Chapter 13

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Sly woke up the next morning next to Carmelita. He chuckled softly before he carefully stood up. He then walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His lip was all better! It must have been from the special medicine that Rita put on it. Sly then walked to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for everyone. Sly was usually the first one up in the mornings. By the time he was done making a ton of pancakes and fried eggs, everyone was awake.
"Good morning!" Rita said, climbing up the stairs.
"Hey mom." Sly smiled.
"Thanks for the medicine!" Rita smiled as Murray, Bentley, and Penelope walked out.
"It smells good, Sly!" Bentley said,
"I can't really cook breakfast food that well." Out of the whole gang, Sly was the best cook. He didn't know why he was but he just went with it because he enjoyed it. When he was done, Penelope helped him serve. They all sat at the dinner table (except Carmelita, she just ate on the couch) and enjoyed their meal.
"Rita, do you want to go to a movie with Murray, Penelope and I after breakfast?"
Bentley asked suddenly.
"Of course, that sounds delightful."
She replied.
Bentley looked over at Sly.
"Do you want to go too?"
"Nah, I have to go to work."
Sly answered truthfully.
"Oh, right,"
Bentley said,
"You have that police job don't you?"
Sly chuckled and said,
"Yeah, not as exciting as thieving, I know, but still enough to get the adrenaline pumping."
Bentley snickered, nodding his head.

A few hours after breakfast, Bentley, Murray, Penelope and Rita left to the theater, while Sly started to get ready for work. He got dressed in his police uniform, and walked into the living room.
"Bye, Carmelita. I'll see you later today."
"Bye, be careful."
Carmelita replied.
Their goodbyes were interrupted by Sly's iPhone going off. It was Inspector Barkley.
"Hello?" Sly answered.
"Hello Constable Cooper, I just found out about Inspector Fox's injury, so I want you to stay home today to take care of her."
"Are you sure?" Sly asked.
"Yes, we have things under control here, but I expect you to be back at the end of the week."
"Alright, thank you sir." Sly said before he hung up.
"Looks like I'm staying home today, Inspector Barkley wants me to take care of you." Sly said, in fake agony.
Carmelita laughed.
"Shut up, you know you want to stay."
Sly chuckled.
"Yeah, I do. Let me get undressed, and I'll be right back."
"Alright," She said.

He came back a couple minutes later, and snuggled up with Carmelita under the blanket. She rested her head on his shoulder, while his arm hugged around her back.
"Do you want to listen to some music?" Sly asked, after a moment.
"Sure, that sounds romantic."
She replied.
He grabbed the remote for the radio, and started flipping through random channels. When he came across,
'I'm Sexy and I Know It', he started to sing along, which earned him a good punch in the arm.
"So romantic," Carmelita said sarcastically, which made them both go into a fit of laughter.
After a while of channel-surfing, they found a station that played smooth rock and jazz, which they both agreed on. They cuddled back up under the blanket, letting the music zone them out. They stayed there for a couple of hours, until Sly noticed that Carmelita's stomach was growling.
"Are you hungry?"
Sly asked.
"A little," She replied softly.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? What do you want?" He asked thoughtfully.
She thought for a moment, before replying,
"Chicken noodle soup, please."
"Alright, it will be done in a minute." He said, getting up.
He went to the kitchen and poured the can of soup into a pot. As it started to heat up, Sly went back to the living room.
"Let's watch a movie, Carm."
He said, walking towards the DVD player.
She smiled as she replied
"Okay, what do you have in mind?"
He pondered for a moment, then said,
"Have you ever seen the Lord of The Rings?"
"No, but I heard it's good."
She answered.
"Well, then you get to find out today."
He said, putting the disk in. He gave Carmelita the remote and said,
"Go ahead and start it, I'll be there in a second."
He walked back to the kitchen and put the soup in two bowls. He put a sliver spoon in each, then walked back to the living room. He gave Carmelita a bowl, then sat down next to her. When the movie was over, Sly and Carmelita fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.

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