Chapter 6

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   Gabbie woke up a little while after me and looked up at me.
   "Did you fall asleep in my bed or something? Because that's pretty gay," she laughed at me as she sat herself up, rubbing her eyes.
   "Yeah, but that's only because you fell asleep on me, and I didn't want to be rude like that," I replied as I continued to scroll through my phone.
   I sighed, placing my phone on the bed and rested my head against the wall that her bed was against.
   "What happened?" Gabbie asked as she stared at me.
   "My dad is basically attacking me for leaving the house."
   "Look, don't listen to him. C'mon, it's your first full day here. Cheer up. I would say that we could go do something, but I have a lot to do today," she sighed. "Lots of stuff I don't want to do."
   I nodded, understanding.
   "Maybe I'll just set up everything else," I suggested as I got up off of her bed. "And since you can't cook, I'll make breakfast."
   I went off into the kitchen and went into search for her pans. I finally found them, grabbing out the only one she had.
   "Gabbie!" I yelled out to her.
   I saw her hurry in from the corner of my eye.
   "While you're out today, you should, well, buy more pans," I said as I lifted up the pan to show her what it looked like. "It's so burnt. Jesus."
   Gabbie chuckled and went back to her room.
   I went into her fridge and looked around for something that I could hurry and make. I only spotted some eggs, so I pulled them out and took out four eggs, two for the each of us. I cracked two of them on the counter and broke them over the pan, hearing them pop a little as they hit the pan. I grabbed out some milk from her fridge and added a little to make them fluffier. I also added a pinch of salt and pepper, beginning to scramble them in the pan.
   It took about 5 minutes, but the eggs were done. Honestly, I wasn't even hungry, so I just served them all onto her plate and called her in.
   "Thanks, dude! I didn't know you were this master chef," Gabbie joked.
   "This is what happens when your dad forces you to go to a magnet school and take culinary classes while you're there," I replied.
   She took her plate to the table, and slowly began to eat them as she did a little work on her computer. It looked like she was writing video ideas out, or at least writing something.
   I brought myself over to the table and sat down to her left.
   "So, um, what do you have planned today?" I asked her, trying to just hear her voice again.
   "Well, I have to go grocery shopping as you can tell. I, also, have to go to David's to be in his vlog, then I have to go by the post office and pick up fan mail. Oh! And I'm going to this party tonight and..." she trailed off. "Never mind, you can't go. You're not old enough."
   "Oh, well, that's fine!" I replied, getting up. "I'm going to start setting everything up."
   I went to my room first and began to put my clothes in the closet. I guess my first day in L.A. isn't going to be all that exciting.
   It was about one A.M., and I was finally done setting up most of the stuff for Gabbie. I threw myself against the couch and let out a long sigh. I honestly never thought I would have moved out by now.
   I shut my eyes for a moment, and I fell asleep.
   I heard the door open, and I jumped awake.
   What time was it? Four A.M. Why was Gabbie home so late?
   "Ash..." I heard her call.
   Her voice was shaking, and I got up to see what happened.
   We met in the hallway, and Gabbie was bleeding and bruised.
   "Holy shit! What the hell happened? Are you alright, dear?" I asked in shock, placing her arm over my shoulder to help her walk.
   I brought her to the table so I could grab a towel and wipe away all of the blood.
   She groaned, saying softly, "I was walking with Zane and Heath, and these guys came up to us. It was four guys. They were quite... big, and they were intoxicated. They started saying stuff to Zane, and we were a little intoxicated as well. Well, Zane wasn't only a bit tipsy. Anyways, Zane and Heath told them to stop, and we tried to... walk away. Then they grabbed us and started beating... beating the shit out of us."
   She let out a small wince of pain as I put an ice pack against her face, lifting her hand so she would hold it.
   "Sweetheart..." I sighed as I wiped away the blood from her nose. "I'm sorry. Do you know what they... look like?"
   "I could point them out probably. Alll I know is that I think this is going to leave a scar," she muttered, out of breath, showing me a huge gash on her shoulder.
   It wasn't deep enough for stitches, but it wasn't small either. I grabbed the other towel I placed upon the table and wrapped it tightly around her shoulder.
   "Drink some water, keep this ice on you and the towel, and get some sleep," I told her, getting up to pour her a glass of water.
   Who the hell would do that to Zane, Heath and Gabbie? Fucking assholes, that's who.
   I went back and handed her the water.
   I cleaned up her face and arms a bit more, and I walked her to her room. I laid her down and placed her blanket over her.
   I handed her her sleeping mask, saying, "You didn't use this last night, and I know how this helps you sleep. Goodnight. I'll be in my room if you need me."
   "Goodnight, Ash, and thank you," she muttered, putting her mask on.
   Whoever beat her and her friends up were going to pay.

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