hard floor. She looked down, and saw her butcher knife laying there. Her eyes grew wide as she glanced in the kitchen, and saw that it wasn't there, along with her other knifes.
In that moment she screamed, then felt her water break. She didn't know if it was the exercise she was doing that whole time, or the shock she just had. But either way, she quickly phoned Sly, who became excited, then worried, because she was two months early.
He sped to their house, grabbed Carmelita then drove to the hospital in a panic.
On the way, Carmelita told Sly about what happened, then told him that she could always feel someone watching her. To her surprise, he admitted that he felt that too, but never said anything, not wanting to worry her.
They made it to the hospital, and after three hours of labor, Carmelita gave birth to a baby girl, on June twenty-first.
She weighed four pounds, seven ounces for being premature, but overall, she was healthy.
As soon as Sly laid eyes on her, he fell in love.
She had orange fur like her mothers, black stripes, black on the ends of her feet, arms, and ears, a long fluffy tail with stripes like her fathers, her face was orange, with a few stripes of white, and little tuffs of black hair.
He could definitely see her being a heartbreaker when she grows up.
When she was cleaned up, he picked her up, and held her to his chest.
"You're so beautiful."
He said, touching her little nose.
Sly thought about a name for her, then noticed how bright her eyes were.
"You are gorgeous, Crystal Rosa Cooper."
Carmelita smiled, then said,
"It suits her very well. Her eyes look like crystals."
He chuckled, then looked up at his beautiful fiancé.
"Just like yours."
She looked down and smiled, very proud of her new family.

Two months later, Sly and Carmelita got married, then went on their honeymoon. Bentley and Penelope watched Crystal for them, it's good practice, for they are going to adopt a baby soon.
Sly and Carmelita still felt someone watching them, but they tried not to worry, for their baby's sake. They just carried on with their life, one day at a time.

The End

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