The Best Please Yet

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"Your test results are inconclusive," a large man said to me. His face wasn't readable, but I was positive that I'd done well on the test. After all, five months of training in a wolf pack had to pay off somehow. Were they worried I was going to betray their secrets to the wolves? If so, they weren't doing the best job hiding it.

"When will I be able to hear the results? Will I be able to guard the borders?"

"Like I said, inconclusive.  You'll have to await further notice."

I sighed heavily,  deciding not to argue.  "Thank you," I said, leaving the building.

Shylock waited for me outside in the foggy street. He was leaving today.

I'd been here a week, not really ever thinking about the fact that he'd have to go back and defend his pack eventually. They were down on people already when we left, but now I was sure they weren't doing too well. 

"Hey," said Shylock. That was his usual greeting.

"Hi." I was preoccupied with thinking about how his father would react to his return, and he knew it, so he left me to my thoughts. We walked out to the town's auditorium,  which was luckily empty. I sat in the bleachers and held my head, him next to me. We were really good friends, no matter how much we hid it with sarcasm and insults. Today he was wearing a long sleeved gray cotton shirt that looked heavy and warm. His pants were faded, but still nice. I wondered where he got his clothes from.

As I stared at my old, tattered converse and my skinny jeans, I remembered borrowing clothes from my friends at the pack. My shirt had come from Calyx. It was cute- the least girly shirt she'd had. It had a skull on the front that was made of lace. The shirt was maroon and had rhinestones on the shoulders. I liked it, but didnt wear it often. 

The converse and pants were the ones I'd had since I left my mom.

Oh, no, I thought. Not that subject again.

I was distracted momentarily when rain started to slowly patter onto the ground. It started as a drizzle, but I could tell it was going to get worse. I looked up into the Heavens, wondering what God was doing with my life, and how I could help his plan go more smoothly.

"I have to go in twenty minutes," Shylock said quietly.  He and Kunta were officially dating now. They hadn't announced it,  but Kunta told me she thought they were for real. I'd congratulated her, I had been happy for her, but I had felt a pang of jealousy in my chest.  I wouldn't come between them. They were good together.  They might've seemed like mates if you didn't know them.

The rain fell ever harder. I took off my beanie (given to me by Shylock himself) and set it next to my legs. Water soaked through my jeans and shirt. My breath came slow, but you could see it in the air. I looked at Shylock's mouth, the steam billowing slowly from it. He studied my face closely, and our eyes met. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it in a loving way.

Shylock was having a serious moment with me, and he wasn't flirting. He actually wanted to portray his feelings. I could see him for who he was- his face was betraying his true emotions-

And he was vulnerable.

He was scared.

I lunged at him, grabbing his head and hugging him tightly.  The moment had been so intimate that I couldn't differentiate what was rain and what were tears. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead into my shoulder.

"Please," he said.


I sat back in shock,  looking  at him closely.

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