Friends again?

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Angelina's POV

After I apologized, we just talked and caught up with each other. "So do you want to go get some frozen yogurt?" Nash asked. "That depends is Hayes going?" I replied. "Ew no," Nash said. We both laughed and we walked off with Nina. We then got frozen yogurt and sat at a table. "So what is up with Hayes with these girls?" I asked. Nash then looked at me and said, "He isn't him self after he broke up with you." "Wow are you serious I couldn't tell." I said with sarcasm and a little of laughter. "He has been going to parties and getting drunk. He evens brings home a different girl each night." Nash said. "Wow I never could have thought could actually pull that many girls!" I said. "Well he did pull you," Nina said. Me about to die said, "He didn't pull me. I pulled him!" "Yea he was the one with a fangirl page wasn't he." "First of all if he did it would be called a fanboy page and second your point?" I replied. "Wait hold up you had a fanpage of Hayes?!" Nash asked laughing to death. "Have**" Nina corrected him. "You still have it?" Nash said still laughing. "Yes damn why does it matter?" I asked. "Well for someone who clearly doesn't like him....." Nina said. "Well I still support him so yea." I said getting up throwing away my bowl.

I then said I had to go to the bathroom and walk there. As I was walking I was looking at my Twitter and accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Austin! Omg I missed him so much. We knew each other from school. We were bestfriends in 4th grade until I moved to California for my moms job, and no me and him were never anything but friends plus he is gay. I got up and hugged him really fast and he seemed excited and shocked to see me too. We then let go. "Austin what are doing here and why didn't you text me when you arrived?" I asked. "I'm here for vacation and I lost my phone on the plane." "Well I'm just so glad I bumped into you!" I said and then I asked him if he wanted to come to hang with us. He said yes but I had to go to the bathroom so I went their first and then went back to the group.

When we arrived back to the group, they where y'all down and was ready. I then introduced Austin to them and they then greeted themselves and we started walking out of the place. "Does anybody have plans tonight?" I asked being the brilliant one of the group. Everyone said no , so I asked if they wanted to bowling around 8 and everyone said and I made it clear to Nash that Hayes couldn't come and he then said ok. Me and Nina had to go so we said bye ,but before we left we asked Austin if he was getting a phone today and he said yes that's why he was actually here. We then got a napkin from the yogurt place and got a pen and wrote down our numbers and told them bye. We walked offs but then Nash then yelled "Angelina!" I looked back and Nash then asked, "Friends again?" And I then said, "Sure" and then Nash got a big smile. I then said, "Ok bye Hamilton!" I turned around laughing knowing he hated when I called him that .

A/n ~ the Austin I'm talking about is Austin Blank if you don't know him watch the video of him at the top! He is so funny

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