Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to Ashdy

Hello guys :) Merry christmas and a happy New year to each and everyone :) I hope you guys is having a great HOLIDAYS:))

Well.. here's another chapter.. I hope you'll enjoy this :)


-Chapter 12-

                “Hey!” , I heard a familiar voice called out. I glanced over the doorway in the living room to see who called out. I let out a big grin when I recognized it.

                “Mom?” , I yelled of excitement running towards her throwing her my warmest hug ever, “I missed you so much!” , I said after pulling out from the embraced.

                “Mori?” , she frowned, “What happened to you hai –”

                “People changed Mom!” , I cut her off as I know she’s pertaining to my hair. “So, How are you Mom?” , I asked changing the topic.

                “I’m okay, Sweetheart! , Just being stressed out by my fashion career!” , she answered as we both take a sit on the couch.

                “Really? You should take some off Mom, don’t stress yourself too much!” , I advised her.

                “Of course sweetheart!” , she replied, “How ‘bout you? How’re you here?” , she continued.

                “Good, Mom. I’ve already develop a new hobby.” , I answered in playful tone, “Gardening” , I continued forcing not to laugh.

                Mom let out a small laugh at that. We chat for a while about how things had gone for the both of us. Exchanges our thoughts about how we missed each other so much. It is good thing that Mom is here today for I plan of doing nothing the whole day.

                “Jane?” , we heard Grand Ma called out. We both turned our heads to the stairway where Grand Ma stood.

                “Hello Ma!” , Mom Greeted her and they exchange kisses. Grand Ma took a sit on the couch beside Mom.

                “What brought you here?” , she asked making herself comfortable on the couch.

                “Well, summer is almost over!” , Mom started and glanced over at me, “And this lady here told me that she’ll enroll at Cassel’s High after summer.”

                My eyes widen of what I heard. I almost forgot about schooling. Yes, I promised Mom that I’ll continue school here at Cassel’s. My thoughts were disturbed when I heard Mom talked again.

                “I brought some of her documents that she might need for enrollment.” , she handed Grand Ma an envelope, “That includes her report card in Mc. Linden High. I hope she’s not yet late for enrollment!” , she continued.

'               “Oh! That’s great Jane.” , Grand Ma made her opinion clapping her hands on the air at the level of her chest holding them both together, “I’m about to tell you about enrolling Mori at Cassel’s High since tomorrow is the deadline for enrollment.”

                “Tomorrow?” , I queried. I haven’t enjoyed much of NO CLASS and enrollment will end tomorrow? Great, I’ll be stuck up in the LIBRARY again!!!

                “Yes dear, Tomorrow!” , Grand Ma replied playfully and they both let a slight laugh with Mom.

                I faked a smile at Grand Ma and lean against the couch. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn’t noticed that they’re both now in the kitchen. So, I went up my bedroom gently closing the door behind me. My room is now peaceful than ever. Its darkness made it more peaceful. I throw myself on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

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