Chapter 21

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Bentley felt like his heart just stopped. His fiancé, his world, and everything, would no longer be in his life. He remembered thinking about getting a house, and starting a family. He thought about growing old with her, knowing that she was the only one that he could truly love. He could never hold his bride in his arms, never stare into her dark eyes again, never feel the warm voltage surging through his veins he got from the sight of her. She broke his heart; but not by dying. She broke it by building it up with such passion that it burst.

He looked at the doctor expectantly. He didn't want a reason for her death; he simply wanted to mourn in peace. The doctor answered anyway.
"We stopped the bleeding, but it was too late. Her heart had stopped, and before we could revive her, she died."

Bentley looked at him with wrath, all he wanted to do was tear out his throat. He wanted to release his anger on somebody, to let out the pain, but then thought that a disabled man in a wheelchair couldn't do much.
Bentley fought the urge to break down when he yelled,
"Can't you STUPID doctors do anything right?!"
The doctor grabbed his wheelchair, and said,
"Sir, please keep calm."
Bentley was shaking with anger, as a single tear slipped down his face.
Suddenly, Bentley took off towards the room they took Penelope.

Sly was frozen that whole time, but then he snapped out of it, and chased after his friend.

Bentley had just reached the room and darted in, seeing Penelope lying on a bed.
He could feel his heart shatter, looking at the pale, lifeless mouse.
Her lips were blue and cracked. Her skin was cold-looking and dry, and as terrible as it sounded she hadn't been more alluring in her final days.
His body was fully in shock, as he tried to process the horrible tragedy. But his mind was remote. An endless apocalypse of the enjoyable memories that now offered only pain.
He went to the side of the bed as fast as he could, and held the limp body to his head. He started to cry, which quickly turned to heavy sobs.
"I could have saved her."
Bentley whispered, just before the doctor barged in.

He tried to pull him off her, but Bentley punched him in the mouth.
A nurse ran in, and grabbed Bentley's arms, which gave the doctor enough time to grab a needle. He injected the liquid into his forearm, which made him quickly pass out.

Sly then ran in, and saw the doctor and nurse surrounding Bentley with a needle in his arm.
Sly walked up to the doctor and looked him in the eyes.
"Couldn't you at least let him have a moment with her? That was his fiancé."
He hissed, before turning to Bentley.
He grabbed the chair's handles while they exited the room.

They left the hospital and went up to the Cooper Van. Sly wheeled Bentley into his special seat, then took off, back to their apartment.

They arrived fifteen minutes later. Sly wheeled in the unconscious Bentley, which made Carmelita stand up and run to Sly.
"Is he alright?"
She asked in a panic.
Sly nodded sadly, which made Carmelita worried.
"He got sedated. That's why he's out of it."
He said.
She dismissed that, then asked,
"Then what's wrong?"
Sly looked to the ground and closed his eyes.
He didn't want to say it, knowing it would crush his heart.
After a moment, he responded.
"Penelope died."
They stood there in silence, until he look up at Carmelia's face, which had a tear running down it.
"What happened?" She asked quietly.
Sly sighed, then said,
"She had severe internal bleeding, and her heart stopped. Bentley ran to her after he heard the news, and I guess the doctors had to sedate him after he put up a fight."

Carmelita looked down at the sleeping turtle.
"Poor Bentley." She whispered, with silent tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Let's put him on the couch."
Sly suggested, which got a nod of agreement from Carmelita.
She unbuckled him from his seat, and Sly carried him to the couch.

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