Chapter 15

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The guard then pushed Sly to the ground and ran to the car and took off, leaving Bentley, Murray and Sly there in shock. After they absorbed everything that happened, Sly said,

"They took Carmelita."

"And my Penelope." Bentley said in anger.

"We have to get them back, right now!" Bentley wheeled close to him and said,

"Not right now, Sly. Look at Murray. He needs help with his leg. Lets take him to the hospital and get that bullet out. Then we can see what we can do." Bentley could tell that Sly was fighting the urge to run off after them as he said,

"Alright." As Bentley started going back towards Murray, Sly said,


"Yes Sly?"

"Do you think she'll kill them?" Bentley sighed as he said,

"I don't think so. She's probably using them as bait to lure us there. So we'll have to be very careful." Sly nodded as he walked to Murray. He helped Murray stand on one foot and helped him walk to the van. Then Sly drove them to the hospital.

When they got there, a couple of doctors took Murray to a room, leaving Sly and Bentley in the waiting room.

"We need to think of a plan to save Penelope and Carmelita from Vanessa." Bentley said, typing on his laptop. Sly nodded in agreement as he sat down. After a while, Bentley said,

"I know where she keep them hostile, it's a heavily guarded mansion about three hours away from here." Sly stood up quickly.

"That's great! How'd you find out?"

"I wrote down the car plate numbers right before they took off, and I just googled it and it told me where they live."

"Okay, when can we leave?" Sly asked, anxiously.

"Not any time soon, because we need Murray's strength, and he can't fight right now." Sly sighed as he fell back in the chair in a slump. They both thought for a minute before Sly said,

"What about Jim McSqueeny? He's a great fighter and he worked along side my dad, he'd be perfect!" Bentley smiled a little as he said,

"Great idea, Sly! But Jim is still in jail."

"We can break him out. Come on, it's for Penelope. And Carm. I don't want anything bad to happen to them." Bentley laughed when he said,

"You sure are persistent, Sly. I'll worry about breaking him out of jail, while you find some money for someplace to sleep tonight. Meet us back here at eight o'clock."

"Thanks pal." Sly said, running out of the hospital.

When the day was up, they met Sly and Murray at the hospital. He's okay now, they just had to take the bullet out, and now he has a giant boot and a walking stick.

"How did you get the money?"

Bentley asked, looking at the one thousand dollars Sly was holding out.

"I hacked into an ATM machine"

Sly whispered.

Bentley laughed.

"Looks like some of my talent rubbed off on you. Come on, let's find an apartment." After they got booked in the four bedroom apartment, they went to their rooms and closed the door. Sly took off his clothes and slipped underneath the warm covers. Then he just stared at the black ceiling, thinking about Carmelita. How could he be so dumb and let them take his girlfriend away? He laid there for an hour before he took a deep breath and turned on the lamp next to his bed. Then he grabbed his pants and reached in the front pocket and pulled out a small black box. He was so happy he had it in his pocket when the house blew up, because it cost him a thousand dollars. He opened the box and looked at the sliver and golden engagement ring. He smiled as he took it out of the box and laid it on his hand. He bought it a day ago, but now he didn't know when he was going to propose. Then Sly heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in," He replied to the knock, putting the ring back in the box.

"I can't sleep," Bentley said, rolling closer to Sly, still sitting on the bed.

"I'm too worried about the girls." Sly sighed as he said,

"Me too. I hope they are alright." Bentley started to smile has he noticed the small black box Sly was holding.

"Is that for Carmelita?" Bentley asked.

"Yeah. How did you propose to Penelope?" Sly asked. Bentley started to smile as he remembered the memory.

"I took her out to a restaurant and put the ring I gave her in her champaign glass when she wasn't looking. When she saw it she looked at me and smiled as I asked,'Will you marry me?'" Sly half smiled as he said,

"That's cute, Bentley. I hope we'll get them back tomorrow."

"Me too, Sly." They talked for a few more minutes until Bentley got tired and went back to bed. Then Sly turned off his lamp and fell back on his bed and quickly fell asleep.

The next day, Bentley, Sly and McSqueeny got ready to go. They left Murray in front of the T.V. with some snacks and Bentley's communication device so they can contact each other if needed. They then jumped in the van and Jim drove to the mansion. Sly opened the flap in front of him and pulled out a picture of him holding Carmelita and kissing her cheek as she holds a rose with a surprised look on her face. He sighed as he put the picture back and looked out the window. Then finally after three hours, they arrived.

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