Chapter 24

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Sly and Carmelita arrived at the police station. They walked in, then saw Inspector Barkley.
"Good morning Inspector Fox, and Constable Cooper."
He said,
"Today, you two are going to interrogate a man who shot an elderly woman last night. Don't worry, the victim is fine, but we need to know the reason."
They nodded, then Carmelita asked,
"What is the suspect's name?"
Barkley cleared his throat and started to flip around in the clipboard he was holding.
"Ah, here it is. His name is; Axel Wolf. He is in interrogation room nineteen. Good luck, guys."
He said, before walking away.
Carmelita's face turned pale, and her eyes grew wide. It couldn't be him. It just couldn't. She thought that she had seen the last of that horrid person, but apparently not.
Sly looked over at her after a moment of silence, then saw her surprised face.
"What's the matter?"
She snapped out of her trance, then looked up at his worried eyes.
"Nothing, but I think I should take this case alone."
Sly looked at her confused, before responding,
"Alright, but why?"
"Sly, don't ask me that right now."
She snapped.
"I need to do this on my own."
He nodded, giving her a look of understanding, although he didn't understand at all.
'Looks like somebody's in a mood.'
Sly thought.
She took off towards the interrogation room, with her slim hips swaying with every step.
When she was out of sight range, Sly began to walk to the same room Carmelita was heading to.

He just saw her enter the room, when he snuck up to the door. No one was around, so he got onto his tiptoes and peered through the glass window at the top of the door.
Inside, there was an arctic wolf, who was Axel. He was tall, slightly muscular, and pretty good looking. He was standing at the end of the room, with his hands locked tight by cuffs.
The Wolf looked up and down Carmelita's body with lust, which made Sly instantly angry.
"Hello, babe."
Axel growled, revealing a Scottish accent.
Carmelita huffed, before crossing her arms and looking into his eyes. This was a look Sly had never seen from her, but a look he knew all too well; the look of hate.
"Listen Wolf, I'm not here for fun, so why don't you just tell me why you shot that person."
She hissed.
Axel looked to the ground and chuckled, before looking back up into her eyes.
"You are still narrow-minded, my love. I shot that old lady so I could simply be here, to get a chance to talk."
Carmelita pressed her lips into a tight line.
"You lost that privilege a long time ago, Wolf. What makes you think I would want to listen to anything you have to say, after all you've done?"
He looked back to the ground again, and he gave a look that was almost... Sorrowful?
"Maybe you would, if I told you that I changed."
He said, still eyeing the floor.
"Well it's a little too late for that, don't you think?"
She said, between her teeth.
"I've hated every rotten word that passed your lips, hated what you said to me while you beat me, I've wanted you to rot in hell, and you expect me to forgive you?"
Sly couldn't take much more of this. He hated standing here, watching his Carmelita get upset over a man, who apparently abused her in the past.
Sly barged through the door, which made them both quickly look at him.
She scolded.
Axel looked at the raccoon up and down, before asking,
"Who is this, my dear?"
Sly growled at the man, not happy about the names he was calling his girlfriend.
Before Carmelita could even speak, Sly answered for her.
"I am her boyfriend."
Axel's smug face slowly turned into a frown.
"You replaced me quick, didn't you, Carmelita?"
He looked at the confused raccoon again, before his eyes grew wide.
"Wait a second. This is that criminal you talked about all the time, isn't it?"
Sly felt flattered knowing that he had been talked about by Carmelita, but that happy feeling went away, when he saw her nodding slowly.
"What's his name... Sly Cooper? Yeah, that's it. I've always hated the look you gave while you talked about him; the look of love."
"That's a feeling that you don't know."
Carmelita scowled,
"All you know is hate, and demand."
Axel laughed, before smirking at her.
"You're wrong. I do know what love is. I loved making you scream, loved making you cry. I enjoyed knowing that I was the one who caused you such pain and misery."
Carmelita squeezed her eyes shut, as the memories poured into her mind. She remembered the horrible things he did to her, and how he would stand there and laugh as she laid on the ground, sobbing.
She pushed her mind away from the past, then looked into his eyes.
"You can never change from the evil man you are."
She said, slowly and clearly.
Axel started to say something, but was interrupted by Carmelita, who pulled out her police radio.
"Inspector Barkley? Come in."
"What is it, Fox?"
"I am done interrogating Wolf, he's ready for you."
"Good job. I'm on my way there."
She hung up in time to look at Axel and say,
"Thanks to your little shooting spree, you've earned yourself some time behind bars, where you belong."
Axel growled at her, before replying,
"I will make sure you pay for this. I will hunt you down, and I'll make you wish you were never born, then I'll grant your wish by killing you. I promise you that, my love. I will kill you."
Carmelita looked at the wall, not having anything to say.
This man had just threatened her life, and all of a sudden, she felt frightened. She felt small and weak, which was a feeling she could only experience when she was around him.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud crack.
She quickly looked over to where the sound came from, and saw that Sly had punched him into the wall.
She gasped, just before Barkley walked into the room.
Carmelita started to leave the room, but not before Barkley said,
"Fox, where are you going? And what happened in here?"
Carmelita turned back around and sighed.
"Constable Cooper can explain, I'm going outside to my car, I need some air."
Barkley thought for a moment, before sighing,
"Alright, when Cooper is finished, you two can go home, it's been pretty quiet around here today."
"Thank you, sir."
Carmelita said, before walking out.
She trailed down the stairs, then walked out of the building. She made it to her car, then slumped down in the driver's seat.
She needed time to reflect, facing her past memories was harder then she thought it would be. It was hard reliving those memories, even if it was for a few minutes.
She rubbed her head after some time to think, then turned on the radio, to drone out her feelings.
She didn't notice that it had been ten minutes, when the passenger side door opened.
"Hey, Carm."
Sly said quietly, as he slipped into the seat.
She answered. She didn't feel like talking, but she knew that's what her heart needed.
They sat in silence, the only noise was the radio playing softly.
Suddenly, Sly flicked the radio off.
"Who was that guy?"
She sighed, knowing he would have to find out about Axel, being the protective man he is.
"Lets stop at the store first, then I'll tell you."
Sly knew she was stalling, but agreed anyway.
She started the engine, then drove to the nearest store; Dollar General.

