Chapter 15

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   "Ash, do I really have to go?" she asked me with sadness in her dark eyes.
   I sighed and just grabbed her hand, rubbing my thumb against it. I didn't want it to come down to this, but I had no say in what happened to her. I could see an ocean of tears begin to form in her glass-like eyes. My heart shattered at the sight of her eyes looking like they were about to fall apart. She was broken, and I could feel her falling apart as I held her hand even tighter.
   I tried to smile to lighten the mood, but she wasn't paying attention. Tears were flowing down her cheeks like rivers. Her hands were pressed onto her face to try and cover up what was going on, trying to make sure I couldn't tell, but I knew Gabbie. I knew that she always covered her face so no one could see her tear soaked cheeks and watery eyes. She covered her face so that no one could see her cheeks turn the colour of a baby pink children's blanket.
   I heard muffled sniffs as she cried into her fragile hands. I could see her body tremble like a tiny earthquake, and I felt the bed tremble along with. It took every bone in me to just stay still so she wouldn't realise that I knew that she was breaking down, but I couldn't resist throwing my arms around her. 
   I heard a faint sound of a shoe hit the tile flooring and a soulless sigh. Hello. My name is Doctor Flint. I'll just ask a few questions before I give you a time for you to get picked up, Ms. Hanna."
   I let go of Gabbie and looked at the psychologist like nothing happened. Something was off about the psychologist. She seemed uneasy and untrustworthy. She didn't seem like she wanted to help.
   The psychologist glared at me, signalling me to get my ass out of there before she said something. I gave a quick nod and squeezed Gabbie's hand before I slid off the bed and past Doctor Flint.
   I sat outside of Gabbie's room with my head in my hands, using my hands to hold up its weight. I was tired, and all I wanted was to shut my eyes and let sleep take over me like an ocean flows over the shore, taking the sand back with it. I couldn't let myself sleep because Doctor Flint could come out and tell me that I could go back in.
   The harder I tried to stay awake, the more tiredness drew me closer to it. I finally let it and leaned my head against the cold wall, closing my heavy eyes. Before I knew it, I was dead asleep.
   I felt a slight shake on my shoulder trying to wake me. I rubbed my eyes, attempting to make myself more awake. I groggily answered, "Hm?"
   I could see Doctor Flint's saddening smile as she sighed, "Go back to your girlfriend. She will be going at about six pm. It's three forty right now. Enjoy it, I guess."
   I got up and walked into Gabbie's room. I saw her body laying there as if she were dead. Walking in slowly, I came closer by her side and sat in a chair that was neatly place by her bed.
   We sat there for a bit in silence before she broke it. "What if I come out worse?"
   I looked at her and sighed. I was thinking the same thing. A mental hospital keeps you inside and has you on a set routine. You aren't really allowed out too much, and the day consisted of classes and sitting with a bunch of other mentally ill patients. Some patients were crazier than others, and some were just creepy, and some were normal-ish. The food was basically equivalent to something taken out of a garbage. The beds and pillows felt like you are sleeping on rocks. You are always being monitored, especially at night. It may be good for some people to be admitted to a mental hospital, but Gabbie wouldn't do good there at all nor would it make her feel any less suicidal.
   I huffed. "Maybe you won't. Look, you'll be there for about a week or two. After you get out, I'll take you on an adventure and help you post a video to YouTube since I know you really miss talking to your fans."
   I finally saw a smile creep up on her face like a man who was lost in a cave for years and finally saw the sun again. "Sounds like a plan!" she exclaimed.
   There was more life in her now. She didn't look like she was laying on her death bed anymore.
   It was five forty, and I could see Gabbie get upset again.
   She cried, "I'm leaving in twenty minutes. I don't want to go."
   "I know, love. It'll be okay," I replied soothingly.
   It was six o'clock, and two men in white suits walked in. "Uh, ma'am, it's time to go. Please lay down on this bed outside."
   I gave Gabbie a hug, and it felt like the last one I was ever going to give her. I kissed her cheek gently before she let go and got out of her bed that she used for a while now. She walked slowly across the room and practically fell into the bed in front of her.
   I looked at her one last time before bursting into tears.

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