Chapter 7

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Listen to this song when I say, lovelies (closer to the end though) <3 -

(Oh, and this will be a reallyyyyy long chapter. I am sorry ahead of time, precious ones.)
Gabbie knocked at my door at about eight A.M.
"Ash... I need you," she whispered through the door.
I scrambled to my feet, throwing some white shorts speckled with flowers on, and I walked to the door, opening it. Gabbie was shaking again, and she just brought herself into my room, shutting the door. Tears were flowing from her eyes, and she was twirling her thumbs rapidly. She took a single look at me, and sighed, a small whine coming from her lips.
"Astro, I'm honestly so upset. I don't know why, but I... I..." she cried out. "I don't know why I'm such a bitch! God, why do people care about me? And why did this happen to me last night?"
I stood there, shocked. I guess the situation triggered her panic attack. I didn't know what to do besides stand in front of her and mutter um to myself.
Gabbie threw herself onto my bed, wrapping herself in my blankets. I stared at her for a moment, and then I decided to sit next to her and stroke her hair. So, I lifted her head onto my right thigh, placing my gently on her hair and stroked her hair back and forth.
I heard her crying and screaming get louder and then quieter until it finally stopped. I saw her with her my blanket covering her eyes tightly, and I heard her let out tiny breaths, signalling me that she was asleep again.
She needed sleep, so I carefully put my hand between her cheek and my thigh, slipping out from under her and gently placing her head on top of a pillow. I went down to kiss her head like I would do for my friends, but I resisted and walked out, leaving the door open a crack.
I took myself to the dining room, sitting down in the same chair I did yesterday, and I ran my heads through my hair. Her getting beat up stressed me out more than high school exams did. I didn't know that was possible.
I let out a long sigh and sat up a bit. What the hell was I going to do about all of this? Jesus. Being eighteen, you're stuck really not being able to do much. I couldn't help well, even if I tried.
I heard a door softly creak open and tiny footsteps approached me.
"Ash, there you are! Sorry for the panic attack earlier," Gabbie awkwardly chuckled.
"It's okay, precious. I have the same issue. Anyways, I was about to get up and make myself some tea. Want anything?" I asked her, not wanting to be on the topic of panic attacks for that long.
"Oh, no, it's okay," she replied. "Hey, do you want to hang out with my friends and I later today? You can finally formally meet them."
"I don't want to intrude on you guys."
"Okay! So, that's a yes," she laughed.
I rolled my eyes, getting up to make myself tea.
Walking into the kitchen, I opened the cupboard and got out a small box of peach tea, grabbing out one of the small tea bags. I began to heat up eater in a kettle, leaning against the counter as I waited.
"What are you idiots even doing today? Getting drunk and posting it all over Snapchat?"
She held back a laugh, answering, "I didn't think to do that today. Maybe we will!"
I smiled. "Who's all going to be there, anyway?"
Gabbie tapped her cheek ever so slightly, thinking and then responded, "Zane, Heath, David, Alex and Liza."
I was surprised she could go out after getting the crap beaten out of her. The marks they left weren't so easy to hide. Hopefully she told David, Alex and Liza what happened, or at least the other two did. I don't need them freaking out.
"Nice! My favourite people!" I let out, covering my mouth after realising what I said.
Shit. I sound like a crazy fan.
"Didn't mean to say that," I said.
Gabbie just smiled at me and pointed to the kettle. It was whistling, telling me I was supposed to take it off.
"Well, I'll just make my tea, and then I'll go get ready."
It was about three P.M., and we were out with the rest of them for about two hours already. Now, we were just walking around the streets of L.A.
David came by with his vlog camera and "took" Gabbie's nose again like he always does for his vlogs. She started to throw a fake fit and chased after David, accidentally laughing a bit, breaking character.
"Jesus, Gabbie can't even hold character just like how she can't hold a boyfriend," David joked.
Everyone bursted out laughing, even Gabbie.
Through her laughing, she replied, "You're so accurate that I'm not even hurt."
Gabbie was so cute when she laughed. She smiled from ear to ear, her eyes shut and her laugh warmed my heart.
Liza then added, "Or even a date for that matter."
Everyone continued to laugh as Zane went to Gabbie, wrapping his arm around her neck, gently messing up her hair.
"Ow! Zane!" Gabbie chuckled, hitting his hand away.
Just as everyone was laughing, everyone tensed up and stopped laughing in unison.
"Aye, boys, isn't this the girl from last night? The one that got away?" a guy in a black leather jacker asked to his friend behind him, pointing towards Gabbie.
"Yeah, Ronny, it sure as hell is."
The brunette standing next to me began shaking as I went for her hand.
Fuck, this was them. This was the four guys, and no one was saying anything. Did I have to?
"What the hell do you guys want?" I asked as I glared at the guy in the front.
"Your little whore of a friend here. We've seen her on YouTube. We want her for ourselves."
I knew what this meant and immediately got defensive. They wanted to rape her, and shit, we had Liza with us too. They probably want her now too.
David finally said something, "Fuck off. Jesus. It's daytime. You guys aren't going to get away with it.
I saw David reach for Liza's hand, gripping it tightly. He was afraid that they were going to get his girlfriend too.
I looked over at Heath who was looking back at me, and we both nodded. Heath wasn't that injured from the night before and neither was Zane.
One more nod, and Heath and I charged at the guys.
In unison, we yelled, "Touch our friend, and we won't go easy on you!"
Heath began to swing at the guy in front of him, and everyone else did besides Gabbie and Liza. They were still frozen there.
The guys were stopped and finally left, and all of us were all sorts of fucked up.
Liza said softly, "Let's get you guys home, and thank you."
Gabbie wasn't saying a word, and I was scared. Could she be upset that we did that? I hope not...
We all finally got home, and Gabbie and I were silently sitting on the couch together.
"Astro, what the fuck were you actually thinking? Why the hell were you so stupid and decide to do that? You got hurt, dammit," she growled at me.
"I'm sorry if I was standing up for a friend who was about to be taken and raped by some weird dudes! Not on my watch. Especially not with you."
She just looked at me.
"Gabbie... I couldn't just let them touch you. I knew talking to them wasn't going to stop them. I'm sorry," I said, asking for forgiveness.
"It's fine. Just why that?" she asked again.
"I told you, Gabrielle," I snapped.
Oh, no, I used her full name.
"Why did you 'Gabrielle' me? I didn't do anything!" she snapped back.
"Look, leave it alone. I did it for our friends too."
Gabbie looked me in the eyes, stating, "It was just for me."
I groaned. I didn't want to tell her yet. Not now.
"It was for our friends," I said.
I sighed angrily, "Yes."
"Tell me the damn truth," Gabbie demanded.
I sat up, grabbing her hands.
"Or can you not tell me?"
I couldn't.
"I'm sorry," I replied softly and got up, leaving to my room.
(Play song here)
I heard a knock on my bedroom door a few hours later, and then it opened.
Who other to expect than Gabbie? No one.
"Seriously, why did you do that? I know you did it for our friends, but it seemed to be more than that. I saw your eyes during the fight. It was similar to the way you looked at me during my panic attack. Defensive. You looked like you were defending something that was yours... or that you wanted to be yours," Gabbie told me.
I sat up in my bed, patting next to me for her to sit down.
"Gabbie, I did it because... well, I like you. I like you a lot. I could never have you though. You're not even into me or the opposite sex for that matter. I've always liked you. You're so talented and amazing, and I love it. Jesus, you don't understand how it feels to like someone who would never like me back, and it-"
Before I could finish, Gabbie put her hand on my cheek, pulling my face to hers and kissed me.

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