Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Ashdy



Hello guys :) so.. this is my first story on wattpad obviously:) with a help of my big sister. So I"ll be really glad if you guys give it a try :)

-Chapter One-

                I woke up as the ray of the sun makes its way through the norrow spaces of my window curtain. I stood up and tied the curtain up so the sun will enter my room. It’s nice to see the sun’s reflection in the pink colors of my bedroom.

                I’m Monique Richel Wilson, My Mom and My friends used to call me ‘Mori’. I’m just an average teen-aged girl. I do the same routine like all teens do. But, one thing that I have that made my life special is having my ideal man as my boyfriend.

                Yes! You heard it right. He’s Jerremy Allens, often called as ‘Jerry’. He’s the only son of Claire Allens and Danniell Allens, and take note the heirs of Allens Group of Company. He’s the only child of Mr. And Mrs. Allens.

                I couldn’t help but smile as I think of Jerremy. Who would’ve thought that my bestfriend will be my boyfriend. And to think that many has courted me back in school. There’s just something about Jerremy that made me choose him.


                My thoughts were disturbed when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it on top of the chest of my drawer at the bedside. A smile formed in my lips when I saw Jerremy’s name appeared on the screen. I clicked the ‘Open’ button to read his message.

                ‘Good Morning, Babe! Happy Fourth Anniverssary! I love you so much :* - Jerremy’

                I quickly glanced at the calendar hanging beside the mirror and my jaw dropped when I saw today’s date, September 18.

                I slapped my forhead as I rested my butt at the edge of my bed. How could I almost forget it. I’ve been preparing my self for this day yet I almost forget. Quickly I clicked the reply button and typed my message.

                ‘Happy Anniverssary too, Babe! I love you :* - Mori’

                Then I press the send button. I get up the bed and went to the bathroom, take a shower and did my morning routine. We’ve been planning so long for this day. I have to prepare my self. Jerremys’ Mom scheduled a lunch date for the three of us.

                I dried my hair as I get out of the bathroom. Applied some body lotion, and then curled my bloned hair.


                Hearing my phone buzz again made me jumped of the chair. I quickly grabbed it and swipe the screen.

                ‘You ready? , Be there in 10! – Jerremy’

                After reading Jerremy’s message, I hurriedly dressed up and put a little make-up. I’m a picky type of person that’s why I fail to do things on a rush. I have to find a dress that would suit the ocassion and that would perfeclty matches me.

                                -knock! Knock! Knock!-

                “Sweetheart! Jerry’s already in the living room!” , I heard Mom called up and I quickly headed out of my room. Mom is standing beside the door frame, starring at my panic face.

                “Hey, Mom!” , I greeted, “How do I look?” , I asked as my face draws nervousness. I was actually wearing a navy blue strapless dress that falls freely at the level of my knees. My Mom designed the dress, she’s a popular Fashion Designer. I did also wear a black six-inch high heels to match my dress, and a silver bracelet, Mom gave me on my 17th birthday. On my left hand is my dark-blue purse and my phone.

                “You look great, Sweetheart!” , Mom said as she bring  my hair infront causing it to fall to my chest. I look down the floor to escape from Mom’s gaze and faked a smile.

                “You’re perfect, Mori!” , she added as she cupped her hands on my face, “Go down now! You dont want that handsome Jerry to wait for you, dont you?” , she continued and let out a big smile.

                I just nodded and wrapped my hands around her. She genlty pressed her lips against my forhead and then pulled away from my embrassed.

                ‘GO!’ , Mom mouthed. I make my way down the stairs and looked at Mom.

                “Thanks, Mom!” I said and then headed to the living room.


                I saw Jerremy sitted on the white couch inside the living room.  He is wearing a black suit, with a white polo and dark blue tie. His hair is properly comb and gelled in a nice way. I took a step to his direction, then He stood up and turn around to me. He probably saw my reflection on the TV screen.

                Jerremy stood in silence as I walk towards him. He smiled when I was there standing infront of him.

                “Hey! , Are you just going to stare at me like that?” , I snapped. He just smiled and tuck my hair behind my ear.

                “You’re so beautiful, Babe!” , he said almost to whisper. What he said made a slight curve on my lips.

                “We should go now!” , I demanded grabbing his hands and walks towards the door.

                “Aye! Aye! Madame!” , I chuckled at his response.

                We both head to his car that was parked outside the mansion. The day started great, I hope it would end PERFECTLY!


Yeee.. How is it? What do you think of Mori?

Please do vote.comment. it will be very appreciated .. THANKS!!

With much love


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