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    *Angelina's POV*
We got on the ride and I was in the middle. This ride goes up and down and twist you. I'm that type of person who doesn't scream but laughs. When the ride started Same Old Love came on. The ride just started like 1 second ago and I was sitting there laughing really hard singing. Hayes was screaming which made me laugh harder but what made me laugh REALLY hard was Austin. One second you would hear him scream but then he would pass out. When the ride ended,I had drool on my shirt because of how hard I was laughing. I left Hayes and Austin because damn they are so slow. I met up with Nina and Nash and told then about Austin and Hayes acted on the ride and they started laughing. "What is so funny over here?" Austin asked coming up to me to hold my hand. "Oh just how you kept on passing out on the ride," I told Austin. "Wait hold up, you passed out? Omg that must be the funniest thing ever," Hayes said coming up to us. "Oh please you should have heard you. I think I was about to loose my hearing," I told Hayes laughing. "Are you sure that wasn't Nash?" Hayes asked. "Boi please we know I'm the toughest guy around. It's going to take more than a ride to make me scream," Nash replied. "Omg I know you didn't just say that. You were screaming like your fans do but the only difference is that you are only one person," Nina said laughing which made us all laugh. "Yea yea ok can we just go get some food?" Nash asked trying to change the topic. "Omg Yass I'm starving," I said. "Your always hungry," Hayes said. "I know your not talking, Benjamin," I said while laughing and got in line.

We then ordered our food. I got a hamburger with fries and so did everyone else. We sat at a table which had just enough seats. We then started eating and started talking about anything that came to mind. "What the fuck! Why did y'all fucking leave me?!" Maggie asked mad asf. Oh shit I forgot all about her. "Oh sorry..." Hayes said trying hard asf not to laugh as we all was. "Oh whatever, Maggie said, I'm going to get some food." As she left we all just started laughing harder for than before including Hayes. When she came back we was already finished. So we waited for her to get done because of course we can't leave the little "princess" behind. When she got done and went on the next ride which was the teacups! Omg I love this ride. Me and Austin was in line with our hands intwined talking.

*Hayes POV*
I was watching Angelina and Austin just talk and giving each other heart eyes until Nash asked a question that got my attention. "Jealous much?" Nash asked me. "Please she is just a hoe. Just look how high her shorts are," I said. "Dude I am talking about Angelina not your 'girlfriend'" Nash said. "Ik" I said back. "Well last time I checked Angelina was wearing pants and your 'girlfriend' was wearing booty shorts" Nash said. But before I could say anything I got on the ride. Maggie came back just on time to sit next to me but Angelina and Austin also got in. "Ew why you?" Maggie asked. "Ne nice," I said to her. She just rolled her eyes. That get on my damn nerves so much. It started and we started spinning really fast but then Maggie took her hands off and I don't know why but i didn't care I just kept on spinning until she threw up all over my damn shoes. Like why the shoes???! After she threw up thankfully the ride stopped. I looked up to a Angelina and Austin laughing their asses off. I looked over to Maggie looking innocent as ever. I just hurried up and got off.

I went straight to the nearest restroom and washed it off which was so gross. I think I'm just going to throw these away and go barefooted. "Here, take these," Angelina said. "First thank you but how did you get these and second you are in a boys restroom," I said. "I just bought those, thank god they sale shoes here, and trust me this isn't my first time," Angelina said laughing. "Well thank you," I said. "I know you already said that," Angelina said laughing a little. God I just love her laugh. Wait what am I saying. "Anyways how much do I.." I said before Angelina interrupted me, "nothing I bought them for you so let's just say it's a present," Angelina said. "Thank you," I said. "That is the third time you said thank you," Angelina said laughing. "Ok let's go we are still in the boys restroom," I said laughing. We walked out to Maggie flirting with another guy. That hoe. I saw Angelina looking at me and I just shrugged my shoulders cause really I only brought her to make Angelina jealous. I mean all of those girls I took home with me was just to make her jealous really. "Hey lets go ride another ride," Nina said getting me back on earth. When I looked on my left Angelina wasn't there so I looked over to see her and Austin. Damn I'm stupid for letting her go. At this moment I really just want to go home, but I want to spend more time with her so the only way is to stay.

*Angelina's POV*
"Nice shoes," Nash said as we got in line for the next ride. We then all started laughing well except for Hayes. "Omg you should have just seen his face when she threw up on him," Austin said laughing really hard. "Omg Yass it was priceless," I said dying of laughter. "Ok can y'all just shut up," Hayes said. "Ok fine but where is that hoe," I said, "I mean Maggie." "Actually I think hoe is the correct word since she is over there making out with one of the workers," Nina said. "Oh wow the funny thing is it is the beer guy," Nash said. "She probably doing for the drinks," Hayes said laughing which made us all stop laughing. "Dude why are you joking about this," I asked confused as hell. "Come on guys we all know we weren't going to actually stay together after today," Hayes said. "I'm not shocked," Nash said. "Yea yea can we just get on the damn ride already," Hayes said.

It was a 5 person ride so we all sat together. This was a scary ass ride actually. You have to put on goggles to make everything 3D. And we all got guns and had to shoot zombies. It started as if we were in a scary movie. It was fun as fuck because like come on being in a scary movie with your bestfriends is fun. Plus we have Nash so it was funny as fuck because come on its Nash Grier. Hayes was on my right and Nina was on my left which Nash was right beside her and Austin was right beside Hayes. And it started half way on the ride it was the most scary ass part and of course the ride had to break down right there! So everything was just coming more and more until I got so scared and grabbed Hayes hand. He then whispered in my ear, "it's ok babe." I don't know why but when he called me babe omg I almost died.

A/n - so how are y'all liking the story? Do y'all want Hayes to get back together? How about Nash and Nina bestfriends or a couple?

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