Chapter 16

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They took a deep breath as Bentley said,

"This is it guys. Jim, you stick with me, and Sly, you sneak around and try to find them. When you do, contact me with your binocucom."

"Alright," Jim and Sly said. Then they both went their different ways. Sly jumped onto the rooftop and cracked the lock to a door. He started walking and after a while he heard a couple of guards talking, so in desperation, he quickly busted open an air vent with his cane and slipped through, without being seen from the guards. He breathed a sigh of relief and then looked around in the air vent. He thought it was a good idea to keep traveling in the air vent just in case another guard comes. He hunched down and started walking the cramped passage way. After it seemed like forever, he got to a place where he could see something. He looked down and saw a horrid sight. Carmelita and Penelope were chained to two separate beds and being raped by two guards.

"Shit, shit, shit." Sly whispered.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Carmelita screamed. Penelope was just crying, and didn't have any harsh words to say to the guard that was hurting her. Sly's face was boiling with anger. He quickly contacted Bentley.

"Did you find them?" Bentley asked.

"Yes." Sly growled.

"Stay there, I'll be right there."

"I'm not going to wait. I'm about to kill some assholes!" Sly yelled, ending the call before Bentley could ask what he meant. Sly broke the air vent opening in a rage. He jumped down, surprising everyone.

"SLY!!!" Carmelita yelled. Sly ran to the guards and hit them with his cane and yelled,

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF THEM!!!" As soon as they were both knocked out, Bentley and Jim burst in, looking ready for some action, until they saw the girls. Jim looked away as Sly and Bentley went to each other's girlfriend to help untie them. When they were untied, Sly grabbed their clothes (which was just their pants and underwear, they where wearing their shirts this whole time), and gave it to them. Penelope hugged Bentley, still crying while Sly hugged Carmelita. She was crying too, but with anger.

"I'm going to kill those bastards!!!!" Carmelita yelled, when her and Sly pulled away from the hug. She threw herself off the bed and tried to walk to the knocked out guards, until she fell down, but she still kept trying until Sly grabbed her and held her.

"Let me go!" She yelled at Sly, but he didn't listen. He picked her up and said,

"We have to go, before Vanessa comes back!"

"Sly's right." Bentley said, helping Penelope off of the bed.

"Let's go!" They all ran out of the room and then bumped into Vanessa.

"Well, well. Looks like you girl's little heroes finally showed up." She said, laughing.

"Grrrr!" Carmelita growled. Vanessa made a fake scared face as she said,

"Oh, I'm so scared. The woman who needs her boyfriend to carry her everywhere is mad at me. Boo hoo." Carmelita's face was boiling with anger as she said,

"I hate you."

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Vanessa asked, sarcastically. Carmelita pushed herself out of Sly arms and flung herself to Vanessa's feet.

"You're not going to be able to do anything from down there, stupid." She cackled. Carmelita chuckled as she used her foot to knock over Vanessa's legs, making her fall to her level. Then she jumped on top of her and started punching her face, until blood was smeared all over her body. Then she grabbed her pocket knife and stabbed her in the stomach. Sly ran over to Carmelita and peeled her off the dying body.

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