Howl Hill

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Ok, so in this chpt., I have added little * marks, which (if you scroll to the bottom) will explain what the word or phrase it applies to means.

Also, there is a surprise ahead! :)


A three word sentence that anyone would hate to hear at the wrong time plays through my head... It won't release me. It is all I can think about- and it will remain so until it is satisfied.

"I am hungry..."

Oh, did I mention that nothing had been brought in from the hunt in the last four days? When I had arrived, the pack had been down to scraps, and now there was close to nothing for food. So, in result, there was no lunch anymore... Or midday snack... Or elevensies... Oh, the horror!

Of course, that wasn't the only thing on my mind currently. Two extremely attractive men shared that small space... I was trying and failing to make the hunger my top priority.

"Cooooore? Did you hear meeee? I've been watching you for like an houuuuur! hellooooo??" Said Calyx.

"What? Oh, sorry, I-"

"Boy trouble?"

"Yeah, how did you-?" the thing about Calyx is that she doesn't like it when people finish sentences.

"It's ok, when you find your mate, it'll all clear up. the choice will be the easiest choice to make, like, ever."

"Really? tell me more."

"Well, there is an extremely obvious pull," check. "and they say 'mine'," check. "And you are in total and complete love at first sight." ... I'm not sure... am I truly in love at first sight?

"Thanks, Calyx."

"Yup yup! Now, do you realize what time it is?"


"Eight o'clock."

"WHAT? how did time go by that fast?!?"

"That's what happens when you mope," she said, poking my arm. I smiled falsely. "Well any-who, it's a spesh day.... it's Saturday!! And guess who I just saw outside?"


"The alpha! and guess what he told me??"

Get to the point, woman! "what, Calyx?"

"You are required to go to Howl Hill!!! how exciting!"

And now a ONE word phrase plays through my mind, ever so tantilizing- but it will be censored for you;


"What dress are you going to wear?" Said Calyx, walking slowly to her closet.

"Um... None?"

"Oh, you gotta wear a dress!"

"How about no."


"Didn't i just say no?"

"C'mon! you're just being a spoil sport!"

"Calyx, if you ask me to wear a dress one more time, I swear I will shift and destroy you."

"Will you wear a-" I gave her a death glare, and she decided not to finish her sentence. "Jeeeeeze! fine! wear jeans for all I care!"

"Thank you."

"I was kidding,"

"Too bad. I'm wearing jeans and a tee, and you can't stop me."

"Fine. But you have to wear your fur color! it's the rules."

I paled, gulping. "uhh...." what was my color? I had said it was grayish-tanish-pinkish-brown, but I don't have anything that color.

"Oh... Really?"

"Yep. you can't go in anything else."

"Do you.. Do you think I could borrow something?"

"Oh, I guess so. You're a tan-ish, brownish pinkish?"


She searched for a moment in her overstuffed closet. "Well.. The only thing I can find..." She popped out of the closet, holding a bundle. "All I have is a dress," she said with an evil grin.

"Darvit*, Calyx! you make things so difficult!"


Wolf whistles (ironically) were practically all I could hear once I arrived. There were so many people. Calyx was tugging me along a beaten path full teens and young adults on their way to Howl Hill. I was about to ask how much farther we had to go when she dropped my arm, staring ahead at a guy in tight jeans and no shirt. I'll admit, the guy was totally hot.

"Ooh," she gurgled. She ran her hands through her hair and started walking toward him.

"What about me?" I said timidly.

She turned to face me as though she had forgotten I was there. "oh, just follow the path till... till you see a hot guy who's alone, I guess. then approach him. And then... well, I guess it's better to show you. watch," she said, walking toward the guy. she grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him in. he grabbed her waist, and they smelled each other's neck. the guy growled, and Calyx tapped her chin.

"Howl," she said, and the guy howled. "Nah, sorry," she said unapologetically,  walking back to me..

"See?" she asked, as though the process were obvious.

"Not really... so you just smell each other, and if you don't like the other's smell, you make sure by having them howl?"

"Yeah! but it's more than not liking it. that guy smelled fine. But an instinct will tell you when they smell correct." For werewolves, anyway. Which I don't even know if I am one.

"Ok..." I said nervously.

"Ooh! there's another one. Catch ya later!" said Calyx, and she sped off. I continued down the path for a while, not sure of what I was doing, when someone grabbed me from behind....


*1: Darvit- a curse word in a mythological Dwarven language featured in "Artemis Fowl", a book by Eoin Colfer.


Vote if you think Calyx is a ditz.

Comment if you would ever wear a dress to this sort of thing!

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