"What are we getting here?"
Sly asked, as they got out of the car.
"Some painkillers for Murray. He acts so tough but I can tell that his legs really hurt."
This woman warms Sly's heart in so many ways. She had just faced something that really upset her, and she still thinks of others.
They found what they were looking for fairly quickly, then went back to the car.
Carmelita leaned her head against the window, thinking about how she should explain. She finally turned to Sly.
She sighed, then asked,
"Do you really want to know?"
Sly answered seriously.
She nodded, before taking a deep breath.
"In nineteen-ninety-eight, I met this guy named Axel Wolf. He was nice, charming, and at the time, handsome. So we started dating. For the first year, he continued to be nice, but something changed. He began calling me names, then started to order me around. Then, if I didn't do what he told me, he would hit me. At that point, I tried to break up with him, but then he would tell me that if I broke up with him, he would hunt me down, and murder me in my sleep. So I had no choice but to stay with him. The beatings only got worse, and he started to use me for his own pleasure. Then, in two-thousand-four, I finally got the police involved, and they took him to jail, where he escaped soon after, but hasn't bothered me until now."
Sly looked to the ground, absorbing everything Carmelita said. After a moment he looked at her.
"He used you for his own pleasure? Does that mean you had...?"
She shook her head.
"No, but we came close a few times."
He nodded, feeling relieved about that.
Sly and Carmelita had sex before, even though they were drunk. He didn't like the idea of another man touching his girl.
He remembered how that evil person threatened Carmelita's life, so he pulled her into a hug. Her head landed softly on his chest, while his arms hugged around her waist.
"I won't let him kill you. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you, because I love you Carm, I love you with all of my heart."
Sly looked down at Carmelita, she was smiling, and her eyes were twinkling from the tears that were threatening to fall.
"I love you too, Sly."
They continued to smile at each other, until Sly reached in to kiss her.
They kissed passionately, their lips dancing in sync with one another. Sly moved her hair out of her face, as she traced the muscles on his arm. He copied her actions by running his fingers along her back, and sides.
Carmelita's hand moved to Sly's head, and ran her fingers through his soft hair.
They continued to kiss, as Carmelita let her other hand creep up under Sly's shirt, and traced his faint abs.
He used his free hand to explore under Carmelita's jacket, then peeled it off, revealing her blue crop-top. She did the same with his jacket, then let it hang over the seat.
Sly began to kiss along her neck, making her moan softly.
She pulled up Sly's shirt, and threw it in the floorboards.
They continued their kisses, while Sly unzipped her crop-top. This was a bit challenging, considering she had large boobs. But he managed to get it off without any awkward pauses, then tossed it in the back.
She wore a black lace bra, which looked amazing with her orange fur.
Their kissing became a bit rough, as Sly rubbed the hem of her bra.
"Sly... I need you... Now."
Carmelita gasped during a break for air.
Sly nodded in agreement before their lips crashed together again.
Sly grabbed her breast, and began to squeeze it softly, making her moan.
He started to unbutton her jeans, when they were interrupted by a knock on the passenger side door.
They groaned, breaking from their kiss.
"We'll finish this later."
Sly winked, which made her giggle.
He then rolled down the window, which lead to a pair of oversized glasses peering in though the other side.
It was Bentley.
Bentley glanced at them, then looked down to the ground.
"Well, I can see I wasn't missed."
He said, awkwardly.
Heat flustered in Sly's cheeks.
"Uh, we weren't, um..."
Sly stammered, while trying to cover up his chest with his shirt.
"Oh, be quiet before you embarrass yourself more then you already have."
Bentley said, still eyeing the ground.
They stared at him, waiting for the reason why they were interrupted.
After a minute of prolonged silence, Carmelita asked,
"What do you need, Bentley?"
He looked up at Carmelita, trying his hardest to keep eye contact. He was a guy after all.
"We need to get back to the apartment. I'll explain everything on the way there."
He said, while opening the back door.
He tried to get in Carmelita's police car, when his wheelchair got stuck.
"Damn this cursed thing."
He mumbled, under his breath.
"Do you need any help?"
Carmelita asked, while starting to get up.
"Oh, no, I-I'm fine. Stay there."
He stammered, fully aware that she was still in her bra.
With a squeeze, he finally managed to fit, then closed the door.
Sly tugged his shirt back on, then Carmelita looked around for her crop-top. Then she remembered that Sly threw it in the backseat.
Carmelita turned around to face Bentley.
"Um, Bentley, can you hand me that?"
She asked, pointing at the piece of clothing.
Bentley sighed, then picked it up with his two fingers, like it was a moldy piece of trash.
He handed it to her, which she snatched, then quickly put on, followed by her jacket that landed under her feet.
Once everyone was dressed, Carmelita started the car, then drove back to the apartment.

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